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    S22, Begode Ex

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  1. Both S20 and Master (as a reply to S20) exist exactly because ppl keep asking for more speed though. Both have effectively solved the torque vs speed issue, so there'll be more in the future and both Inmo and Leaperkim have to do something similar to compete. The real problem with speed is extreme levels of battery drain. S22 goes for about 30 km at 65-75 km/h and then it needs to be plugged, basically same with Master. Also, Sherman and Monster rim issues show that big fast wheels do need suspension to survive potholes at high speeds. Thus we'll probably get 50 kg wheels next year, like EX20S but with high-voltage circuitry, and those weights make EUC to be more of a motorcycle than a small portable gadget.
  2. The stock Ex mudguard doesn't do anything, I got mud all over my back and even helmet. This mudguard on the photo actually works at 60 kph.
  3. True, I use them - pedals with spikes, jump pads and power pads, they add a lot of control and comfort.
  4. Ex is slower from 0 to about 20 km/h, but then it goes straight to the beeps. It easily accelerates uphill and allows to mostly ignore the wind.
  5. ^ that's my Ex in the review, it has 1200 km mileage now and works well.
  6. Max charge is a dangerous thing, and as KingSong buyers are all over the world, if they allow potentially dangerous power input, someone somewhere will burn their house sooner or later (read: sooner) and sue them big time.
  7. EUC community mostly consists of enthusiasts, and as years go by, the technical knowledge level increases and people do care about battery capacity, range and power, pedal height, tire choice etc. That's why, for example, as I personally find V11 and S18 very interesting and promising for future models, I don't see any of those two as my next wheel at all. While the suspension is supposed to solve a number of issues, everyone would be right to imagine that it would bring a number of new issues, notifying the factory about our concerns may make the first model better. 3 parallels of LG M50T have normal charge of 1455 mAh * 3 (0.3C), that's about 4.5 amps total for temperature range of 0..25 degree celsius. Charging it with 10 amps will damage it, up to the risk of getting on fire and burning everything around it. Please refer to spec from cell manufacturer before asking the impossible from KingSong.
  8. Rode the Z myself, I'll probably post here for the last time and be done with it. Putting all weight in the center of the wheel would've worked if it was a smaller, lighter wheel, the idea is nice, but the result is big, heavy and wants to stay upright no matter what. A complete miss here. A tire without any sidewall isn't meant for any bump absorbtion. I wondered how did Colton (Choochtech) ride it at 0.6 bar, but the tire doesn't bend at all until deflated under 1 bar, so for any kind of soft ride you need to deflate it almost completely, and because no sidewall, there comes the danger of damaging the rim at some obstacle or jump. The idea to make a big hard wheel is a miss, if you value your knees and spine. The wide wheel reacts to uneven ground by doing small side turns by itself. After jumping over a box (that protects power cables), the Z behaved weirdly on landing (both 18L and MSX ignore such jumps). It tilted hard, that's... weird in 2018. The lift sensor is a good idea, unless it's located where you'd normally grab the wheel to just hold it, and activates all the times you don't want it to activate - so an owner needs a special skill to grab the handle to not activate the sensor. p.s. so in the end I moved my money to the upcoming KS18XL.
  9. Because for all wheel form factors, sizes and diameters, the physics laws and the human anatomy stay the same. Some design decisions work well, some don't, some turn out to be a flop. When I ride 40+ km/h on KS18L and MSuperX between pedestrians on a wide smooth road, I have zero problems with turns and breaks. Can't say that they're bad for offroad either. Then comes the wheel that makes every uphill a struggle (Monster). Does it work? Not well, Monster has a bit larger diameter than optimal to transfer the pedal pressure and make it accelerate. And then comes the wheel that makes every fast turn a struggle (the Z) and has sharp transition between super-sensitive control (<20kmh) and fighting to lean it (20+ kmh). Does it work? Nope, too wide and heavy and not enough body control. The MSuperX outer diameter, tire profile and softness is what still works, when you go bigger/wider on any part, the side effects outweight the gains, it seems. Would you like to discuss as well why all modern passenger airplanes look the same? (may be offtopic)
  10. That probably is, if it's not: a) heavy b) kicking back in fast turns c) wobbling
  11. There were at least three owners who got the Z unofficially from China, and I wouldn't call the week-long test of one rider a "short attempt".
  12. @Marcglider I've no idea what the best buy is currenly. The KS18XL 2000Wh comes out late autumn, it may be great of may have its own set of issues, no way to know before it arrives. ps @Toshio Uemura here's a review after a week of riding the Z6 (needs google translation).
  13. What's the point of posting how good it is, when everyone I know were off-put after 30min of trying it out? The Z is very expensive, and looks really good and interesting, but it would be better to also know that it actually isn't the best buy out of recent EUC crop, and the reasons behind it. It turned out to be a "fail by design", when a cool-looking prototype proves that the ideas behind it do not work well together in practice.
  14. I'll sum up the reviews from various riders in my country, because, well, they differ a lot from what's being posted in this thread. The Z is built around two design decisions - wide tire with motor and battery inside the rim and under-60V current. Relatively low voltage made engineers use a much heavier motor for higher amperage to output the required power. I haven't heard of any problems for GotWay or KingSong in any country because of 84V. Also high amperage required a huge radiator to dissipate heat. This design decision made the Z much heavier than it could have been. Packing battery and controller almost inside the wheel allowed the engineers to make the body low, and the pedals low. No idea what they tried to achieve with that, but low body makes controlling the heavy wheel a much harder task that it should've been, while low pedals make ppl feel like they're riding a 14" wheel. Wide tire looks like it can take offroad well, but it's completely flat, very hard, coupled with low body and low pedals that doesn't make a good offroad experience. The wide tire is too sensitive to turn, too hard to lean into the turn at decent speed, if inflated - too stiff to absorb anything, if deflated - wobbles constantly and gives a "twocycle" feel while not giving much better absorbtion. It's also unique, so replacing it with something else won't be possible most probably. Generally everyone here says that riding the Z is counter-intuitive and requires getting used to, "special motorcycle-like technique". The overall question is, what do those design decisions give to rider when he gets used to the wheel? Nothing, really. Everything the Z does, can be done with 18L/S/MSuperX at higher speed and more comfortably, without any "special techniques". Do those design decisions give some strong point the the wheel, for example, is it a good offroad wheel? It isn't - because of low wide pedals, insufficient control of low body and bad absorbtion of all kinds of bumps. Is it a good wheel for fast cruising? It's not because it's hard to turn at decent speed and behaves weirdly at hard stopping. Is it good for moving around the city? It's not, being very heavy and uncomfortable to be moved up/down the elevations with trolley handle. For all its weight Z10 has only a medium battery. It looks cool and is really well made, but its design doesn't work together well in a system, neither does it give any advantages to justify all the limitations of that design.
  15. I haven't personally, busy with work atm, my Z10 arrives next week. We had an open test event with Z recently, many riders tried it, some took it for long test after, and everyone equally struggled with the wheel. For example, KS18L testing was completely opposite. I wonder why there's such difference in reviews here and there. There's no need in fanboying or convincing youself about anything.
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