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  1. I don't have such an address, but the chances of Ninebot doing a firmware update for this after several years must be just about zero. As far as I am aware, they have stopped doing updates at all long ago, so putting resources into this would not be trivial. And they'd have to factor in whether the risk of someone setting such an option wrong and having an accident is worthwhile, compared with keeping it the way it has always been, which hasn't been enough of a risk as to cause them (as a company) any sleepless nights.
  2. Very interesting, especially that it handles bumps ok. Do you stand when you see a bump coming? I imagine that would be more comfortable. I'd strongly recommend you investigate the tyres as soon as you can, and ensure that they are adequately inflated (if they need it).
  3. I see there are quite a few more complaints about dead mini pro batteries on Amazon. I'm surprised Segway / Ninebot are letting this happen.
  4. From the latest Amazon review - "The first one I got did not work. Would not turn on or accept a charge. I returned it and got another one that also did not work in the same manner. When I got the second one, instead of returning it I called segway tech support and they got back to me very fast. The service was great! Turns out that when you leave your segway sitting in a warehouse for months on end the battery will slowly discharge. If the battery discharges to low, then the segway will go into a battery saver mode to preserve the life of the battery. If a lithium ion battery goes entirely dead, it's finished, cannot be recharged at all. The segway prevents this from happening. The solution to fix a dead on arrival segway is to do the following: 1) call tech support and notify them, to preserve your warrrenty. 2) get an Allen wrench set and remove the battery from the segway. 3) charge the battery while it is separated from the segway for 4 hours. 4) re-install the battery It will now work perfectly!"
  5. If you trawl all the way through the Amazon reviews then you will probably come across a few reports of accidents caused by system failure, but only a few. And I'm going from memory. I have no plan to read that lot again!
  6. If I'd travelled far enough to flatten a battery, I'd be happy to spend a good half hour fitting the second one before having to heave my weary self back on board! But I guess for you younger guys it's all no problem...
  7. Given that you don't want the rig to be too wide, it would be interesting to know the output from two large panels at a non-optimum angle vs one smaller panel laid flat. Obviously the larger the pair of panels, the nearer to vertical they will have to be mounted, but being larger they will generate more power (I assume). Probably there is a standard formula to describe the situation.
  8. The miniPro is illegal in Australia at any speed... Choice of max speed seems to correlate to a good human jogging speed. It's intended - as I see it - to enable the user to travel effortlessly but not faster than they would on foot.
  9. Not faster than design top speed, but he seems to say that previously he could only comfortably cruise at 75%. I commented that maybe Segway should have provided for a knee bar that slides forwards or backwards according to user preference, same as the whole thing adjusts up or down. Maybe if you feel like you are going faster, it's almost as good as actually going faster?!
  10. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R6FZXWO8C1JG4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B019Z6HS86 A user claiming to have made a mechanical modification to make it easier to get to top speed.
  11. Might be worth putting that warning in the first post or title, just in case... I'm glad there was no blood on the road! A shame the project has hit the buffers after all that hard work.
  12. No, nothing visible to hold them tight - I was surprised. Indeed I will keep a check on them in future.
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