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    New York
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    KS 18XL, Nikola AR+

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  1. It would classify as a motor vehicle and we would then be riding an unregistered motor vehicle I wish the motor wattage part wasn't in the law, as we need higher watts to actually sustain that speed, like the 2200W 18XL that tiltsback at 31. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like it did for that guy in Spain who had the cops freespin his wheel in the air and fine him. I would hate to have a wheel that could only carry me 20-25mph be freespinned, show 35-40, and then get a massive fine
  2. Since then I've been pulled over once but the cop had no idea what to do and told me to ride on the sidewalk (which not even bicycles can do legally in my state) and let me go
  3. I don't ride with my legs locked or anything but I keep my legs fairly straight most of the time, but still slightly bent so I can bend them if need be when hitting a bump or something
  4. It's been done before, not sure what paint they used though. It's more common for people to vinyl wrap their shells though
  5. You ever check out the site https://www.traillink.com/ ? I use it here in NY to find cycling trails. scrolling over to oregon on the map I found quite a few trails
  6. Yeah I have a Nikola AR+ purchased in january 2022, and my battery packs are using Samsung 50G cells and not the infamous LG M50T
  7. The turnout for group rides in my city is usually pretty small, about 3 to 10 tops, but that makes it a lot more personal than showing up to a 100 person ride. We ride the roads and trail down to the beach, get a bite to eat and maybe a drink (responsibly), and then fly on back into the city to split off. We plan on doing some longer rides this summer like riding the Erie Canal trail to another city, and just enjoying the ride and going new places. Whenever I ride alone I always take the streets (I like high speed street riding), and on the group rides we go on mixed paved, gravel, and dirt trails full of bumps that really get the adrenaline kicking. It gets me out of my riding comfort zone and keeps riding fresh and interesting, if it's always me I'll always ride the same few routes of road and never do anything interesting besides riding fast.
  8. The Extreme Bull looks similar to other ones on Aliexpress, but I've never shopped on aliexpress
  9. I fly by cops going 40+. Never had an issue and never heard of anyone having an issue in my city with police
  10. Was on the street corner next to my place. While I definitely could've lost him jumping a curb behind the apartment building right next to the stop, I don't want a police report and the police or him looking in the neighborhood in the future. If I was anywhere else I probably would've done it
  11. I've had quite a few close calls, some people really don't know how to drive. I was cruising 35-38mph on a 30mph road a few days ago and had a car pass me within inches going 55+. Last month I almost got hit by a guy going over 100 in a 35 (no joke) Had a guy try to run me off the road. Caught him at the red light not even a quarter mile ahead and seriously considered smashing his mirror Worst of all I had a pickup truck parked on the shoulder of a regular 2 lane road. The truck then decided to turn in front of both lanes and start backing into a driveway. Problem being he did it right as I got next to him, I had no time to slow down and had to fly through the shoulder coming inches from his rear bumper. Some people are distracted, can't drive, don't realize how fast we can go, or simply don't care about human life
  12. I recently got my Nikola AR+ back after warranty repairs, and EUC World is sometimes now having my trips distance skyrocket to over 750 miles. It isn't affecting the total distance on my wheel, that's still at ~2000 miles. During the trip I screenshotted I only went a little over 2 miles according to a GPS Speedometer app I had running I also had a glitch where it didn't send the wheel alarms to my Bluetooth speaker. The setting was turned on, I had to restart the app for it to work. Has only happened once but was a scary instance. I'm not sure if it was just the "Use Wheel Alarms" setting didn't work properly that one time, or if all EUC World alarms were affected during that time, since I only ride with the gotway 80% beeps and a temperature alarm, and I never reached the max temp. I believe Alienrides put my Nikola AR+ on the most recent firmware, as I had to enable the Speed/Distance sent in miles per hour setting as I previously didn't. EUC World is on version 2.18.1
  13. It goes both ways. If a police officer kills an unarmed man, the people speak up, and then the same police department says "we investigated ourselves and found we did no wrong doings" you don't buy that. I'm not saying Inmotion is lying but the "facts" in their document don't add up to the recent fires posted on here. Who is more likely to lie? A rider who will never get compensation (good luck suing a chinese company), or a company trying to save face and protect their brand image? If one of the fires they investigated is the 5/20/22 V11 fire, and Inmotion is saying the damage happened due to rider error 4 weeks prior, either 1.) Inmotion is pulling these numbers out of their ass and are trying to save face 2.) The guy who's V11 burned down lied about how long he's had the wheel/didn't buy new 3.) Inmotion shipped a wheel with bad batteries in it 4.) The dealer he bought from sold a used wheel instead of a new one I'm not blindly believing the words of a company that have so much to gain from lying 🤷
  14. They said in the document that the voltage differences "happened before 4 weeks of the incidents", and the 5/20/22 fire happened on the same day he got the wheel. The amazon review doesn't say how long he had the wheel though. I don't buy this "We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong" stuff. Unless they studied wheel fires I don't know about I'm not buying this. Inmotion would have a reason to lie. Also I accidentally linked the wrong amazon review, this is the one about the fire https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2CZ2Q99VE17B0?ref=pf_vv_at_pdctrvw_srp
  15. Weren't 2 of the 3 recent V11 fires from brand new wheels? On the 5/20/22 fire the original poster says "thing went up in flames during its first charge" and the 1/27/22 fire the amazon review said it went up during first charge as well. Saying people ignored warnings when it was the very first charge is disingenuous, unless there are more V11 fires I'm unaware of. The reddit post about the 1/27/22 fire was deleted for some reason, but the amazon review is still up https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2CZ2Q99VE17B0?ref=pf_vv_at_pdctrvw_srp
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