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2024 Begode Falcon - 14", Suspension, 100 V, 900 Wh, 1000 W Motor


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2 hours ago, Skampster said:

Хорошо, только что совершил свою первую поездку, зарядил его на 100% и смог проехать всего 36 км со средней скоростью от 30 до 40 км/ч. Я вешу около 77 кг. Когда я вернулся домой после отдыха, напряжение было 80 В. Поездка была очень приятной, у меня все еще есть проблемы с кренами на этих маленьких колесах влево и вправо, по сравнению с моими Lynx и Sherman S, на которых у меня нет проблем с кренами на этих колесах, но то же самое и на моем 16x. Я не знаю, почему на меньших колесах мне сложнее поворачивать на длинных поворотах. 
Но в любом случае, 35 км — это как раз то, что мне нужно на таком колесе. Это колесо было куплено в основном для перевозки на работу обратно в плохую погоду. Эта поездка туда и обратно составляет всего 12 км.

но в целом это хорошее колесо, но я думаю, что оно немного дороговато для своей цены.

Thank you!  I guess the high price is due to the quality of the workmanship.  Compared to the A2, the Falcon seems to be built better.  This applies to the motherboard, batteries and unique shock absorbers.  The concept for this wheel was commissioned from Begode from Onewheel.  If Falcon were a more mainstream product, the price would come down.


 It seems to me that the problem with turns is due to the fact that you are used to driving heavy wheels with a large gyroscopic effect, the range of influence on small wheels is much smaller, plus perhaps this is the influence of the tire, which can fall into the turn. What do you think about it? What tire do you have?

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3 hours ago, Skampster said:

I don’t know why smaller wheels for me are more difficult to turn on long corners. 

I used to have that problem until I read a post where someone said to make sure that the wheel is resting against your outside leg when cornering.  E.g. if turning left, let the wheel press against the inside of your right leg.  Now I find I can turn at speed super quickly on a small wheel.  Hope that helps!

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2 hours ago, Elitcons said:

What do you think about it? What tire do you have?

The Falcon has the stock road tyre and the Lynx and SS have the default Kenda. 

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In this video, a rider rides on a street tire and complains about its oversteer. Keep in mind))

In this video, a racer rides on a street tire and complains about how it oversteers. Keep in mind)) He also notes that on longitudinal road markings it is easily wobbled

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On 3/27/2024 at 3:55 AM, Funky said:

I think there quite more.. Yeah i know it's a niche. But how great is it to push your EUC not powered on? I think that's great..

Most people push powered ON their EUC from front door to the stand. :D 

Quite a long time ago, I acquired the habit to never power the wheel off when the trolley handle is extracted, because powering the wheel off makes the extracted handle quite vulnerable. What's the advantage of turning the wheel off before the handle is pushed back? What is so great about this habit?

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56 minutes ago, Mono said:

Quite a long time ago, I acquired the habit to never power the wheel off when the trolley handle is extracted, because powering the wheel off makes the extracted handle quite vulnerable. What's the advantage of turning the wheel off before the handle is pushed back? What is so great about this habit?

In my case 18xl handle is trolley/carry in one. I push the unpowered wheel around while handle is pushed down in.. If it was extended - you would have hard time pushing unbalancing wheel around.. You had the idea of it being extended. :D 

I need to lift the wheel of stand anyways.. What's the point of powering it on and moving 1-2 feet to exit door - where you gonna need to re-lift it anyways. Easier is to simply carry to to exit door and down the staircase. Not putting wheel down from stand > powering it up > trolleying it 1/2 feet to exit door > re-lifting.. 2 pointless actions skipped.

As for pushing wheel around while it's unpowered - when i come home - i turn wheel off at staircase. As you gonna need to lift it and put down at apartment door and again lift/put down. I simply put it betwheen my legs while i unlock the door and then lean it against wall while i lockup. Then i simply push it unpowered from the wall to my stand.

I could keep it powered on.. And turn it off right at stand. But lifting/putting down all the time. The beeps get annoying. It's simpler to carry/push it unpowered. (And if wheel didn't have motor kill button built in the handle and you would need double tap or turn off the wheel each time you would want to lift over something.. FUCK THAT. Example -  Falcon.) In that case only option is to turn the wheel completely off! Or needing to go in wheel well 4/6 times turning motor on/off..


It's small thing, but it's something.. And if you need to do that 2/4 times a day like a clockwork - you notice these small annoying things..

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3 hours ago, Mono said:

What's the advantage of turning the wheel off before the handle is pushed back? What is so great about this habit?

The MCM5 is light enough, and the trolley handle sticky enough, that you can fully manipulate and maneuver the wheel while powered off, like luggage or a measuring wheel.

This has the following benefits:

  • Don't have to engage the loud power-on beep to move the wheel.
    Useful for anyone considerate of people sleeping or trying to sneak out of work early or on a ninja mission.
  • Out of battery - easy to walk with.
  • Quick transitions without engaging the lift switch
    Useful during crowded multi-modal commuting, where you have to transition from walking to stairs/escalator and don't want to hold up the crowd behind you waiting for the lift switch to engage.
  • Stealthy public transit usage
    Useful when boarding a bus or train when you don't want to draw the attention of a transit worker by engaging a beeping lift switch or powering off.
  • Quiet Environments
    Useful when trolley through a quiet library, museum, office or restaurant, where you don't want the fans or motor hum heard.
  • Avoid EMF Disruptions
    Some riders have reported control board malfunctions when taking their wheel through security scanners at stores. Power your wheel off and trolley without worry.

Most of these scenarios won't apply to the recreational riders who only take their big performance wheels out for fun cruises or off-road trails, but for those of us who use our wheels for daily commuting through urban environments, the powered-off trolley capability is a very useful ergonomic feature.

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@Asphalt, I see, you seem to plead against stupid beeps, and I am all for that too!

I don't have the beep or a noise problem tough :D except when extracting the trolley handle. I find navigating without motor in tight or crowded spaces and in particular in a train or bus considerably more difficult (and it takes more space for tilting the wheel). So for me, the smoother stair transitioning remains as an advantage, though due to hundreds and hundreds of repetitions, my transitions are already pretty smooth by now.

5 hours ago, Funky said:

I push the unpowered wheel around while handle is pushed down in.

I see, I didn't expect that indeed, it doesn't sound like a sustainable use case to me, in particular for passing a closed door.

5 hours ago, Funky said:

you notice these small annoying things..

Needing to push a small-ish wheel without the help of a trolley handle doesn't even look like a small annoyance to the regular convenience user in me. Mileages vary.

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2 hours ago, Mono said:

Needing to push a small-ish wheel without the help of a trolley handle doesn't even look like a small annoyance to the regular convenience user in me. Mileages vary.

By small annoying things i meant - wheel having motor kill switch somewhere under wheel and not easy/fast accessible. If motor kill switch is right next to carry handle, or built in it - perfect.

As for pushing it around while being off - it's simply more convenience for me personally. No need to hear beeps and press power button. Simply chug it in stand and be done. No need to lean down, press button, or at staircase stop and lift it.. (If you don't stop and wait little bit - it can free spin.. If i lift it before stopping.. By turning it off - i don't need to worry about any of that. True those 2-3 "mini" lift over doorway, etc..)

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3 hours ago, Mono said:

I find navigating without motor in tight or crowded spaces and in particular in a train or bus considerably more difficult (and it takes more space for tilting the wheel).

I can see how trolleying the V8 and V8F in crowded spaces is more difficult when powered off - InMotion made the trolley extension too smooth!

Gotway's crappy manufacturing tolerances results in friction for the entire trolley extension, which allows you to push the MCM5 by the trolley. Doing the same with the V8 and V8F likely results in the trolley handle collapsing into the body.


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3 hours ago, Mono said:

@Asphalt, I see, you seem to plead against stupid beeps, and I am all for that too!

If there was a single firmware feature that I'd like to see, it'd be the option to disable the power on-off beeps!
Or at least be able to customize the volume independently of the cut-out beeps.

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13 hours ago, Funky said:

If you don't stop and wait little bit - it can free spin.

This virtually never happens with any of the V8 series wheels. For sure I don't stop and wait until I lift the wheel up. In fact, I don't even get to a full stop! The software handles this awesomely well and the switch is unmissable when lifting the wheel with the main handle. The only complaint I have is that I can't lift the powered wheel with the extended trolley handle.

13 hours ago, Asphalt said:

Doing the same with the V8 and V8F likely results in the trolley handle collapsing into the body.

The trolley is locked when extended, it's flimsy but won't give in and probably won't break either, unless you drop it

13 hours ago, Asphalt said:

If there was a single firmware feature that I'd like to see, it'd be the option to disable the power on-off beeps!
Or at least be able to customize the volume independently of the cut-out beeps.

My InMotion wheels have exactly that, a volume slider for the unnecessary feedback sounds, besides that it makes a much less annoying bubbly sound when powering up/down.

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This virtually never happens with any of the V8 series wheels. For sure I don't stop and wait until I lift the wheel up. In fact, I don't even get to a full stop! The software handles this awesomely well and the switch is unmissable when lifting the wheel with the main handle. The only complaint I have is that I can't lift the powered wheel with the extended trolley handle.

Ah yes that is one of the things I miss about the V8 - the instant lift switch. The MCM5 has something like a 1-second delay after engaging the lift switch, which makes transitions jerkier than necessary.


The trolley is locked when extended, it's flimsy but won't give in and probably won't break either, unless you drop it

Thank-you for clarifying, of course it makes sense that it would lock when fully extended. If InMotion could beef up the trolley handle rods a few millimeters and reduce the flimsiness, it would improve powered-off maneuverability.


My InMotion wheels have exactly that, a volume slider for the unnecessary feedback sounds, besides that it makes a much less annoying bubbly sound when powering up/down.

Great to hear that InMotion added this feature since I've owned a V8.


The V8-series is one of the best for ergonomics. 

If InMotion could find a way to make it cruise at 50kph, they'd have a winner.

Here's hoping that the V18 is a V8 with a Raptor controller :dribble:

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On 7/16/2024 at 10:10 PM, Funky said:

Then why are you riding this wheel with cars? That's the real question.. On sidewalks this wheel would be perfect.

Because the speed limit is 25 mph where I live. 

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1 hour ago, Ben Kim said:

Because the speed limit is 25 mph where I live. 

Doesn't mean cars user are obeying it. :D I would imagine most would ride around 30mph. If not more..

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Hi all. My Falcon just came in! My first wheel that can do more than 11mph (I also have the MTen Mini).  I don't seem to be able to post pictures yet, but I thought I'd mention that the Falcon does, in fact, fit in the Model Y frunk as well as the sub-trunk in the back. They're both tight squeezes, but they fit.

Also, many people have been mentioning that the Falcon is so small and lightweight. However coming from the MTen Mini, I can say that the Falcon is huge and super heavy. So I suppose it's all perspective.

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Great news - my local shop also will be having Falcon in stock. Will need to go and check it out in real life. Maybe even buy it the same day. :D 

I still don't know, if i should go street tire or knobby.. Which tire is ticker/harder to puncture?  I don't really have any cornering to do.. Most paths i ride are, emm how to say it - the path that turns have bid radius? It doesn't turn 90 degree in small radius? And most times i'm simply riding straight anyways. I'm riding mostly those small brick pavements. Any input about which tire i would be better off?

I don't really have a preference. As i have been riding only CST C-1488 and Heidenau K66 tires on my ks18xl.

If it helps i'm cornering like this: (Red - wheel pressed against leg > Lean) I have heard some do it the other way around???



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Since you have access to a physical shop, you're blessed to try both tires.
You can only extract so much theory from the internet, I've only had like a 50% success rate with wheels I purchased with high recommendations from various riders, come to find that they don't work for me (V12HT, EB mini, S16P, likely adding mten5)
CST 1488 on my T3 was nice while the tread lasted.
Really wanted to get into knobby's but they're just straight up too noisy for my neighborhood (mten4 and S16P would get me elderly stares) and I rather not get complaints as the only EUC rider here.

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13 minutes ago, slippyfeet said:

Since you have access to a physical shop, you're blessed to try both tires.
You can only extract so much theory from the internet, I've only had like a 50% success rate with wheels I purchased with high recommendations from various riders, come to find that they don't work for me (V12HT, EB mini, S16P, likely adding mten5)
CST 1488 on my T3 was nice while the tread lasted.
Really wanted to get into knobby's but they're just straight up too noisy for my neighborhood (mten4 and S16P would get me elderly stares) and I rather not get complaints as the only EUC rider here.

I can't ride it... Only lift/carry test, take a look at it in person. Maybe i could talk the seller in letting me try out suspension in store.

 Sadly can't simply take it out for a ride.. You know - what if buyer crashes or damage the wheel?

At least i don't have a worry about not liking it - it's the only wheel i have generally liked.. (Nothing else even catches my eye.)

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9 hours ago, Funky said:

Sadly can't simply take it out for a ride.. You know - what if buyer crashes or damage the wheel?

You mean the store owner won't even let you ride slowly in the store?

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10 hours ago, slippyfeet said:

Since you have access to a physical shop, you're blessed to try both tires.
You can only extract so much theory from the internet, I've only had like a 50% success rate with wheels I purchased with high recommendations from various riders, come to find that they don't work for me (V12HT, EB mini, S16P, likely adding mten5)
CST 1488 on my T3 was nice while the tread lasted.
Really wanted to get into knobby's but they're just straight up too noisy for my neighborhood (mten4 and S16P would get me elderly stares) and I rather not get complaints as the only EUC rider here.

The mten4 is loud sounds like a motorbike  becuz of the knobby tire. They have a street tire option. S16pro is pretty quiet except the whirring of the motor sounds very cool.

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10 hours ago, Funky said:

I can't ride it... Only lift/carry test, take a look at it in person. Maybe i could talk the seller in letting me try out suspension in store.

 Sadly can't simply take it out for a ride.. You know - what if buyer crashes or damage the wheel?

At least i don't have a worry about not liking it - it's the only wheel i have generally liked.. (Nothing else even catches my eye.)

Youll even get the falcon before me lol i get mine in 2weeks. If this thing moves like a mten4 im going to love to rip around in it.

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2 hours ago, Standard4130 said:

Pain in the butt to do on this wheel so order choice is pretty important IMO.

Any particular part of the tyre change that was the most painful?

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