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Bad charger?


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Greets all,

I just received my first EU, 9B1 C+ ... but I am hesitant to ride it because the unit doesn't take a charge with the charger that came with the unit.  The status light is green when I connected it to the outlet but it stays green when I connect it to 9B1.  The app says the device is at 49% charge so it should accept charging.  Anyone else dealt with this?

btw, I'm thinking of buying extra chargers from Aliexpress (most resellers are crooks).

Thxs for any feedback. -Ed

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Yeah, I just got a multimeter. I wanted to test the charger ports but it's difficult because of the plastic "foreskin" that cover the pins. I would have to force it off.  I did try it out on the 9B1 charging port on 25 DCV range and nothing registered; that could be normal though. I highly doubt that the unit has any defects, I'm more inclined to blame the charger.


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25VDC is too low. You are looking for about 57VDC so you need the next range up. 

I use the 200 V range on my meter.

sorry for the confusion. The charger is suppose to be 61VDC and the battery is 5.5VDC. I only attempted to tested the battery at 25VDC.

The charger is difficult to test.

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Can anyone with a voltmeter try out the charging port leads and let me know what they noticed? Just trying to establish a baseline for testing the port.  if you can find and provide a link to Ninebot one's technical/electrical specifications, that would be great.

Designate the pins: #1 Top Left, #2 Top right, #3 Bottom left, #4 Bottom Right

In the picture, unit is laying on it's left side. Thanks!


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Nice! Thanks SirGeraint! The more I read on these forums the more I realize how young and niche EUC still are and how hands-on/helpful the people on these forums are.  Awesome!!! :)  I'm looking forward to learning how to ride and understand my EUC.

Tonight I tried to be a bit daring and tried a few things to identify if I have a problem or not; so I determine what to do next.

Here's what I tried and my findings:

  • Tested charger with analog voltmeter @ 125VDC
    • Placed little plastic insulator between the pins just in case, and...
    • Result: generating 63 volts on pins #1 and #2
  • Tested charging port + cable
    1. Opened up battery housing to expose charging wire to battery, did continuity test and passed
    2. Reconnected wires, tested for continuity off charging port leads #1 and #2 and failed (is this normal?)

The seller responded with this to my question:

Thank you for your mail.

Do not worry, we have fully test before sending.
Please try to charge after the battery ran out, it will be ok.

Have a nice day.

Perhaps, I am over-analyzing and should just do as they say.  Honestly, just want to enjoy my purchase and not fret over this anymore.

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Just had a thought... 

Something else I could have tested is the connection of the charger to the port.  Can be done by exposing the wire before it reaches the battery, and test it for voltage.

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Just had a thought... 

Something else I could have tested is the connection of the charger to the port.  Can be done by exposing the wire before it reaches the battery, and test it for voltage.

Good news folks... somehow someway, after trying to do this test the charging light turned RED! 

It's actually charging now!  Only thing I did was test the leads that connect directly to the battery from the charging port for voltage while it was connected to the charger.  It definately had a charge because I accidentally caused a short and sparks flew before an after I saw the red LED.

I'm sooooo glad this is over. Learned something in the process.

Thanks those who tried to help!


(EDIT) UPDATE: 10 minutes later it turned green again LOL. Okay, BMS is messing with me.

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