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Super Magnet Damage? mten3 strange behavior


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Hi all, does anyone know the effects of holding a super strong magnet against an EUC? I think my MTen3 may have been damaged thus, overnight it began oscillating off kilter I believe, as any pressure put on footplate causes very loud buzzing, the whole wheel starts tilting forward as if the calibration is being adjusted on it's axis forward, and it will even stagger left and right sometimes. The buzzing can even be heard from up a flight of stairs, nothing like the light fan pulsations I was worried about initially. I've had it for a month and less than two weeks so hopeful the Amazon merchant can help, but I do think there may have been opportunity for someone to hold super strong magnets against it for whatever reasons. With the footplates up it barely happens, but once the plates are down it begins and any pressure on them makes it preposterously loud. Anyone know about the arrangement of magnets and how this may be affected so? Thanks!

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Magnets are arranged in a circular pattern around the rim and in the motor. All of the other electronics are located just under the handle cutout. If you think it is still under warranty (it should be), I'd contact the seller and see waht they suggest. Even if nothing comes of it, you will want a record of having reached out to them with the problem. I don't know if it helps, but new wheels also come with a factory warranty. Sounds like its not rideable in this condition? Have you fuly charged the battery? Whats the led's on the front say about charge? I would suspect that the wheel is somewhat immune to mangetic fields, as the motor is just one big rotating ring of magnets. Mine makes a little rumble sometimes too, but nothing as loud as you mention. Who's walking around with big as magents near your euc's while you sleep? I'd be more worried about that. You didnt forget to put on your foil hat did you?:thumbup:

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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On 8/28/2021 at 10:49 AM, ShanesPlanet said:

Magnets are arranged in a circular pattern around the rim and in the motor. All of the other electronics are located just under the handle cutout. If you think it is still under warranty (it should be), I'd contact the seller and see waht they suggest. Even if nothing comes of it, you will want a record of having reached out to them with the problem. I don't know if it helps, but new wheels also come with a factory warranty. Sounds like its not rideable in this condition? Have you fuly charged the battery? Whats the led's on the front say about charge? I would suspect that the wheel is somewhat immune to mangetic fields, as the motor is just one big rotating ring of magnets. Mine makes a little rumble sometimes too, but nothing as loud as you mention. Who's walking around with big as magents near your euc's while you sleep? I'd be more worried about that. You didnt forget to put on your foil hat did you?:thumbup:

it's rideable, but a bit unnerving as it occasionally begins to tilt forward during vibrating like the reverse of a tilt back from battery depletion .. also as i've noted a bit of jagged side to side motion a couple times once while going uphill you can imagine riding confidently is hindered.

the reason i jump to damage via magnets is because seemingly nothing else was changed, not moved and the original transparent tape over the screws under the foot plates unperturbed .. super magnet was my best guess for how to damage it without getting inside.

and touché wiseacre, one might say you read my mind, another that i merely wrote the future as i did get the feeling someone would reply so; i did wear my tinfoil hat all week though i might have pushed it out of my face a little here and there in earnest sharing a thought or two ...

On 8/28/2021 at 11:15 AM, meepmeepmayer said:

I don't believe you could permanently damage a EUC by holding a magnet onto it. Also, if you didn't do that, no reason to assume someone else did.

What's more likely is a bad board, some loose screws making the board move against the rest (and thus causing crazy behavior because it thinks it is being tilted), some mechanical damage (e.g. t the pedal holders or the shell plastic), or you could try a fresh calibration.

Can you upload a video of what exactly the symptoms are?

calibration didn't help, and i'd think more along your lines if not mystified by why it would begin all of a sudden on turning it on after some hours sitting there with nothing apparently moved or otherwise changed. 

also the fan has begun kicking into full blast after turning it on briefly, where before it would stay on gentle pulsations until riding it fast a good while. unfortunately now that i've opened it up for the first time and changed the tire i can't tell if i threw something else off, but the vibrating grind began seeming like magic after remaining untouched and unopened pending a tire change. 

in the video you can hear a bit of extra noise while spinning backward, pretty sure that's a few twigs thrown up behind the wheel after taking it onto the trails a bit for the first time today. not what my concern is, you might hear how lifting it spinning alleviates the buzzing but then pressing even lightly with a knuckle on the footplate gets it sounding pretty scary.

perhaps i should be less apt to riding it in this state than i was today, got a little too excited that it still essentially does it's thing functionally as it did before the buzzing issue began. (besides it being my only real option getting to work and around save for walking or hailing a ride)

thanks for the swift replies and thoughts! i have painted it up a bit so a tad concerned that'll cause issues with repair and or warranty services, you might get a sense of my embarrassment by the limited viewing angle of the video ...

hope i didn't make too poor a call on thread title or posting this here instead of the gotway category.

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  • meepmeepmayer changed the title to Super Magnet Damage? mten3 strange behavior

Is the mten3 new/under warranty? If yes, return it!

My guess is a bad board or something funny mechanically that pressure on the pedals changes, but I can't really say what these crazy symptoms mean.

8 hours ago, Lillerskates said:

hope i didn't make too poor a call on thread title or posting this here instead of the gotway category.

I moved it into the Gotway forum and added to the title. You can edit your title, too (just edit the first post). Maybe someone will know what is going on with your wheel.

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On 8/30/2021 at 1:00 AM, Lillerskates said:


That sound is coming from the motor itself...

Open the shell and tighten all the screws you can find. (Motor axle nuts; screws between pedal hangers and shell; etc)

If that doesn't help, I recommend removing the non-cable-side pedal hanger from the motor, then remove the motor cover & bearing, and inspect inside for damage or loose components (magnets, windings, etc).

"Loose controller" vibration is totally different from your symptoms, in my experience.



Edited by RagingGrandpa
motor was fine
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Glad you figured it out. Mine also rattles like hell if shell screws get loose. YOu gotta be gentle with them tho, as they are made of the lowest quality chinesium possible. Its quite a feat that the screws dont simply turn into a puddle of goo on the ship over, tbh. Keep an ear out for creaking when you pendulum, as this indicates the hanger/axle bolt is loose. TIny wheel, happens all the time on mine. COol find on the tire. I found a tire with more plies to try. IT seemed way more durable but it also transmitted every little pebble. Those stock mten tires are like playdoh. Easy to wear out, easy to puncture, but man o' man are they soft riding. I have a spare set of pads as they are so damn soft. Of course I rock an mten RollNZ cover, so my old pads are hidden. I shoulda got the cover BEEFORE buying more pads I guess.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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Thanks! Oh interesting, which one is the hangar/axle bolt again? ;p Yes, the tire does seem to make the ride a bit more rigid sometimes, but trying it out in the walkway outside my place just now after solving the buzzing had me feeling confident and it seems like overall it might have better tread and the hardness might actually cushion better. I was finding the stock tire (playdoh isn't much an exaggeration imo) was transferring bigger bumps in the pavement into a hard jolt and audible bang that felt like it was in danger of damaging the wheel or rim or what have you, unless I brought it up to like 40psi plus (and I tend to gravitate round only 123lbs myself, by the by). I'm staying at the 36psi printed on the side of this new tire and haven't once experienced that banging transfer yet, it actually feels much bouncier yet more resilient and has me very excited to ride to work without the buzzing nervousness tomorrow morning.

I haven't put the ankle pads back on yet because I can't find one of them but I pasted grip tape where they're supposed to be because not having them there seems to maybe have the upside of giving my knees more leverage on the upper pads. Can't see why it should be a problem to leave them bare for now, hope I'm not missing something (besides the runaway pad).

Oh while I've still an active topic on my various issues (lol) I did notice that some tubeless sealant seems to have been thrown up all the way into the handle area, there's wires connected by a pair of white colored plastic rectangular connectors that got caked in it. I'm reluctant to open the thing up again as this whole ordeal has me feeling even more like a newbie than before, but should I be concerned about just leaving it caked on there? I don't think it got anywhere else like on the board itself etcetera, and the fan pulsations I think are back to normal, beginning with idle mode and not kicking into full gear until it's been on a while.

Thanks much for all the kindness and expertise!

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Are you sure its tire sealant? The wheel well of the mten is seperated by the top section and battery really well. I know gotway hires glue guys that can sometimes be liberal with it. Perhaps THAT is what you are seeing? The main battery connector is right under that handle. Theres also a lift button that has some wires going wtfe the want them to. Fwiw, Im 125lb or so and ride my stock mten tire at around 20psi tubeless. I dont place much faith in what tire sidewalls say. If i did, I'd probably notice that Im nearly at the weight rating anyhow. 155lbs 30psi max.  I did notice my newer tire that I tried and remove, was more plies than my stocker.  I made a vid about the tire swap and results some time ago on my channel. Being a comfort slut and seeing how cheap and easy it is to replace an mten tire. I just chose to use the stocker and be ready to replace it regularly. Spinning in place on asphalt doesnt give it much a chance anyhow. I use my knees a LOT on the mten and dont fear going down curbs much. If you feel a sharp hit at all, you are either bottoming out the tire to rim (very bad) or are just simply aired up so high its solid (not so bad). It could also just boil down to rider techinique and what you expect of the little bastard..B)

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Fairly certain yes, it's the pinkish red with dark flecks in it tubeless sealant from Lowe's, pretty distinctive, and I think it might just be on the plastic connectors for the battery then? Hm..wonder if there's any worry with that being caked, possibly heating issues? It's weird to hear the fan right around the handle never realized that's where the fan's located, I guess it's pushing air downward away then?

note for the potentially curious i wouldn't particularly recommend the Lowe's sealant no, it was just my first, went with Slime from the get go for the new tire

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Did you buy the wheel new? Tis odd that you would have that crap all the way up there. I had my mten apart and the shell halves seal up the fender completely. The board is on the very top of the wheel. Maybe it slung its way up the black plastic thats covering the led strip? If you bought it used, who knows wtf coulda happened. I am fairly convinced that 90% of men THINK they are great mechanics and about 2% may actually know wtf they are doing. When buying used, its just best to assume the pervious owner wasnt a tech at all.  I would be more concerned about where else is that crap sealant laying around? If it can be at the top of the handle, it could be on the board. Probably not much to worry as its working. Me being an ocd maintenance tech, I'd open it up just to be sure. Of course, I open all my wheels to check as Im well aware of how consistent the builders can be. Neither of my mtens are tubed or slimed. Of course ONE of them was losing about 2 psi a week, until I ran some 3m weatherstip adhesive around the rim bead. I MAY use slime in one of them someday, altho I more than likely will just patch the holes unti the playdoh tire needs replaced. It helps that I havent encountered many sticker patches yet.

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Haha, yes I bought it new, and I do think you've got the right idea with being slung up the black plastic..when I was trying to plug the puncture I squoze (sp;) an inordinate amount of sealant in and kept trying to spin it sealed. A lot, a lot of sealant strewn everywhere including the carpet. Neato, 3M paper medical tape is my bread and butter for injuries besides non-stick pads, I'm always eager to try their other offerings, been needing some weather strip for soundproofing my bedroom door. Funny to hear it being used in lieu of tubeless sealant though, I'm curious why you're averse? OH NO now hearing my experiences you could just refer me to this post..jinx!

edit: hope y'all'll forgive me if and when coming across as something of a smartass, playing on words just happens to be one of my mainest joys in life

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3m weatherstrip adhesive is a tacky semi-liquid. My tire was fine, I just think I had a little seepage around the rim bead. I dont have a jar of bead sealant but i do have a tube of badass 3m.  I try not to use slime until my habits prove I really need to. I dont really care for the mess, but if I find i get a few flats, THEN I'll reconsider my position on it. Some people use it as preventative, but so far I've been a couple thousand miles and it hasnt need prevent anything. Of course, I probably also just jinxed myself.

Welcome to the nuthouse! You can apologize for sounding like a smartass, but obviously you havent had the misfortune of reading much of my BS. If apologies were required, I'd been long gone...:eff02be2d7:

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2 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Great you got this fixed, and it's no big issue! Don't be embarassed. You told us loose pedal nuts caused this, and I still don't see how they could have caused the crazy symptoms you had. So it's anything but obvious. And your info may help other people in the future.

Okay, I interpreted it as the screws fastening the shell to the pedal hangers being loose...

@Lillerskates, would you be able to clarify?

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haha oh dear, dare i request an invite to whatever presumably privy forum you (in?)frequent? 

yes i think that's about right pedal looseness, oh my goodness riding was an absolute dream today, able to carve and maneuver like never before. i did raise the psi to 42.0 though the mass max load says 36 at 157lbs. it just seems to handle everything so much better including riding right out of wild jolting wobble bumps that would've thrown me hard for the past few weeks. i got pretty scraped up a few trying to make do with the punctured stock combined with increasing loose buzzing pedals.

thank goodness for tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils am i wrong?

hope this over the hump thursday sees y'all street skiing safely

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