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unicycle bunny

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    Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
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    Veteran Patton, Inmotion V8S

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  1. Hey guys, what bolt size do we have on the Patton for the headlight?
  2. Another light with holes on the sides for the screws: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805140427520.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.6a0938daHRvGoS&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
  3. please share a link if you'll find a suitable light? too many spooked grandmothers last night jumping left and right...
  4. are you sure it's 20w not 30w? looking at this link: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805275428894.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.113f2ca5xpdblx&algo_pvid=c338fb19-2f6b-4210-9a49-58a9fb6fd1ac&algo_exp_id=c338fb19-2f6b-4210-9a49-58a9fb6fd1ac-0&pdp_npi=3%40dis!USD!24.15!11.35!!!173.77!!%40212279b716891079525312510d07af!12000033177794877!sea!US!2485266657&curPageLogUid=CaTLDQcKljR6
  5. here is my list of these on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1UTRBQ4CHRDZ3?ref_=wl_share
  6. it's not in a way and removable on the fly without any tools - it's made entirely out of soft flexible material, foam rubber like it can easily pop up, but it's very light and secure enough to stay in the place
  7. Short story: I poured in Sahara sealer and miscalculated the amount - too much. I tried to withdraw some of it with a plastic syringe, and while inserting a flexible plastic hose into the valve, I punctured the wall of the inner tube. It went straight thru like paper. I tried to inflate it and see if Sahara would seal it. It didn't. I pulled the inner tube out a bit and discovered a tiny puncture (2mm) like 1 inch away from the valve. I applied a Slime repair patch, pushed the inner tube inside, and had to use pliers to pull on the valve. Valve got smashed up a bit. I inflated the tire - it held fine for about 5 min, and then it deflated. I pulled the inner tube out again and discovered a much bigger tear all around the valve. The tube is definitely super thin. Sahara sealer sucks. Definitely need tube with a ticker wall. I searched the Amazon and found this one (but i'm not sure about the quality). Just ordered 16x3 here https://www.ewheels.com/product-category/innertubes/
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