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I am fucking getting tired of the fucking cars not watching out... Stopping after the stop sign, stopping on the sidewalk or crosswalk!!!

Another car instants me riding south on the north berm(the only side all pedestrians walk and ride bikes) a North bound car naw me coming up the hill, and deliberately went into the berm to turn right... I was already through halfway through intersection when the bitch went onto the berm... No way for me to stop, did a head-on collision and she didn't stop until the bottom of driveway...

The fucking ambulance crew cut though EVERYTHING, safety protection (even though it was Velcro) my safety belt harness (right next to buckle) my leather jacket shirt and pants... I was naked by the time I reached the hospital!!! Thought I broke a bone after flying through the air into guardrails facing down into concrete.... All I got was a very bruised fibula and muscles can't use for several days... S22 broken front light and handle and missing 3d printed seat... And lots of scraps... 

Edited by MetricUSA
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Totally understand the frustration on both counts ! I am sufficiently suspicious of cars that I won't ride on roads with them much at all, but they are still constantly annoying me with their 'lesser infractions' and 'general inconsideration for everyone else' they do; parking in the ride path, behaving as if we are not there in car parks, passing us ridiculously close, beeping horns for no good reason etc etc. Sometimes they are even annoying when being nice - like when they stop for you at a crossing and wave you across magnanimously, yet can't see (or haven't seen) that it is not safe for you to go for other reasons, which then leads to a delay, and some anger when they can't understand why you remain stationary !

Obviously a lot worse for the actively dangerous stuff they do like in the case you mentioned...

We haven't got much in the way of strong arguments against ambulance staff though - imagine if you died because they spent 10 mins diligently trying to undo your velcro and zips and belts and whatnot - best thing we can do after a crash is try and do as much of it as possible for them before they arrive !!



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I have to disagree, my life was not endangered or trapped in a crushed car, I was laying on concrete with only an injured arm, no fucking reason to cut off my pants or belt!!! And I could have taken off my jacket and protection gear!!! They get no slack for being lazy... 

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1 hour ago, MetricUSA said:

They get no slack for being lazy... 

It's not laziness, they have no idea what your injuries are and could easily compound the problem by un-velcroing your clothes. Let's say you had multiple breaks in your legs and in the process of removing you pants to check the bones ruptured your carotid artery causing you to bleed to death internally before you make it to the hospital.  Maybe you should have stood up and said I'm ok , no need to cut my cloths off if you weren't that badly injured.

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Be glad you didn't break anything and can leave the hospital same day. Multiple overnight stays can rack up the bill to the tens of thousands!

The destroyed gear can be replaced with the drivers insurance i presume?


Ride like every car is a drunk texting 18 year old dumbass and you'll be fine :P

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I'm pretty sure I've read anecdotes of people crawling away bleeding to avoid ambulance bills. I've also driven myself to the hospital with a severly broken wrist with the same motivations (also the one time I was grateful for having an automatic transmission). Whatever services you can absolutely avoid in the American medical system, I would do so because they all tend to be very costly.

20 minutes ago, Murdomeek said:

Multiple overnight stays can rack up the bill to the tens of thousands!

Yes, and speaking of hospital bills, some other tips I've learned over the years:

If you do find yourself hospitalized, certain kinds of painkillers will prolong your stay and wrack up the bills if you are trying to leave under your own recognizance (requiring time before you're allowed to drive) so it may be in your financial benefit to refuse them or proactively ask next steps to even be in a position to refuse depending on your circumstances. Also, don't take the wheel chair service if you can walk. You'll get billed for everything, and without insurance or subsidy, the "retail" prices are beyond stupid.

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Ah this topic reminded me of another tip riding or biking amongst traffic.

Never ever assume drivers understand what your Left and Right hand signaling means. Especially on left turns. Absolutely never rely on that.

A driver may even assume you're giving them the go-ahead to pass you when you are signaling you'll be turning left. One close call was all it took for me to take that lesson to heart.

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9 hours ago, bracky72 said:

You should have gotten up and shown them you were fine. 

don't think he was fine or he would have gotten up. from OP sounds like was injured but unsure to what extent and hence unable to waive off the EMTs. drag to lose all that expensive gear but the EMTs are assuming you have injuries unless you can prove otherwise. good argument for using old hockey equipment as protective gear - much cheaper to replace!


People - it's McSaviour! He can ride as many EUC as he wants...

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Riding with cars can be pretty nerve-wracking. If you've ever had a car accelerate into you, then you know how scary it can be. 

What seems to work for me is being highly visible. Lights on my wrist guard, lights on my chest armor, powerful front headlight on helmet, rear lights on helmet and body/bag. Not to mention, a reflective gear on the shoes, knee guard, elbow pads, chest armor and helmet. 


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I have cycling buddies that seem to get into an accident every year regularly, and they've been riding/driving for many years. The first 2 years I thought it was coincidence. Now about 10y later it's still holding up.

I break it down to defensive driving and relying on the rules. If someone breaks the rules and there's an accident, the rider always loses.

Either assume everyone to be driving blind or put on insane lights on your outfit.

Do you have a motorcycle's license? In Europe, half of the training is planning ahead and risk mitigation.

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The funny thing is I break more rules than my buddies, but I don't rely on others following the rules. This sort of thinking has served me well. I've only had single party incidents.

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On 5/7/2023 at 4:03 AM, MetricUSA said:

I am fucking getting tired of the fucking cars not watching out... Stopping after the stop sign, stopping on the sidewalk or crosswalk!!!


In my experience, doesn't nearly everyone in the northeast part of the country drive like this? :lol:

Seriously, though, If I were riding an EUC I wouldn't assume anyone up there would follow any traffic rules of any kind nor see me at all (nor even care if they did), even if I was completely covered in strobe lights. That's from my experience driving a car up there. Riding a motorcycle or EUC up there would be horrifying. I would always be looking for a 'line' for the next car that doesn't see me or simply doesn't care. :)

That part of the country simply redefines the meaning of defensive driving. Sorry about your luck..

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