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ACM: Modify old version to new Heatsink?


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Plan to buy an ACM for my daughter (get rid of her 9b1/ use it as a guests EUC) ;) And may be I can ride it sometimes also :)

Is it possible to replace the heatsink to the latest version on a 1st batch run ACM? Do I need to cut anything on the shell?

Is there any firmware difference between the production batch runs? I'm not talking about the french firmware.

@Jane Mo Will there be a firmware update function in the future via App like Kingsong/ IPS/ Ninebot?

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6 hours ago, Jane Mo said:


I like your minimalism ;) 

Yes I can upgrade first batch ACMs to the new heat sink without cutting the shell? Drop in replacement?

Yes there will be a possibility to upgrade the firmware by the user in the future?

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@OliverH tell about the difference between the French firmware from another? in Russia there is a problem with so-called soft pedal in madden mode, a lot of people complain that the unicycle because of this unstable.

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56 minutes ago, Дмитрий Дмитрий said:

@OliverH tell about the difference between the French firmware from another? in Russia there is a problem with so-called soft pedal in madden mode, a lot of people complain that the unicycle because of this unstable.

What I understand: The French distributor requested a special configuration. The driving behaviour showed problems while braking in madden mode and some other issues. International ACM should not have been affected. I'm not a trusted source as I'm having no inside on the firmware and all I tell here is what I read on forums.  But the French ACMs were flashed with the international/ latest version and handling turned the French ACM in a totally different EUC. What I read in the French forum (https://www.espritroue.fr/topic/587-freinage-acm-v1/) people are very happy now with their French ACMs.

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25 minutes ago, Дмитрий Дмитрий said:

@OliverH tell about the difference between the French firmware from another? in Russia there is a problem with so-called soft pedal in madden mode, a lot of people complain that the unicycle because of this unstable.

The early version of the ACM was found to have various issues. Some of which have been fixed with a firmware update. People need to speak to their sellers and see if they will flash the new firmware.

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2 minutes ago, OliverH said:

@Jane Mo Will there be a firmware update function in the future via App like Kingsong/ IPS/ Ninebot? I've existing main boards on existing products (ACM) in mind.

now can only update by replace the mothrerboard

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Hi Jane,

Is the "Gotway motherboard" the same for (or compatible with...) all the Gotway models?

For example, can I replace my 1 year old MSuper2 motherboard (has a little smoked...) with a latest ACM16 one ...?

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22 hours ago, sbouju said:

Hi Jane,

Is the "Gotway motherboard" the same for (or compatible with...) all the Gotway models?

For example, can I replace my 1 year old MSuper2 motherboard (has a little smoked...) with a latest ACM16 one ...?

Motor is different, so you need different motor driver code.

The mcm4 and ACM having more components (light,..) and so on => additional firmware code

starting with MCM3, MCM4 and ACM the BT add on board is BT4/ BT LE capable => if move from SPP to GATT if not handled by the BT module => different firmware serial port code

The firmware code should be attached together in modules. You only need access to the source code ;)

In theory it would be possible to interchange the boards if you can put the right firmware on it.

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8 minutes ago, sbouju said:

Hi Jane,

Is the "Gotway motherboard" the same for (or compatible with...) all the Gotway models?

For example, can I replace my 1 year old MSuper2 motherboard (has a little smoked...) with a latest ACM16 one ...?

Hi Sylvain ! How are you ? long time no see ;)

MSuper is 18" and ACM16 is 16" so I guess many parameters might be off, at least the odometer, not sure about the balancing...

So I doubt it, or it would need to change the firmware, which does not seem to be possible.

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@OliverH@Reivax Thank you, as I was thinking something similar: in theory possible with (just...!) a model specific firmware... ;)

Xavier: bientôt réparé de ma dernière chute d'il y a 2 mois, et donc bientôt à nouveau sur la roue, j'espère! :)






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1 hour ago, sbouju said:

Hi Jane,

Is the "Gotway motherboard" the same for (or compatible with...) all the Gotway models?

For example, can I replace my 1 year old MSuper2 motherboard (has a little smoked...) with a latest ACM16 one ...?

not the same motherboard. you cannot replace it.

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