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    InMotion V8, Begode T4

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  1. Yes I set it up similarly and personally am happy with the way it rides now.
  2. Wow, this is actually amazing. Love the pedal dip in turn function! Much better stability when leaning into a sharp turn! And there seems to be better pedal stability overall. Only thing is it seems that braking is a bit weaker now, but might just be about getting used to the new setup and adjusting how hard back I lean.
  3. Updated! Semi-bricked like on all previous updates, but I know what to do and not to panic now. @RolluS is there a specific pedal dip in turn value that you found works best for you?
  4. OK, thanks! That's good to know. That is the reason I originally installed Freestyl3r's custom firmware, for the PWM alarm function, which was not present in the older official firmware. Now just have to pray the wheel won't brick while updating it, LOL. The T4 is terrible in that regard.
  5. Secondly, what is the current recommendation regarding the T4 firmware? I currently have the custom firmware by Freestyler installed. Do any of the updated Begode versions fix the issues that were present? Progressive tiltback at set PWM?
  6. It finally happened... My original V1 T4 bearings are starting to rattle, probably rusted. Those of you who have changed their bearings, do you have a recommendation for a good set? Also, is it safe to continue riding the T4 in the meantime or could it damage the motor? It is just a minor grind sound for now, still seems to spin OK otherwise. Also, for those who have done it themselves, any tips on the procedure specifically regarding the T4?
  7. Similar to @adrianqbs, it was coming out as a result of disassembling the wheel, but pretty easy to slide back in place. You need to tighten the screws to keep them in place which can be a bit finicky, because too loose and they slip out and too tight and your whole suspension locks up. So it's about finding the right balance a bit.
  8. Looks like I will keep riding on my original V1 tyre! Any 3rd party tyres that work great on the T4?
  9. Nice! How does the new linkage feel compared to stock? Is it (will it be) available for purchase?
  10. This makes sense, yeah. Could be the culprit. I'm happy with the stock V1 tyre so far. Granted, I've not taken the T4 properly off-road yet and haven't tried a knobby tyre, either, so my opinion on that might change.
  11. OK. Could it be the tire? Would be interesting to compare it on the hybrid/knobby, to see if it is that or something else. Which tire are the two of you using?
  12. How high a speed? I haven't ridden it above 31 mph (50 km/h) yet, so not sure that qualifies, but haven't noticed anything similar.
  13. @Alla Shkolnik I'm having issues with DarknessBot keeping connected to my T4. When heading out, I turn it on, it connects, but usually when I finish riding it only has data from the first 20 minutes and then nothing, just a gap. Also, I find that DarknessBot seems to misrepresent the voltage and thus battery percentage on the T4. It is often about 10% lower than what the Begode app says, which as far as I can tell is the more accurate number. Thanks! Currently using the free version of the app, figuring out which functions I might need or whether to get the full unlock.
  14. I'm just over 100 miles in on my T4 and must say I'm really enjoying it! Been riding it on Hard mode mostly, but played around with the modes a bit today riding around the local cemetery and probably will settle on Medium for at least a while. What modes are all the rest of you on? Must say, the T4 eats up hills like nobody's business! Really happy with the performance of it. No surprise there, coming from a V8, but still, you climb a hill and it just goes up so effortlessly! With the V8 and even more my old scooter, hills were a bit of a drag, but with the T4 it's no challenge! I'm sure there are torquier wheels out there, but I'll be content with this baby for a while, I think.
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