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    V12 + Master + EX30

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  1. https://www.printables.com/model/808143-begode-extreme-18-battery-spacer
  2. Quick follow up. The tire change was easy enough, didn't even need tire irons. I found some loose bolts during disassembly and some of the m3x10 flat head screws had either backed out part way or were bent from hitting other moving parts after backing out. Vince sent me his battery spacer STL and they fit great between the frame and battery packs (print 8). I guess I hadn't taken a recent begode wheel apart before but was surprised to find only 3 motor bolts on one side and 4 on the other.
  3. Just ordered a 241 tire. Anyone have a video link showing tire removal? Also any spacers needed for the extra width of the 241? If so, where do they go?
  4. Does this have the fixed/pinned motor and the new slider mechanism?
  5. My wife has an eWheels S18 with the upgraded molicel packs and low miles. She might be interested in this.
  6. Does anyone know if it's possible to adjust the headlight angle? Mine is currently useless, pointing down about 8 ft in front of me.
  7. Is this documented anywhere? I put the wheel back on the charger when I got back. Took it off and opened the Begode app to check voltage. It keeps switching between 134V and 129.5V every second. Temp switches between 25.6 and 34.4 as well
  8. Took my eWheels batch 2 Master out for a quick errand today. It's running Freestyler's custom firmware. Going down my street at maybe 20mph (32 kph) and I heard two beeps. Turned the corner and two more beeps. I hopped off to see my wheel do a gradual but steep tiltback. Turned the wheel off and then back on and crossed the street. Within half a minute heard the beeps again. I slowed down while it continued to give me the double beeps. The pedals tilted way back as I was already off the wheel. This is new behavior to me. I've got maybe 500 miles (800 km) on the wheel and have never seen it do this. Is this part of the CF firmware? Is this a different issue to troubleshoot? I rode a bit more and didn't have the issue come up again while out (total of 6 miles). Does the CF firmware tiltback on over voltage condition? Both instances were right after taking the wheel off the charger. Maybe braking pushed the voltage up a bit too much.
  9. Anyway to pull my current firmware off my master for patching? It's an oddball version.
  10. I have one of the eWheels litech 50e wheels from october. The firmware is GW2014503 which doesn't upgrade to any of the versions listed in the app.
  11. How do you get it to switch? If I switch units in the app, it will say 200 miles, and if I switch again it will say 200 kilometers. On my wheel, it shows 200 regardless of units selected in app. The true distance is 200 * .62 (kilometers to miles conversion).
  12. just confirming that the master shows total odometer distance in kilometers regardless of if you choose metric or imperial units. My speedometer seems to switch accurately but the odometer always reports in kilometers even if the units in the app shows miles.
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