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msuper scream


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I have recently purchased (not yet received) a medium speed msuper.  After placing the order  I watched a few more youtube videos on it and I suffered from sustained buyers remorse.  That scream it makes is horrendous.  Some videos it is hardly noticable, others it seems terrible and can be heard from a significant distance away.  Why is that?  Do versions with different motor windings make more or less noise? I really think it will drive me crazy.   I love the idea that these (EUC) devices are near silent.  A 6.3kHz scream from the pwm carrier frequency is inexcusable in this day and age of modern electronics.   I can only assume they did it because they have cheap FET drivers that cant drive the gates hard enough to run at speed.

I should have it next week,  I really think it will be a difficult issue for me to look past.  This is not a cheap unit, why would they do this??


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Same here. I like that fine quiet voice. Does not bother me in any situation. But I can see that some kind of frequency can interfere.
Unfortunately, it does not have a lot of tasks.
Perhaps one of the absorbent adhesive to the side of the engine could help. I do not believe.

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I only notice it when I turn the MSuper on in the house or while riding next to a solid wall. And then it's not that bad.  It may be a case of the camera microphones picking it up better than ears do.  I don't remember hearing it much in my videos though. 

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Hmmm,  weird.    I think some are significantly louder than others.   I have just received mine,   and it is quite loud.  When someone is riding it,  I can hear it from maybe 50 meters away which is disappointing.   It's actually 12kHz,  my generic cheapy is 16kHz and is inaudible to me.   It is a frequency soley setup in the firmware.  If their hardware was lacking,  they should have brought the frequency right down low to a couple hundred Hz,  then it would sound cool... not sone irritating high pitch squeel.

On another note... I get a little bit of a wobble on at speed,  any thoughts?

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