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    KS S18, KS 16x ✨, Nik AR, EX.N-T✨

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  1. So…anyone have a range test on this thing? I hope it’s not as abysmal as I keep hearing…
  2. KNZ

    Inmotion E20

    And scrambled if you take an unexpected dive!
  3. I know this is gonna sound hella weird but this wheel has that kind of appearance that makes me wanna pet it. I DONT know why but I want to lol
  4. There’s nothing quite like the look and smell of a fresh EUC
  5. KNZ

    KS S16 "Pro"

    The constant tease of anything S-16 with hardly any footage is driving me crazy lol Please…I wanna see more funny disco wheel.
  6. Dennis Hagov basically called this a 16x with suspension so I’m completely down for this wheel. I’m too scared to go super fast, I can’t really ride far due to time constraint or just getting sore. …and I’m not ashamed to admit I do like me some needlessly flashy neon lights and built in speakers.
  7. Ah finally something that I might be able to replace my precious 16x with. Eyes on you, potential new wheel…
  8. https://www.ewheels.com/product/begode-extreme-deposit/
  9. Yooo the wing nut adjustable jump pads are so good! Well done, LeaperKim! I kind of want this thing now…
  10. Looks like they just dropped the price today. Nice!
  11. The way he yeet it into the water gave me a good laugh. This thing is adorable.
  12. Oh uh…that looks…awful lovely! Hahah..ahem
  13. Wonder if the Master X will follow this same design. I think it looks pretty slick!
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