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Any msx MIN range test?


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hey guys, I've been looking for MIN range tests for the Msx (Specially the 1230W that I have)

have you done, or know any video? I would love to see.


Min range = drain battery riding at the highest speed possible

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This boils down to the question when does the range end? One must ride and accelerate slower as the battery drains, so one could argue that when one can no longer ride fast or steep hills without beeping, the range is done. In reality there’s a good 10-20 miles available still.

 I’ve been able to get the first 15% beeps at around 40km on my 1600Wh MSX. Of course the battery would recover a lot if I’d stop at that point.

I weigh around 100kg + gear.

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mmm yeah. thats true... but I guess you reduce speed as the beeps comes.

I think riding style affects soooooo much the range... I can get about 35-40miles with easy ridding. (is this normal?)

But Today I had a rough ride, and went from 100% to 40% in just under 6-7miles????


im 60Kg geared up (enthusiast cyclist here ;)  )

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29 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I’ve been able to get the first 15% beeps at around 40km on my 1600Wh MSX. Of course the battery would recover a lot if I’d stop at that point.

Good effort. Worst I have done so far on an 1860wh wheel is around 30% per 10 miles. I did 20.5 miles and had 42% left although that was after I had stopped. Euc world logs showed it was dipping to around 20% when riding which is about as low as I would like usually.

This is why I chuckle sometimes when people say we dont need big batteries. A 20 mile ride is nothing for my uses. Yes I could have got a good few miles more if I had dropped my speed but the point is, if you use a quick wheel at the speeds it is capable of you dont get long out of it :)


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wow, 20 miles and still 42% is a lot! I bet you didnt push it that hard.

I normally sag the voltage down to 10% (a few times down to 5%) ... i know i know... I regret doing it...every time :efefb6a84e:

but, do you think 40miles with normal use for a 1230W is fine?

and just 7 miles (With 40% left) when pushing it?

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14 hours ago, Sebrios said:

wow, 20 miles and still 42% is a lot! I bet you didnt push it that hard.

I normally sag the voltage down to 10% (a few times down to 5%) ... i know i know... I regret doing it...every time :efefb6a84e:

but, do you think 40miles with normal use for a 1230W is fine?

and just 7 miles (With 40% left) when pushing it?

Hahaha, clearly you have bigger kahunas than I :)

No, 7 miles with 40% left on a 1230wh MSX doesn't sound right. 40 miles with 'normal' use does, although a buddy of mine with the same wheel gets around 30 miles on average at medium speeds if that helps. Sounds like your batteries are really struggling at high amp draw, but OK when cruising.

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