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Balance assist?


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On 11/14/2021 at 3:07 AM, No1up said:

What's this balance assist option? 

I recall Wrong Way mentioning it in one of his V12 videos. He actually said he liked it. Essentially the wheel automatically adds additional input/alters the power curve on inclines and descents allowing the user to get up the hills easier and with less lean needed. 

TLDR: It makes slopes easier to ride.   

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34 minutes ago, div said:

According to @eevees YouTube post here, it is for assisting with laying it down on the kickstand (?)

Should it really be for assisting with inclines I would be very interested in how it works.

let me try and find the reference. By all means i could be wrong. 

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Reference as requested. Timestamp 10:52. In fairness he does not specifically name it as balance assist but it would make sense for that feature to be called that. 


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5 minutes ago, div said:

Not saying you're wrong, wrong way could be wrong, or right :) 
Just mentioning the only "explanation" I found (when searching) of that mode, which could also be wrong, or right 🤷

No honestly I'm glad you challenged! We are all here to learn and try and get the facts! I would much rather be corrected and know the true function :) . I would take knowledge over ego any day

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7 hours ago, EUCandME said:

I recall Wrong Way mentioning it in one of his V12 videos. He actually said he liked it. Essentially the wheel automatically adds additional input/alters the power curve on inclines and descents allowing the user to get up the hills easier and with less lean needed. 

What the Inmotion EUCs do is try to maintain speed as well as balance during transitions to inclines or declines by automatically adjusting torque | power and leaning the rider as needed (tilt forward for inclines, tilt backward for declines), without any rider input. The forward torque on the wheel to ascend an incline coexists with a backward torque on the frame, which needs to be countered by leaning the rider forward ahead of the contact patch. The backward torque on the wheel to descend a decline coexists with a forward torque on the frame, which needs to be countered by leaning the rider backward behind the contact patch. For a transition to decline, the result is similar to tilt back for speed: there is an initial brief acceleration to get the contact patch ahead of the center of mass to lean the rider back, with a controlled tilt back in the process so that the pedals are also tilted back. For transition to incline, the same principle, there's an initial brief deceleration to lean the rider forwards, along with a controlled tilt forward.

I mentioned this in an old thread about my V8F doing this:


As posted above, balance assist is used when tilting the V12 back onto it's kickstand (mentioned in the text for the video linked to above).


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you go to Settings in the Inmotion app, there’s an icon for explanations on the available features in the top right corner of the screen. Maybe it explains the feature in more detail?

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  • 1 year later...

Tested it out. When going down a steep hill it levels the pedals slightly leaning back and when going up a hill levels slightly leaning forward making it easier to control going down or up hill. Didn’t try fast dips or pump hills to see how that works as I have only been riding for less than 10 total miles. 

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On 11/15/2021 at 10:06 AM, rcgldr said:

As posted above, balance assist is used when tilting the V12 back onto it's kickstand (mentioned in the text for the video linked to above).


On 12/5/2021 at 6:47 AM, No1up said:

This can't be right. It's hard to lean it back on the kick stand with BA on. It wants to stand back up

You still have to use the kill switch, balance assist just tries to keep the tire from rolling when using the kill switch.

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One of my chief complaints with my V12HT (a brand new rider about 150 miles now) is Inmotion has a lot of options and configurations but not a whit of information on what the heck they do! I have turned on/off multiple times and be darned if I can tell the difference.  On the Inmotion app, it indicates that there is no product manual available.  How dumb is it to invest all the design/engineering time then not tell the end user what some options do!

I have whined about this multiple times on the forum,  I suppose that is a Inmotion design feature. 

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11 hours ago, Jkay said:

a lot of options and configurations but not a whit of information on what the heck they do!

The old app used to have most of the options explained pretty well. Especially compared to other manufacturers, as I’ve never seen any explanations or guides in them. For example Begode wheels come with the shipping lock enabled, but not a mention anywhere how to unlock the wheel! :roflmao:

I’m sure Inmotion will eventually add the explanations, guides and online manuals to the new app as well. meanwhile, if you have trouble understanding the ride mode settings, this might help:


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14 hours ago, mrelwood said:

The old app used to have most of the options explained pretty well


On 11/13/2021 at 7:07 PM, No1up said:

What's this balance assist option? 

As far as I know, the only mention of this is in Wrong Way's review. He doesn't show the effect that well, but you get the idea. It uses a bit of power to keep the tire from rolling when using the kill switch to put the V12 on it's kickstand (or bumper) or return it back to vertical. It's not clear if or at what angle you have to release the kill switch for this to work.



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On 4/19/2023 at 6:41 PM, fl105kg said:

When going down a steep hill it levels the pedals slightly leaning back

This seems to correspond to what WrongWay says and I am very confused with it. For my many years old V8, I have the impression that (i) pedals are quite level when I go down a steep decline (like 70-80%?) and (ii) I really would like them to be tilted more forward such that I don't need to dig in my heels as much as need now.

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On 4/19/2023 at 9:41 AM, fl105kg said:

Tested it out. When going down a steep hill it levels the pedals slightly leaning back and when going up a hill levels slightly leaning forward making it easier to control going down or up hill. Didn’t try fast dips or pump hills to see how that works as I have only been riding for less than 10 total miles. 

That is auto-lean | auto-tilt feature of Inmotion wheels. The pedals may not tilt that much but what you do feel is getting leaned backwards if transitioning onto a decline or leaned forwards if transitioning onto an incline. Pedal sensitivity setting probably results in some tilt, backwards for decline, forwards for incline. This feature is always enabled.

Balance assist can be turned on or off and it's probably a translation issue and not properly described. From my prior comment:

As far as I know, the only mention of this is in Wrong Way's review. He doesn't show the effect that well, but you get the idea. It uses a bit of power to keep the tire from rolling when using the kill switch to put the V12 on it's kickstand (or bumper) or return it back to vertical. It's not clear if or at what angle you have to release the kill switch for this to work.


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