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Tesla v1 pedal angle adjustment


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17 minutes ago, alcatraz said:

If the wheel is laid on its side for the calibration how is the pedal angle chosen?

You can't do that. However the wheel is oriented during calibration, that is what is considered level in all directions (in certain limitations, laying the wheel on its side will likely not work at all).

Additionally, it is very important to have no sideways lean during calibration. Otherwise you will get pedal dipping or raising in curves. If you get that after the calibration, you must recalibrate with the wheel being upright (no left/right lean).

Make sure the wheel is not leaning left or right, with the pedal angle as you want it, and the wheel being still during the entire calibration process. (Just lean it against a wall as upright as possible and adjust the desired pedal angle, then calibrate, and don't touch it before the calibration is 110% over.)

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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I'll try calibrating the machine yet again. The angle seems to change a bit from time to time. I find that odd. I wonder if something is not right.

It looks good when it's stationary. When I ride I sometimes get the feeling it's not level, only to be fine a few minutes later.

Almost like it's adjusting depending on I accelerate or deccelerate. Like if I go down a longer descent it feels like I'm slipping off the pedal.

Most annoying is when I go over cobblestones or any kind of longer section of vibrations. Every bump just moves my feet forward. I'm afraid what would happen if I have to brake while going over some pumps. Maybe it'll just let me slide off the pedals. 

It's an odd feeling. I hope it's simply due to me not performing a proper calibration. But I don't understand why the angle would change midride.

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Sorry for writing a lot. If anyone has the same problem I can now say it's just about calibrating the wheel properly.

Calibrating a gotway is not the same as calibrating an inmotion. It does different things. 

On inmotion you calibrate to establish 0 degrees from which to fine tune the pedal angle with the setting in the app.

On gotway it's to actually set the final pedal angle and has nothing to do with storing the 0 degree plane in the control board. It's a simpler way to achieve what you want. The challenge is to eyeball the pedal angle. It requires a lot of trial and error before it's set perfectly.

I put my V8 and tesla side by side and simply set the pedal on the tesla to be identical to the V8. I'm confident I will have solved my sliding issues.

Sorry for appearing thick in the posts above. It's embarrassing. I come from Inmotion where calibration means something else. :D

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No need to be embarrassed. You're a victim here of Gotway's cryptic processes (it's not like there's a manual anywhere). Your posts will help others in the future.

The pedals slowly dipping forward if you go over a constantly rattling surface like a cow grate (or cobblestones I guess) is a known thing. I believe all Gotways (all wheels?) do this. It happens extremely rarely though (does it?), so not a real problem. I believe it is another limitation of the tilt sensor used (next to the pedal dipping if the calibration is a bit bad). The manufacturers should use something better than this basic smartphone stuff they supposedly put on their boards.

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Riding in the medium or hard mode makes the cobblestone issue smaller, it’s worst when in the soft mode.

When the calibration starts, I switch to a level app in my mobile and set the wheel angle based on that. Even if you don’t have a perfectly flat surface for the phone, just put it in the same spot every time and calibrate accordingly.

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  • 1 year later...

How long does the calibration process take. Mine beeps a few times then goes limp. But after two minutes it’s still limp. Then if I lay it down or try to turn it off it sounds alarm continuously till I hold power button in. I’m using the gotway app. But it seams to not pedal dip when I turn now. Just short test in the driveway. How did your cal process proceed?

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The calibration process hadn’t started when the wheel first went limb. It calibrated the next time you turn it on.

 I suggest searching for “GotWay calibration” in YouTube in order to get the best guidance for the calibration process.

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dip on bump is an old gotway thing, on hard mode it should be minimal. find your preferred mode and calibrate the wheel according to it :)

hard mode should be flat, even less on the front.

if you like medium or soft maybe some degree up in front is better

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In the play store there's an app called "saddle adjust". It basically shows you the angle when you put the phone on the pedal. No more guesswork.

I found that I prefer a pedal angle of around 5.5-6 deg high in front. That way, if it dips I won't slip off the pedals even with worn griptape. With new griptape it's like a dream. Super safe.

In my gotway app I haven't found any setting for soft/hard etc. Maybe the Tesla v1 doesn't support it.

Edited by alcatraz
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