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Inmotion safety choice V10F or V8

Dave Veneri

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Aside from the range/ speed info.  Is there anything to be concerned about regarding fires?  I have a long history dealing with LiPo batteries and it's an ugly remembrance.

These wheels are new and not fully tested for safety by UL and other overseers.  I have read where the V10F caught fire on a number of occasions and the problem "seemed" to be water related

which I have doubts about unless it created a short.  One incident involved a spontaneous fire where water wasn't a factor.  Aside from these things occasionally shutting down, fire is the main

concern.  Is this V10F one of the more safer wheels?  Or should I be looking at the v8 or another brand.  Looks like fire is associated more with the V10F than any other wheel I researched.

Thoughts??  Thanks in advance.....


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No difference.

These early V10s had no intentional or accidental waterproofing, now they got more seals and a plastic battery box. Problem solved. The fires were from water/maybe condensation getting into the battery (nothing could have burned if the battery wasn't shorted directly in some way).

Both wheels are as good (which means as shitty) as any others regarding water (OK, actually I believe the V8 has some kind of certification, but that makes no difference in reality). Meaning, nobody ever had problems from riding in the rain with any wheel (any brand) but the lack of actual good guaranteed waterproofing is frustrating if you look at how all wheels are built. We're far away from wheels that could be submerged for a few seconds (think falling over in a few inches of water) and you would't have to wonder if you'll die soon (experience shows wheels have no water-related breakdowns even if you really wonder why not).

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My G3 has cracks on the top and side plastics and has survived the aftermath of North Bay rain storms this winter. I did relocate the wheel to the garage for charging after exposure to moisture, but no issues or worries so far. 

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On 1/7/2019 at 11:53 AM, meepmeepmayer said:

OK, actually I believe the V8 has some kind of certification, but that makes no difference in reality


V8 waterproofing is better, 

i'm riding V8 most rainy day.

V10 is not good as V8 if EUC crashed once. the waterprooofing will be destroyed. that's why so many V10 have waterproofing problem.

i opened both EUC and repair many times,

from design level,  V10 is not easy to add some waterprooofing matarial from inside, but V8 could do that easy.

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