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V11 wobble and clunks


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Hi all,

Just got my V11 from ewheels two days ago. This is my first EUC and was fortunate to get up and rolling pretty quickly. I have a background skateboarding/onewheel/mtb etc which probably helped a ton. Also helps that I've watched majority of the V11 videos on youtube and watched several tutorials as well. I took it on a 50 mile ride yesterday with a mix of street and trail ride was loads of fun.


  • With that said, I'm wondering if any of you V11 owners get wobbles under moderate braking (not even hard braking). I've adjusted my position to squat as well as squeeze the wheel with my shins while braking which helps but still wobbles more than I'd like. I live in a hilly neighborhood and it's a much more of a serious issue when braking going downhill and that's not even going fast.  It makes me very nervous knowing I will encounter wobbles anytime I might need to emergency stop in the future.
  • I've checked various tire pressures from 25-40 psi. I've checked that both air chambers are even (currently running 80psi bottom and 50 psi on the chamber up top). I'm 155-170lbs depending on what I'm carrying. 
  • Is it a possibility that I have an issue with my wheel and not user error?
  • I'll try to get footage of this soon but when I'm wobbling I'm so focused on maintaining control that I don't want to distract myself with anything else. 


  • Is it normal when you rock the wheel back and forth for it to clunk (while the wheel is on)? Video below for reference.
  • https://streamable.com/9n0o6o


  • I'm sad to report that after one long day of riding I spun the wheel while it was off and I heard a scratching noise as I spun the wheel by hand. It went away after I spun it a few times more but I'm wondering if maybe bad bearings and clunk may contribute to my wobble. 

I'm hoping that this is user error and will be something I adjust to rather than a bad wheel but I look to hearing from you more experienced riders/owners.

Lastly, here's POV footage from yesterday's ride to add some fun to this post haha

Thanks ahead of time for thoughts!


Edited by Ginmotion
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The wobbles are normal...They will decrease as you build up muscle memory and you will also just get use to some slight wobble on acceleration and deceleration. The clunk noise is your suspension moving (I believe). Sounds like you have air in both chambers but it also sounds low, however you could be much lighter then me (I am running at 62 top and 125 bottom). Set it up at first with the settings under the right pedal and set the upper to half what you use in the lower. You can change it to what you like over time but that is a good starting point. The part you are clunking around is only attached by 4 screws on each saddle, just for sh!ts and giggles make sure the two above the peddle are tight and the ones on both ends of the upper saddle are also, some saddle also come cracked at the top (in shipping) where the handle is but It sounded more like suspension noise to me. I honestly didn't hear any scratching in the last video (hard to tell with the sound of the gravel and the motor hum) but I did enjoy the WooHoo giggle voice as you picked up speed :)

Edited by Ambrovious
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I experienced this too and while it is reduced over time it never went away. I experimented as well. I have fixed it but through a different means.  I have added a bike seat to mine and I have found it allows me to lean back I to it- essentially stabilizing the unicycle- and eliminated all wobbles. 

After months of riding and owing other EUCs even with Clark pads I prefer sitting to standing on this thing. I am working on a solution but essentially it involves adding several layers of neoprene with a bump on each end for acceleration to bring the wheel in contact with the inside of my legs while riding. For the life of me i can't remain perfectly stable riding in a straight line because the V11 is so tall it likes to flop about unless my legs are pinned holding it constantly which I find uncomfortable. Sitting eliminated all wobbles and is more fun in my opinion anyway. 

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@Ambroviousappreciate your response. I’ll check the pedals in case they have play and tighten the screws. Glad to hear it’s normal from your perspective. Hopefully, my muscle memory will develop much like it did when I first got my onewheel.


@EUChristianThanks for your response! Placed an order for power pads. I definitely feel like having a bit more grip would help control things more. Still figuring out seated riding. Look forward to it being a stable experience as I’m wobbling more in the seated position haha

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I should have mentioned power pads also. They make a world of difference and after riding for one day on the V11, I put on the Inmotion power pads and will never go back. They will help with your wobble as they give you more to grip and will also make your braking more confident as they provided a lip that catches the back of your legs and helps stop that feeling of "Damn am I going to slide off this thing.". Good luck and happy rolling.

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@Ambrovious I made some small DIY pads yesterday night and it made a significant difference in feeling in control. Can't wait till my backordered Power Pads come through. 

As for the clunking, I've identified it as play in the suspension rails. It's not due to air pressure. I'm getting this sound by grabbing the handle and the main chassis and rocking it back and forth. I can see the metal rails shifting as is do this. I guess this is the drawback of the suspension design Inmotion decided to go with vs the Kingsong S18 design?

Either way, I've included a video of it below for those that were curious of what the sound was and where it's coming from. 


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I'm a heavy doood at 275 naked and I also feel the wobbles on slow down, just like you, 2 days ago was my first ride on v11 as well :)  I have the same noises coming from my wheel.  Click when you pick up the handle I'm pretty sure is just a mm play in the shocks.  I have mtb bikes that experience that as well.  Wobbles on brake does not appear to be a weight thing, I get them as well.  I can manage the wobbles on a hard brake by gripping my inner thighs harder on the wheel. 

Good to see another ex sk8r, mtbr picking up EUCs as well!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/18/2021 at 10:44 PM, Ginmotion said:

@Ambrovious I made some small DIY pads yesterday night and it made a significant difference in feeling in control. Can't wait till my backordered Power Pads come through. 

As for the clunking, I've identified it as play in the suspension rails. It's not due to air pressure. I'm getting this sound by grabbing the handle and the main chassis and rocking it back and forth. I can see the metal rails shifting as is do this. I guess this is the drawback of the suspension design Inmotion decided to go with vs the Kingsong S18 design?

Either way, I've included a video of it below for those that were curious of what the sound was and where it's coming from. 


Does anyone have a solution to this? Mine does the same thing.


I removed the suspension rails and saw that the black plastic spacers were still pretty tight. I used a small Phillips-head screwdriver to tighten the screws and put everything back together. There was still some play when moving the rails by hand with the wheel on its side. This tells me that the play exists between the black shock structure rail and the black plastic spacers and not the black plastic spacers and the screws that affix them to the Aluminum/Aluminium suspension rail.


Unfortunately, the wheel is still clunking/rattling when grabbing the handle and rocking the EUC forward and back as described by @Ginmotion above.


Maybe some metal spacers are needed? I also lubricated the spacers with Blaster Advanced Dry Lube with Teflon spray.

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If you are experiencing speed wobbles or braking wobbles, what you need is more experience, not power pads or any other such accessory--and in fact using such things at that stage/for that purpose is likely detrimental to the development of your riding skills.

Edited by AtlasP
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@EUC_useri’ve concluded this is just the design of the wheel. Others seem to acknowledge this is just play in the design.

@AtlasP I have not gotten my power pads yet but the small diy pads made a big difference on trails. I got about 200+ miles on the wheel and feeling more confident on it.
Wobbles under braking hasn’t gotten much better rather I’m just getting used to it and planning my stops make a bigger difference. Hard acceleration is fine but moderate braking is almost guaranteed wobbles. Clenching shins and squatting helps but I’m always countering wobbles on moderate braking either way. Not sure how much more I can adjust to stop the wobbles. We shall see...

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17 minutes ago, Ginmotion said:

@EUC_useri’ve concluded this is just the design of the wheel. Others seem to acknowledge this is just play in the design.

@AtlasP I have not gotten my power pads yet but the small diy pads made a big difference on trails. I got about 200+ miles on the wheel and feeling more confident on it.
Wobbles under braking hasn’t gotten much better rather I’m just getting used to it and planning my stops make a bigger difference. Hard acceleration is fine but moderate braking is almost guaranteed wobbles. Clenching shins and squatting helps but I’m always countering wobbles on moderate braking either way. Not sure how much more I can adjust to stop the wobbles. We shall see...

Push out and down with your feet. As you develop your muscles and gain more riding experience the wobbles will go away. Be sure to practice your slow speed stability exercises to develop muscle and gain better control of the machine. 

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6 hours ago, AtlasP said:

If you are experiencing speed wobbles or braking wobbles, what you need is more experience, not power pads or any other such accessory--and in fact using such things at that stage/for that purpose is likely detrimental to the development of your riding skills.

I disagree, but only modestly because I can't say for sure where everyone stands on their experience as you noted.  In my experience with this particular wheel it is top heavy and no stance will eliminate this for my particular weight and attempted stances. Notice I am speaking for me and me only. I agree with you that some of it could be attributed to learning curve still - and in most other wheels this is the case across all brands. 

However...regardless of whether you blame my stance or learning curve...your statement about adding pads being a detrement to riding is false. By adding these home made pads at the top to bring the top of the wheel out to my legs it has immediately eliminated both braking and acceleration wobbles. Gone completely. Nothing learned or unlearned. Here is my conjecture why. If you keep a wider stance on the pedals of this EUC the top will float side to side unless going at higher speeds. Conversely if you hug the wheel and keep a tight stance the wheel is not stable at high speeds - in my experience. I have tested both extensively. I ended up preferring to ride seated. However these new pads have brought confidence into riding standing and they were made with 10 dollars of ebay neoprene. 

I recommend others try a similar approach if you see no change. Note that I put a bump for acceleration but that is not needed. 




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@EUChristian - All I know is that I experienced terrible braking wobbles on my Nik+ when I first got it and for months afterwards, and most of my close friend riders experienced the same thing when they first tried mine (as at the time it was the first wheel with that high a weight and that wide of a tire that any of them had tried, just based on what everyone within our friend group had and we could try).

Ultimately those braking wobbles went away for me, but it was a slow, lengthy process. There was no 'click' and it went away, rather over months it just became gradually less and less until at some point they were essentially gone.

The Nik+ is essentially the same weight as the V11 (within like 2 pounds) and both have similar 3" wide tires (although the V11 has a larger diameter). I experienced *zero* accel or braking wobbles on it when I tried it for a few hours, but that was after I'd already got over them on my Nik+. I could see that someone might experience the same thing on the V11 as my friends and I did on my Nik+ if it was the first wheel of that weight and/or tire width they'd have tried, but I expect they would get over it the same way I did (without needing pads or any similar accessory towards this end).

In the end, I believe the skill learned to mitigate this was entirely in my feet and balancing/adjusting/controlling the pressure applied to the pedals through my feet more precisely, not anything to do with how much contact or pressure is applied to the wheel from my legs. It is conceivable to me that one may be able to counter such wobbles through learning ways of mitigating with contact or pressure from the legs (and potentially aided by pads), but in which case my concern would be perhaps never learning what I learned to do with my feet because compensating with the additional contact/pressure in the legs.

Edited by AtlasP
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7 hours ago, AtlasP said:

@EUChristian - All I know is that I experienced terrible braking wobbles on my Nik+ when I first got it and for months afterwards, and most of my close friend riders experienced the same thing when they first tried mine (as at the time it was the first wheel with that high a weight and that wide of a tire that any of them had tried, just based on what everyone within our friend group had and we could try).

Ultimately those braking wobbles went away for me, but it was a slow, lengthy process. There was no 'click' and it went away, rather over months it just became gradually less and less until at some point they were essentially gone.

The Nik+ is essentially the same weight as the V11 (within like 2 pounds) and both have similar 3" wide tires (although the V11 has a larger diameter). I experienced *zero* accel or braking wobbles on it when I tried it for a few hours, but that was after I'd already got over them on my Nik+. I could see that someone might experience the same thing on the V11 as my friends and I did on my Nik+ if it was the first wheel of that weight and/or tire width they'd have tried, but I expect they would get over it the same way I did (without needing pads or any similar accessory towards this end).

In the end, I believe the skill learned to mitigate this was entirely in my feet and balancing/adjusting/controlling the pressure applied to the pedals through my feet more precisely, not anything to do with how much contact or pressure is applied to the wheel from my legs. It is conceivable to me that one may be able to counter such wobbles through learning ways of mitigating with contact or pressure from the legs (and potentially aided by pads), but in which case my concern would be perhaps never learning what I learned to do with my feet because compensating with the additional contact/pressure in the legs.

Cannot dispute any of this - I got you. I just want to point out pads helped me and help others as well. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/17/2021 at 2:39 PM, Ginmotion said:

Hi all,

Just got my V11 from ewheels two days ago. This is my first EUC and was fortunate to get up and rolling pretty quickly. I have a background skateboarding/onewheel/mtb etc which probably helped a ton. Also helps that I've watched majority of the V11 videos on youtube and watched several tutorials as well. I took it on a 50 mile ride yesterday with a mix of street and trail ride was loads of fun.


  • With that said, I'm wondering if any of you V11 owners get wobbles under moderate braking (not even hard braking). I've adjusted my position to squat as well as squeeze the wheel with my shins while braking which helps but still wobbles more than I'd like. I live in a hilly neighborhood and it's a much more of a serious issue when braking going downhill and that's not even going fast.  It makes me very nervous knowing I will encounter wobbles anytime I might need to emergency stop in the future.
  • I've checked various tire pressures from 25-40 psi. I've checked that both air chambers are even (currently running 80psi bottom and 50 psi on the chamber up top). I'm 155-170lbs depending on what I'm carrying. 
  • Is it a possibility that I have an issue with my wheel and not user error?
  • I'll try to get footage of this soon but when I'm wobbling I'm so focused on maintaining control that I don't want to distract myself with anything else. 


  • Is it normal when you rock the wheel back and forth for it to clunk (while the wheel is on)? Video below for reference.
  • https://streamable.com/9n0o6o


  • I'm sad to report that after one long day of riding I spun the wheel while it was off and I heard a scratching noise as I spun the wheel by hand. It went away after I spun it a few times more but I'm wondering if maybe bad bearings and clunk may contribute to my wobble. 

I'm hoping that this is user error and will be something I adjust to rather than a bad wheel but I look to hearing from you more experienced riders/owners.

Lastly, here's POV footage from yesterday's ride to add some fun to this post haha

Thanks ahead of time for thoughts!



On 1/18/2021 at 10:44 PM, Ginmotion said:

@Ambrovious I made some small DIY pads yesterday night and it made a significant difference in feeling in control. Can't wait till my backordered Power Pads come through. 

As for the clunking, I've identified it as play in the suspension rails. It's not due to air pressure. I'm getting this sound by grabbing the handle and the main chassis and rocking it back and forth. I can see the metal rails shifting as is do this. I guess this is the drawback of the suspension design Inmotion decided to go with vs the Kingsong S18 design?

Either way, I've included a video of it below for those that were curious of what the sound was and where it's coming from. 


Suspension rail clunking solution below. At least until Inmotion provides redesigned black plastic rail guides (if they even acknowledge the problem and intend on providing a fix):


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