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Citi Wheel

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Citi Wheel last won the day on January 11 2017

Citi Wheel had the most liked content!


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    New York City
  • EUC

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  1. If any of ya'll own paintball guns, it's a lot of fun shooting it on an EUC. Anyone in NYC area interested in an EUC paintball fight, DM me. Maybe we can organize an event.
  2. Obviously the argument about cardiovascular health benefits doesn’t apply to EUCs lol
  3. This summer is the first that I've noticed it, but I've seen it on several streets. Maybe it new a material they're using this year?? I'm not sure. But if you see a strip of dark asphalt in direct sun around construction site (especially if it's elevated), for your own safety, I would just assume it's the softer kind and slow down/go around.
  4. Electric unicycle death trap
  5. Respectfully disagree. If you watch the video you see we yield to pedestrians, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.
  6. I'm sorry you feel that way, but if you visit you will see that is the way many people ride (mainly bicyclists). But I do see your point.
  7. Ride yesterday with @houseofjob& @Tishawn Fahie
  8. Hahah yeah that's got a good ring to it! Yeah, but relative to the Kingsong 18S 1640, which was his main wheel until last week.
  9. I'm guessing he just painted it since he said the top speed is 30mph.
  10. Electric Skateboard rider sees the light!
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