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    KS16X, Gotway MSP, past KS16S

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  1. When buying your unicycle in Europe online, what do you consider most decisive, when choosing which store you buy it from? (assuming the prices being the same)
  2. Hi, Do you happen to have it for Monster pro, by any chance? Thanks!
  3. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/maailman-nopein-wolt-lahetti-timur-fearless-haastoi-itsensa-tienaamaan-8-000-euroa-tammikuun-aikana-nain-miehen-kavi/8051640#gs.s9vwrw One of our (voltride.com) friends and customers - Timur Fearless in MTV3 News. Riding Sherman for Wolt Food deliveries. The fastest delivery guy in the world. Last year he was on KS-16X, now he is on 2 wheels: KS-S18 and Veteran. I don't know how he manages to do it, but doing 10K km in 6 months - you gotta love this wheel .
  4. Has anyone been riding both speed and torque versions of MSP? Could you comment on the differences in various riding environments?
  5. Hi guys, we made some video about Kingsong EUC. Unfortunately no subtitles now, but hope you can follow a little bit. I had a chance to participate along with my friend Silver.
  6. Do not attempt doing this at home:
  7. On the point of the wheelsize. I am mostly on my KS16X now, but I still return to my old 16S sometimes. Specifically when I know that I need to have just a little help in commuting short distance, or need to hide the wheel somewhere under the table. Totally different wheels, but both are fine to ride. Of course,if I had to pick 1, then no question - 16X is the one for all my needs, city commuting, weekend ride, fun of going off the roads...
  8. Check out Voltride located in Purje 8, in Tallinn. As I am linked to them, I know they have Kingsong all models in stock. https://voltride.com/en/shop/?swoof=1&product_brand=kingsong&orderby=price
  9. For anyone popping here and wondering why there are just 2 guys riding EUC in Estonia, there is another FB group "Monowheelers Estonia" in FB Messenger. There are not hundreds of people there, but still can find someone interested in going out for a ride. Or share information about what's going on in Estonia. You can also check in voltride.com in web, FB or instagram as they are in the business of EUC - selling Kingsong, teaching, repairing etc...And sometimes inviting riders to join Friday night outs or some other events.
  10. Hi TimeslayerHS, This Wednesday you spotted me between Clarion and Länsisatama. I was too busy to catch a ferry, sorry for not stopping and having a chat. But my impression was VoW - this guy must have a very good balance. I guess riding around with Wolt box full of pizzas is not an easy thing to do. Anyway, I was in Helsinki as I was attending Vene messu in Messukeskus next to Tripla Mall. In fact the Messu is still on today and tomorrow. My colleagues from Voltride.com are there in Hall 1 a8. And have 16S, 16X and 18XL with them, if you want to meet. One of them is Silver, I would call the best rider in Estonia.
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