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Paul D

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    V11, Sherman S

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  1. My lynx seems quieter, but my ear vs that video is meaningless. Definitely louder than a fox float shock but not noticeable while riding at all.
  2. I would say yes, but not really sure what specifically your looking at it this video. Is it the sound?
  3. Paul D


    Funky s reply aught to be 😊
  4. I used a pocket knife. Shinko 244 is good to go now I think. Warming trend here. Maybe I can do a little riding soon. ETA- shinko 244 is referred to as golden boy sometimes. ETA2- It took about 15 minutes to shave tire knobs.
  5. There is no perceptable wobble in the tire. When shaving the right side knobs the left also rubbed. After shaving the left, no more rub except on the mudgaurd. The tire is simply too big but can be made to work. The golden boy is worth the extra work though.
  6. No wobbles from the tire. I use copious amounts of soapy water. I over inflate until I hear the bead pop in. Then I deflate, fill with Stan’s, and inflate with the pressure I like. Goat heads don’t stand a chance. 🤙
  7. I had/have lots of rubbing. Maybe this speaks to wide tolerances in the manufacturing process. I trimmed the side knobs which was no big deal. Now I only have fender rubbing. I anticipate this going away quickly once I wear the tire hairs off. The rubbing was enough to make spinning the tire difficult. Now, if I lift the rear fender with my fingers just a bit, I get zero rubbing.
  8. I can’t wait until I can ride enough to experience these problems (or not) because the weather is all blizzard and more blizzard then high winds then more blizzard. 🤕
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