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Board design from these guys has come along a decent way in the past few years, Ninebot was a bit ahead of their time with smart BMS and well designed stuff, just wasn't a super high powered platform. When you look at older models you see the old designs. Even begode has stepped up their game a good bit, but still pretty bare bones on the components (which isn't necessarily a bad thing)

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8 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Facts can be wrong, but opinions are neither right or wrong, but unique to each rider, and of course each reviewer has one, and their own biases.

What I meant was that opinions can be based on faulty or missing information, making them uneducated and pointless.

Racing riders and many other YT persons tend to say how hard mode is the best, and they don’t often even try other riding modes. This results in beginners and even more advanced riders using hard mode “because YouTube says so”. This sucks, because it’s usually not the best choice for riders, especially beginners.

It also skews wheel comparisons, because some wheels’ hard mode is closer to another’s medium. Then they point to the differences in wheel model acceleration behaviors, when in fact what they tested for was ride mode differences.

8 hours ago, Cerbera said:

And when, over the years, you hear many many different people all saying the same thing about it, then the likelihood that they are all lying very much decreases.

Echo chambers work exactly like that. Nobody needs to even actually test the claim, because “everybody knows” it already. 80% charging was another example. “Everybody knows” that it prolongs li-ion battery life, so that’s what they recommend for EUCs, without having investigated even a little so they’d have found out that it results in badly balanced packs and early battery failures.

 What I’m calling you out on is that Begode having the “best ride feel” isn’t your opinion. It’s the opinion of the ones you follow. And probably not even a well founded opinion on all of them either. You’re putting too much trust in YouTubers. They’re just guys like you and me.

8 hours ago, Cerbera said:

as shown by the (relatively)vast numbers of people who had the choice, and chose them, or Gotway before them

Do you really think that it says anything about their quality or dependability? Look up the Ecodrift warranty charts. I believe the latest public one is unfortunately from 2019, but it paints a pretty grim picture for Begode. And “everybody knows” how the Master has made it even worse.

8 hours ago, Cerbera said:

nearly every time you see someone in a race, or winning one, they almost exclusively have a Begode between their legs doing it !

Do you think that makes it a good choice for commuting and Sunday cruises? I mean, a winning WRC rally car would be one of the crappiest choices for my personal car. The amount of constant expensive maintenance it requires, besides offering crappy comfort and usability.

I suggest to be slightly more critical and sceptical about what you hear and read.

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3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

What I’m calling you out on is that Begode having the “best ride feel” isn’t your opinion. It’s the opinion of the ones you follow.

Yes, the multiple opinions of people much more widely experienced than myself. I would say that is superior to just spouting my own, narrow opinion, aware of its limitations as I am...

Are you really telling me people like Marty Backe and Roger EUC don't know what they are talking about or don't have actual first-person experience with all these wheels, or have opinions I should wholesale ignore ? Having followed them, and hundreds more like them for over 10 years now, I am consistently impressed by the thoroughness and rigor in what they ride and how, that I am forced to respect their opinions, whether they chime with my own or not. That doesn't seem insensible to me. This assertion is not based on watching 2 short videos. It is a general impression informed by thousands of actual ride videos, and 10s of thousands of articles, forum threads and reports over a relatively huge span of time. My 'bullshit detector' is just as active as yours, and I rather resent the implication that you seem to think I can't distinguish between good and bad reviews and people who are experts versus people who are being paid to promote a specific wheel. Sometimes there is an overlap, and people are both, but this does not make their opinions irrelevant !

Again and again I hear people mentioning the Begode Ride-feel actually WHILE they are riding one, having previously ridden something else with which to compare it. If what you are saying is true about echo chambers and biases, and you think that can't be mitigated by vast numbers of people saying the same thing, then what is the point of anyone ever having reviewed an EUC or made a video containing their honest thoughts about them ?! These things are not valueless as you seem to imply...

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I have to agree in what @Cerbera tells , even if I haven't tried very many wheels - every time
I go for a ride on my RS it puts a special smile on my face because the feeling of the
ride is incomparably better than anything else I have tried. My best description is:
Better response, more softness/smoothness and a better feeling of being able to feel what
the road under the tire is like.  I think the secret lies in the simplicity - basically all
wheels are almost the same, and over time several manufacturers have even used engines built by
the same company.  The functionality is the same, so there may be a little difference in the
type of tire, pedal height, weight distribution, but when all is said and done, I think that
Begode's perhaps very simple approach to the controller's function and design (there are not
many possibilities for adjustments), is precisely what makes the difference.  The only thing I
have ever changed in the setup on my RS is to calibrate once, check if hard mode is default,
and disable all alerts.  After that, no fuss, just ride. It's simple, but it works damn well.


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16 hours ago, onewheelkoregro said:

I have played sports my whole life and I realize that things happen and I happened to be the jackass that got struck by lightning. I continued to ride home and just took it easier. I really can't wait for my new wheel to come

Mm. As sad as it is to admit that "shit happens" it's probably psycologically the best way to get past the grief about this.

If you think that you fell because of a software error then maybe buying a simpler wheel will help address that concern of it happening again.

And perhaps to never perform firmware updates once the wheel has been reliable for some time.

If you think it had to do with a hardware quality issue, compare your logs with other riders. Use massive headrooms. Heavy rider? Get a HT wheel that laughs at your weight.

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2 hours ago, alcatraz said:

Mm. As sad as it is to admit that "shit happens" it's probably psycologically the best way to get past the grief about this.

If you think that you fell because of a software error then maybe buying a simpler wheel will help address that concern of it happening again.

And perhaps to never perform firmware updates once the wheel has been reliable for some time.

If you think it had to do with a hardware quality issue, compare your logs with other riders. Use massive headrooms. Heavy rider? Get a HT wheel that laughs at your weight.

That was my concern when I first bought the 16x, I weighed around 260 when I ordered it got down to 250 when it arrived but I am probably down to 205 now. But would still sometimes get an overpower alert going home sometimes

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3 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Are you really telling me people like Marty Backe and Roger EUC don't know what they are talking about or don't have actual first-person experience with all these wheels, or have opinions I should wholesale ignore ?

Of course they have first hand experience, but they definitely also have opinions that should be ignored. Not many, but some. Marty & co’s V13 testing was a downright disaster with the ride mode settings. They had no idea what they were doing.

3 hours ago, Cerbera said:

I rather resent the implication that you seem to think I can't distinguish between good and bad reviews and people who are experts versus people who are being paid to promote a specific wheel.

That’s not at all what I was saying! Good reviews by experts can still have individual subjects and features that they don’t go through in detail. What I’ve noticed is that none of the Inmotion reviews I’ve seen go through the settings in detail, explain what they do, or for example describe how to get a ride feel very close to the Begode house feel.

It’s not that I’m really blaming them either though. Getting familiar with such a wide array of settings takes a huge amount of time, and the general trend is to get the review out asap. And even those who don’t hurry with the review, even they don’t seem to actually go through the settings enough to understand what each of them does through the range of the adjustment.

3 hours ago, Cerbera said:

Again and again I hear people mentioning the Begode Ride-feel actually WHILE they are riding one, having previously ridden something else with which to compare it.

Me too. I have ridden 14000km with a GotWay, and tested a lot of other GotWays and Begodes. With specific split mode settings on the V11 I can get quite close to the generic GotWay/Begode feel. But more importantly, I can improve on it a whole lot, since I have never liked the GW/Begode ride feel.

3 hours ago, Cerbera said:

If what you are saying is true about echo chambers and biases, and you think that can't be mitigated by vast numbers of people saying the same thing, then what is the point of anyone ever having reviewed an EUC or made a video containing their honest thoughts about them ?! These things are not valueless as you seem to imply...

Valueless? Absolutely not! I’m only talking about the intricate details that the current firmwares on Inmotions can provide, and that reviewers never seem to go to the lengths of familiarizing with them. They rarely even try out the three modes on other wheels for longer than a quick test. That’s not how one learns how to get the best out of each ride mode.

 But again, I’m only talking about this one single aspect. It doesn’t make the review bad or the reviewer unprofessional or inexperienced.

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6 hours ago, onewheelkoregro said:

That was my concern when I first bought the 16x, I weighed around 260 when I ordered it got down to 250 when it arrived but I am probably down to 205 now. But would still sometimes get an overpower alert going home sometimes

I weight 280lbs and haven't had one single problem with my 18xl. But same time i don't go faster than ~43km/h speeds. Most times stay in 35-40km/h. And never ride under 50% battery. Around 50% battery wheel starts to speed limit me, when i try to go over 40km/h. So i already know i can't really go over 40km/h, if my battery is around 60% or lower.

And your wheel being a "45km/h" wheel in reality - you where already pushing it's limits each ride. I bet that wind blowing in your face did the trick to push the wheel over it's limits.

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6 minutes ago, Funky said:

I will be admin for one second. @mrelwood @Cerbera Stay on topic! Or make your own love quale topic and keep chatting till your hearts content.

Now hug it out. I said HUG it OUT! :innocent1: 

There's no need for hugs - I have a lot of respect for @mrelwood and his opinions, and his own videos are one small part of the many I learn from and enjoy. Neither of us are being rude to one another, we are just having a discussion about Begode ride feel and the importance or not of first person experience in espousing opinions about it... But point taken, here is probably not the place to do it, and I don't feel the need for a separate thread about it either, so here ends my contribution to it ! :)

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8 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

There's no need for hugs - I have a lot of respect for @mrelwood and his opinions, and his own videos are one small part of the many I enjoy. Neither of us are being rude to one another, we are just having a discussion about Begode ride feel and the importance or not of first person experience in espousing opinions about it... But point taken, here is probably not the place to do it, and I don't feel the need for a separate thread about it either, so here ends my contribution to it ! :)

I got that already. I personally don't get how wheel can feel better and thing like that.. You got tire and it goes forwards/backwards??? What feeling is there lol.

If you lean more then any wheel will feel more zippy and things like that. But same time i have ridden only 2 wheels 16s and my 18xl.. So i can't really say much.

You simply are standing on euc and it goes forwards.. What feeling can there be? :D (Maybe knowing that it can blow up any second, make your ass more pucker up? Are talking about that feeling?) < joke.

@mrelwood make separate post and lets continue our 3triplet love quale. :D 

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11 hours ago, chanman said:

Board design from these guys has come along a decent way in the past few years, Ninebot was a bit ahead of their time with smart BMS and well designed stuff, just wasn't a super high powered platform. When you look at older models you see the old designs. Even begode has stepped up their game a good bit, but still pretty bare bones on the components (which isn't necessarily a bad thing)

I watched the Begode factory tour

But honestly it wasn't much to watch. I like King's Song's fun, smart and hard working company culture better than Begodes. I posted the King Song tour already over in their factory location thread if you want to see the difference in company culture for yourself.

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1 hour ago, Funky said:

What feeling can there be?

You need to try different wheels to understand. The minute details on how the wheel responds to various acceleration and braking inputs causes every so slight movements in the pedals.

 Try hard, medium and soft mode on your wheel to get a picture on how the feeling can be different. Though those three are still all KS, but you’ll get some idea.

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5 hours ago, mrelwood said:

With specific split mode settings on the V11 I can get quite close to the generic GotWay/Begode feel.

Since this thread is already so far off topic………. Can you tell me what settings you’re using on the v11 to get close to the begode feeling? I’d like to try on mine and see. 

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20 hours ago, Hellkitten said:

Can you tell me what settings you’re using on the v11 to get close to the begode feeling?

I didn’t write it down, but it was possibly something like Off-roading 70-100%, Split mode 80/80 or 90/90. I can try to find the behavior the next time I go for a ride.

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Noodled a bit on the yard. Based on my memory of the GotWay/Begode feel, the V11 adjustments:

GotWay Hard: Off-Roading 100%, split 80% 75%.

Gotway medium: Commuting 100%, split 40% 60%.

GotWay soft: Off-Roading 30%, split 25% 30%.

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