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MCM4 hard rockin'


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so i was just riding my mcm4 to work, getting all over confident with the speed and taking over all the cyclists (20-25kph). while going uphill (5%) the wheel started beeping (i have first and second beep disabled, so it was the three beeps alarm) so i slowed down a small bit.. accelerated a bit again, and all of a sudden it started rocking VERY hard back and forth, basically throwing me off the wheel (there's no way anyone could stay on it like that). luckily i managed to run off, and there was no one in direct proximity (wheel took some serious scratches though). 

Has anyone experienced this before? it scared the hell out of me (and could have had seriously bad consequences)

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I only realised lost of gyro sync after slipping away on a incline. The MSuper was on but didn't balance. I need to switch on/ off to fix it. I read somewhere that you can realise a back/ forward shaking in special events. It looks to be rare bust this looks to be a firmware bug where a usecase have no action behind.

Luck for you that you didn't make a faceplant.

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13 minutes ago, Tomek said:

so i was just riding my mcm4 to work, getting all over confident with the speed and taking over all the cyclists (20-25kph). while going uphill (5%) the wheel started beeping (i have first and second beep disabled, so it was the three beeps alarm) so i slowed down a small bit.. accelerated a bit again, and all of a sudden it started rocking VERY hard back and forth, basically throwing me off the wheel (there's no way anyone could stay on it like that). luckily i managed to run off, and there was no one in direct proximity (wheel took some serious scratches though). 

Has anyone experienced this before? it scared the hell out of me (and could have had seriously bad consequences)

It make three beeps alarms that means the wheel reach 80% efficiency motor power, it tilt-back and beep to stop you to continue go on, or the main board may burn out.  

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22 minutes ago, Linnea Lin Gotway said:

It make three beeps alarms that means the wheel reach 80% efficiency motor power, it tilt-back and beep to stop you to continue go on, or the main board may burn out.  

do you mean that "hard rocking" back and forth is a form of tilt-back?

I understand that such rocking is not intended, but I think I can reason it's technical underpinnings - i.e. the wheel needs to accelerate to tilt back, it has no more power, so it slows down, then it has power again, so it accelerates again... well, it's not so nice from the rider's perspective who falls off the wheel anyway. on the other hand it IS much better than a complete cut off, which would probably lead me to breaking my nose, or a fried board, which would also lead to a cut-off (and a broken nose).

btw. @Linnea Lin Gotway, I really appreciate how active you (and Gotway through you) are on this forum :)

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12 minutes ago, Tomek said:

do you mean that "hard rocking" back and forth is a form of tilt-back?

I understand that such rocking is not intended, but I think I can reason it's technical underpinnings - i.e. the wheel needs to accelerate to tilt back, it has no more power, so it slows down, then it has power again, so it accelerates again... well, it's not so nice from the rider's perspective who falls off the wheel anyway. on the other hand it IS much better than a complete cut off, which would probably lead me to breaking my nose, or a fried board, which would also lead to a cut-off (and a broken nose).

btw. @Linnea Lin Gotway, I really appreciate how active you (and Gotway through you) are on this forum :)

@Linnea Lin Gotway Maybe this should be simulated on a bench to fix it. The EU doesn't know anything about driving an incline (it would read a high current load, very constant)? Is there a table/ map in the firmware with load conditions interacting with tilt back?

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Well, two lessons I've learned:

1. don't even come close to full speed on inclines

2. never fully trust your wheel (no matter how much you love it)

...and get a bloody helmet and wrist guards (I wasn't wearing any protection)

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45 minutes ago, Tomek said:

do you mean that "hard rocking" back and forth is a form of tilt-back?

I understand that such rocking is not intended, but I think I can reason it's technical underpinnings - i.e. the wheel needs to accelerate to tilt back, it has no more power, so it slows down, then it has power again, so it accelerates again... well, it's not so nice from the rider's perspective who falls off the wheel anyway. on the other hand it IS much better than a complete cut off, which would probably lead me to breaking my nose, or a fried board, which would also lead to a cut-off (and a broken nose).

btw. @Linnea Lin Gotway, I really appreciate how active you (and Gotway through you) are on this forum :)

You have mentioned that you try to climb the hills but it make three beeping, 3 beeping is obviously the efficiency alarm. Efficiency alarm happened when the wheel bare the 80% of the max load, and reach the 80% of the max speed. It is design to notice people who try to reach the max speed. Make sure you don't reach the 80% of max speed or exceed 80% of the max load, feel free to send me message to check if there is any problem with the wheel.

33 minutes ago, OliverH said:

@Linnea Lin Gotway Maybe this should be simulated on a bench to fix it. The EU doesn't know anything about driving an incline (it would read a high current load, very constant)? Is there a table/ map in the firmware with load conditions interacting with tilt back?

Oh god, I think I need to learn more knowledge about Electokinetic so I can reply your question well. 

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5 minutes ago, Linnea Lin Gotway said:

You have mentioned that you try to climb the hills but it make three beeping, 3 beeping is obviously the efficiency alarm. Efficiency alarm happened when the wheel bare the 80% of the max load, and reach the 80% of the max speed. It is design to notice people who try to reach the max speed. Make sure you don't reach the 80% of max speed or exceed 80% of the max load, feel free to send me message to check if there is any problem with the wheel.

Oh god, I think I need to learn more knowledge about Electokinetic so I can reply your question well. 

You're in sales and I'm an interested customer ;) If you look on a car with it's engine ECU. There are so much maps which controls all conditions. All kind of this maps are connected in a data diagram.

If we go over to an EU it would be interesting how it looks like if you draw this diagram and follow the path to see if there's a behaviour handling for the case (usecase/ behaviour handling) above from Tomek.

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4 hours ago, WakefulTraveller said:

Could this be because of a loose power cable or something like that?

no, definitely not

besides, before and after the wheel rides perfectly ok

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  • 2 weeks later...

I crashed today with my MCM4. I had accelerated quickly and got it to beep continuously. I'm not completely sure about what happened. Maybe a cutoff or me just leaning forward too much and lost balance because of some bumps in the road. It beeped in the ground like it normally does after falling, so I turned it off and back on to continue driving.

What is interesting is that after falling, when I started to drive again I noticed that my EUC was not allright. Normally it has been almost in 90 degree angle when it's balanced = not moving forward or backward. After the crash while not moving it was pointed to sky like it would have had the most extreme tilt back.

After I arrived to home I looked at it more and become certain that everything was not okay. It really was leaning backwards when balanced not to move. I looked at the gotway app and found there the horizontal calibration. I made it to my wheel and I think that fixed the problem.

Have anyone ever experienced this before? This was the second falling for me with my MCM4 and at the first time nothing happened to it.

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22 hours ago, Vihtori said:

I crashed today with my MCM4. I had accelerated quickly and got it to beep continuously. I'm not completely sure about what happened. Maybe a cutoff or me just leaning forward too much and lost balance because of some bumps in the road. It beeped in the ground like it normally does after falling, so I turned it off and back on to continue driving.

What is interesting is that after falling, when I started to drive again I noticed that my EUC was not allright. Normally it has been almost in 90 degree angle when it's balanced = not moving forward or backward. After the crash while not moving it was pointed to sky like it would have had the most extreme tilt back.

After I arrived to home I looked at it more and become certain that everything was not okay. It really was leaning backwards when balanced not to move. I looked at the gotway app and found there the horizontal calibration. I made it to my wheel and I think that fixed the problem.

Have anyone ever experienced this before? This was the second falling for me with my MCM4 and at the first time nothing happened to it.

Maybe the mainboard moved a bit on the crash and the gyro position changed, plain physical shock shouldn't change the calibration values stored in the mainboard Flash/EEPROM/whatevertheyuse.  Really just guessing though.

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