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  1. Share to your friends and tell them to vote and support your Community and make us to come to your City If u want to test V13. It has never been so easy . https://www.facebook.com/groups/inmotioneuc/permalink/3007837516177871/
  2. Hi, writte to this email.. Frank is his name of the owner, very friendly and glad to help all the time export1@xiaotu.com.cn
  3. Hi,today one italian friend told me about new problems they have and they get fined.and i have my experience from Germany when Polizei stop me 3 times and they size my EUC few months untill i get it back...but i never get a fine.. So,i was thinking about something Here we are not so many like in other countrys but we are happy when we see any new EUC rider..We are not so organised in clubs or other forms...but we can help to organise one big meeting...Bucharest have so many things to visit,like old famous Ceausescu "House of people",big parks with many lakes,old city centrum town with hot night life...and in weekend some parts from centrum are closed for vehicles and open for people and pev. What do you think...one weekend in august,maybe? Anyone interested? Sorry,my name is Lucian and i ride EUC from summer 2014.
  4. Hi,today one italian friend told me about new problems they have and they get fined. So,i was thinking about something Here we are not so many like in other countrys but we are happy when we see any new EUC rider..We are not so organised in clubs or other forms...but we can help to organise one big meeting...Bucharest have so many things to visit,like old famous Ceausescu "House of people",big parks with many lakes,old city centrum town with hot night life...and in weekend some parts from centrum are closed for vehicles and open for people and pev. What do you think...one weekend in august,maybe? Anyone interested? Sorry,my name is Lucian and i ride EUC from summer 2014.
  5. Hello,i was just talking with one italian friend who told me about what happen to Rome...wrong news for everyone..and i was thinking about something..what about one big meeting in my City,Bucharest? Here we are not so many like in other countrys but we are happy when we see any new EUC..We are not so organised in clubs or other forms...but we can help to organise one big meeting...Bucharest have so many things to visit,like old famous Ceausescu "la casa del popolo",big parks with many lakes,old city centrum town with hot night life...and in weekend some parts from centrum are closed for vehicles and open for people and pev. What do you think...one weekend in august,maybe? Anyone interested? Sorry,my name is Lucian and i ride EUC from summer 2014.
  6. So what about these videos? All of us we remember about Challenger fail? So what,we stop going forward? Shit happen ...sometimes
  7. Hi,i unlocked today to 34 km/h with EUCworld and i get 31.4 km/h ..and 30 km for few seconds without tilting back. Just to mention that every step You set untill 35 km/h is confirmed with bip on V8.. If You try more than 35 it will not be confirmed by the firmware.
  8. Can You help me about one problem on V8 please. One morning when i start V8 he tilt slowly forward untill stop and seems ok but i cant ride it because is leaning to forward. I change mainboard with another one..i ride 3-4 days and it happen again the same problem. I was guess about hall sensors..i change the motor to another wheel..it was working ok. So..1 board that seems faulty..change it and 2nd one do the same. Just now i saw in wheelog that he was tilt 28° or -28° depending If it was forward or backward. Diagnose Say everything its ok. Any idea?
  9. About battery use and charging...let me be frank All the time i charge all my batterys untill 100%..not 99%,not 90% or another value..all the time when i recharge in the night he stay plugged many hours after charging is complete..charger is green and he wont charge anymore no matter what some people say. Many many times i ride battery untill is full empty..no matter is unicycle or electric bicycle..i don't stop to 20% or 10%..when i need i ride untill he stop and i cant ride it anymore..and the same,i don't see any problem..this V8 have 5000 km and still i was able to ride 45 km with original battery.. You people need to know something,BMS has feature to stop the power to a Voltage that is safe to don't brokeli ion cells.. and another big point,li ion battery will not broke 100%.. it will start with 1-2 cells wich will not working in normal condition..If You can monitor these cells and You will change them soon..You will use the battery long long time in good condition.. If You don't know that 1 cell its broken and he don't balance ..BMS will take many A from other cells to balance that bad cell..sometimes he rise to 10-20 A consume..and that cell it will get hot..very hot. Other near cells will get hot also but still în safe temperature..but will not be good for theyr health..If You don't do something,that cell will get worst in time..and when he will get critical temperature it will be in fire danger. One wrong think about li ion battery is that they will explode...no,li ion fire is like rocket or jet engine..lithium and pressure will make a fire like a rocket fire..and you cant stop it in normal mode like water or even powder of extinguisher.why? Because the cell wich get fired its inside of a protected pack ...and that celll its in the middle of other cells..the source of fire is very very inflamable and pressure..You cant trow the puddle exactly in the point of the source of power..You cover the pack with puddle but inside the pack the fire will be on untill lithium will be finished.. So when You have a battery fired i think its not the Best to try first to extinguish the fire..the Best way its to isolated only..try to take out from closed perimeter everything that can get fired..because If one cell get fired You cant stop it very fast before other cells get fired also.. My thoughts will be to cover the pack with metal box..to try to stop oxygen..im not expert,normal no oxygen will stop the fire but someone told me thag because of lithium chemical reaction will generate oxygen..so the fire can continue even If i will try to leave the container without oxygen.. Like i Say,i'm not expert..If someone it is let me tell If i Say something wrong. But over the years i recharge many many li ion packs,original or home made..last 2 years i was charging 2-3 packs every single night because i'm courier and i was working all day with my electric vehicles.. unicycle,electric bicycle or custom electric chopper motorcycle. The chopper and blue cruiser bike was stolen last year..and last week was stolen my last loved custom electric chopper wich i was working to make it electric also..48 V 1000W brushed that i don't have what to do anymore..for the moment at least. Unfortunetly i live in a fucking stupid country.
  10. Exactly,we cut a bit from side Shell..i don't know exactly configuration but this one its the 2nd batch and he improved the skill.its enough space,he taped one more time to don't be to loose but now i find it a bit hard to take it out.
  11. You don't understand..i already have custom battery 700 Wh wich is the same like V10. V8 have 30 km/h limit from firmware,V8F have 35 km/h limit with exactly the same mainboard..with V10 mainboard i can ride with 35 km/h without to get warning and tiltback like V8F do. V8 motor have enough power to ride with 40 km/h but its limited by Inmotion only by comercial interest..because have limited battery its limited to have reasonable 45-50 km autonomy. .
  12. Ok,i will try to answer all questions.. Original pack have LG 3200 cells..after 5000 km it was the same like new,i was riding 45 km . I change original LG cells with ks16x cells wich appear that aren't LG or another known brand cells as i wanted to use original LG cells for another big battery project. My friend was riding 33 km with original pack at 90 kg..and he get 55 km with new modded pack and about 8% left. The only concern was battery pack BMS ..If he can handle such power consumption ..and BMS have 30A fuse wich means more than 2000W wich is perfect. What i expect from new confuguration is that my old V8 have V10 battery pack,i can ride 35 km/h,maybe 40 km/h sometimes.. wich means that V8F is useless..he have only 40Wh more than V8 and 200W nominal motor power wich is bullshit..40Wh means that they use 3500 cells instead 3200 from old V8.
  13. Hi,i nave almost the same problem with one of my V8 last summer..one morning when i start it he lean slowly forward or backward depending in wich position it was and he stop like he is in balance but i can't ride it . At that time i change mainboard from another wheel..he start ok..i ride it few days and one day it start the same way. At that time i was guess maybe hall sensors is the problem..i have another motor but i don't try it untill 1 week ago. 1st i took the motor and i change it with one V8 i ride it now..i use it one day and it was ok.. I don't try to test again the mainboard as i was use 2 and i get the same problem.. the wires are ok,i think..i put back the wheel and he start the same problem like last year..
  14. 1st full test with new battery.. 75 km with my V8 70 kg,22-23 km/h usual speed. Original battery i was riding 45 km even after 5000 km it was like new one. Next uppgrade will be V10 mainboard..and for just small price i will have V10 wheel with about 10 kg less.
  15. When You are Manny Pacquiao and still want to fight with Mike Tyson :))) V8 with 20 more cells..from 6.4 Ah to almost 10 Ah wich means about 50% more juice power..or almost the same like big brother V10 how many km do You think will run V8 now?
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