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It's all very strange. Speed reading reverse


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Around the beginning of January I got  a flat on my MCM5. I stripped it down and got the tube out. It had a small split on the inside diameter, so I figured  the rubber was rotten and ordered a couple of new  ones from China. Fast forward to end Feb and my tubes finally arrived. I reassembled the wheel and it's all good, except when I used Wheellog, I got a green speed bar around the outside, but no readout.  I went into the stats page and when I went forward it read backwards and vice versa. The Gotway app does not show +-, only speed, so that was fine. I have since downloaded and installed EUC World which shows speed in both directions.

I can't for the life of me work out how  it could be reading backwards though. I only took  one side off (battery side). I didn't  unplug anything except the battery connectors. It doesn't really matter if I use EUC world, but can anybody think why it might start showing direction as  reverse?

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41 minutes ago, chopsywa said:

Fast forward to end Feb and my tubes finally arrived. I reassembled the wheel and it's all good, except when I used Wheellog, I got a green speed bar around the outside, but no readout.  I went into the stats page and when I went forward it read backwards and vice versa. The Gotway app does not show +-, only speed, so that was fine

This was just starting from february on? Or already from the beginning?

Seems your wheel was assembled "the wrong way round" or you ride it "the wrong way".

So if you turn your wheel for 180° and ride you get positive readout?

@palachzzz just made a change two days ago to wheellog regarding "GW negative speed". Maybe this solves your problem?

EUC World's Gotway Code also got a redesign recently. Maybe it's already resolved by now?

If not maybe some GW setting for forward direction makes it on @Seba's todo list?

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1 hour ago, Chriull said:

EUC World's Gotway Code also got a redesign recently. Maybe it's already resolved by now?

If not maybe some GW setting for forward direction makes it on @Seba's todo list?

Latest EUC World shows correct speed regardless of direction. @chopsywa, verify if your EUC World is up to date. Current version is 1.0.9.

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12 hours ago, Chriull said:

This was just starting from february on? Or already from the beginning?

Seems your wheel was assembled "the wrong way round" or you ride it "the wrong way".

So if you turn your wheel for 180° and ride you get positive readout?

@palachzzz just made a change two days ago to wheellog regarding "GW negative speed". Maybe this solves your problem?

EUC World's Gotway Code also got a redesign recently. Maybe it's already resolved by now?

If not maybe some GW setting for forward direction makes it on @Seba's todo list?

The tyre went flat in January and I got it going again in February (yesterday). It can't be in reverse unless it always was. I only took off one side. Only disconnected the battery.

If Wheellog updated two days ago, my wheel may always have been going "backwards".

It shows positive reading when you go backwards, but the speed graph is green forwards (with no speed readout) and red backwards. I think Wheellog may have been broken when updated, or my wheel has always been showing a negative speed. I never used the detail page while riding before.

11 hours ago, Seba said:

Latest EUC World shows correct speed regardless of direction. @chopsywa, verify if your EUC World is up to date. Current version is 1.0.9.

Yes your app works great @Seba

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That's strange story, especially for EUC.WORLD :D Because WheelLog used ABS function for gotway speed and current. About 1-2 week ago I made some changes, now negative currents and negative speed are possible. 
Negative speed means you drive backwards, negative current means backward torque (it doesn't mean regeneration for gotway!)
- So, if you will drive backwards current and speed will be negative
- If you drive forward speed and current will be positive
- if you drive forward but braking - speed will be positive, current will be negative.
- if you drive backwards but braking - speed will be negative, current will be positive.

I just wanted to get and understand all data available from gotway controller. We use wheelLog for measuring acceleration of different wheel, so sometimes this information very helpful.

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1 hour ago, palachzzz said:

So, if you will drive backwards current and speed will be negative
- If you drive forward speed and current will be positive
- if you drive forward but braking - speed will be positive, current will be negative.
- if you drive backwards but braking - speed will be negative, current will be positive.

Interesting. So abs(speed) and signum(speed)*current gives one the normally "used" values?!

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17 hours ago, Chriull said:

Interesting. So abs(speed) and signum(speed)*current gives one the normally "used" values?!

Sorry, can't get the idea.. 
Previously there was abs(Speed) and abs(Current), no negative numbers at all. 

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13 minutes ago, palachzzz said:

Sorry, can't get the idea.. 
Previously there was abs(Speed) and abs(Current), no negative numbers at all. 

It's just on how to get values like from Kingsong.

With speed = abs(GW_speed) and current = signum(GW_Speed)*GW_current.

This should show (regenerative) braking currents (negative) versus driving currents (positive)?

Ps.: With signum(x)==1 for x>=0 and ==-1 for x<1

Pps: from what time/which model on did gw report thesenegative speeds/currents?

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2 hours ago, Chriull said:

It's just on how to get values like from Kingsong.

With speed = abs(GW_speed) and current = signum(GW_Speed)*GW_current.

This should show (regenerative) braking currents (negative) versus driving currents (positive)?

Ps.: With signum(x)==1 for x>=0 and ==-1 for x<1

Pps: from what time/which model on did gw report thesenegative speeds/currents?

Negative current values for other wheels - it's regenerative braking. That means that battery charges at that moment. For example, braking at low speed on ninebot s2 don't charge battery but discharge it, so it is countercurrent braking (I'm not sure about terminology in english). Negative current for gotway means that rider push pedals back, nothing else.

Moreover, gotway shows phase-currents.. Any playing with numbers for gotway will not make numbers like for other wheels. Only one possible option - to look at Voltage, if it increase - that's mean regenerate. But gotway controller makes some voltage smoothing, so it need to take into account.

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2 hours ago, Chriull said:

Pps: from what time/which model on did gw report thesenegative speeds/currents?

Tesla and MSX, well, I know gotway too good to say that it will be the same for all models

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10 hours ago, palachzzz said:

Negative current values for other wheels - it's regenerative braking.

Like for KS, were battery current is shown  - one knows if its current going to or from the battery.

10 hours ago, palachzzz said:

That means that battery charges at that moment. For example, braking at low speed on ninebot s2 don't charge battery but discharge it, so it is countercurrent braking (I'm not sure about terminology in english).

I've read in some papers/articles the wordings "power" and "plugging" braking for this.

10 hours ago, palachzzz said:

Negative current for gotway means that rider push pedals back, nothing else.

Sorry. I'm not into GW wheels and their reported numbers. Your description of the signed numbers they report now and that

10 hours ago, palachzzz said:

Moreover, gotway shows phase-currents.

brought me to the idea, that relative to the direction of travel GW reports if current flows in or out of the motor (motor or generator state).

Of course one does not see if it is regenerative braking, but one could see that the wheel is braking?

Could not see what else this signed numbers should mean...

... but with different braking/bldc motor control algorithms there are/could not only be "real current directions" but "phase shifts" (... and whatever else...). So it could be hard to guess what the firmware engineer thought of when (s)he decided to report a certain sign...

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13 hours ago, Chriull said:

I've read in some papers/articles the wordings "power" and "plugging" braking for this.


13 hours ago, Chriull said:

reports if current flows in or out of the motor

Don't think so, phase current sensors shoud see positive and negative currents during normal work (e.g. traveling forward), because of star-wending and nessesity of connecting different phases by differend sides.

13 hours ago, Chriull said:

So it could be hard to guess what the firmware engineer thought of when (s)he decided to report a certain sign...

Exactly :) 


13 hours ago, Chriull said:

Like for KS, were battery current is shown

BTW, old KS wheels like KS-18A do the same - negative currents means something not clear (probably moving backwards). I didn't see full logs of it, so can't say more precisely. 

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got my tyre. Wow that took ages. So EUC world works fine. I reinstalled Wheellog and it still only gives me speed in reverse. The speed bar is green in forwards, but no speed indicated on readout, in reverse it is red and is shows speed. In the details page it definitely shows forward as backwards. 

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