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Gotway mSuper pro, Gear noise from wheel when rocking back and forth!


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Just Got my Gotway MSuper Pro today and I have no experience with Gotway wheels.

My nineBot one s2 has the same kinda noise so maybe it's normal but my Z10 doesn't have this .


Gear, rubbing sound when I rock back and forth, it disappears once I start driving.


Anyone who can help?

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Sounds normal. I nearly fell over when I heard my MSX - so loud. The guys here assured me it was normal, and I admit the wheel has been perfect. I came from a Z10 like you, and yes I was shocked to say the least - I was certain it was faulty!

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Sounds like grinding sand in the wheel? The sound appears when you go very slowly or change direction?

That's completely normal. That's just the discrete magnets showing their discrete existence at very low rotation speeds. With the extra wide and strong magnets in the MSP motor, maybe they are extra noticeable.

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Edit: never mind I thought of the coggy feel when riding, my S2 also does this when rocking back and forth at standstill, not the 18XL or barely.

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3 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Sounds like grinding sand in the wheel? The sound appears when you go very slowly or change direction?

That's completely normal. That's just the discrete magnets showing their discrete existence at very low rotation speeds. With the extra wide and strong magnets in the MSP motor, maybe they are extra noticeable.

Thanks, that makes sense, because I just unpacked it 2 hours ago.

Thanks man

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