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    V8F / SMax / Master

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  1. Kutvis


    Having a ride on a frozen river in North-Karelia, failed export in this too but next video will be maximum resolution for Insta X2
  2. I haven't read the chain, but as an update for the topic: A few weeks a go in the news it was said the new regulation to enforce insurances is stuck, someone got an idea: "Rental companies can use under 25kg weight scooters", oh dear. This is exactly what we pointed out to government team working on this subject, but I was told "we trust companies operate ethically" . The news told it can be changed with country specific regulation, no other info on local/EU-level progress.
  3. So many new posts. Can anyone tell if the tiltback in air is fixed in the new firmare? I think I have V4 or V5, changed so many parts Thank you!
  4. Thank you! E. To me it feels like it sometimes starts right away, but it gets noticeable when dropping down.
  5. Didn't Trub mention something about the differences between firmwares? Not sure though. The fact is this happens on every jump on boxes such as on the video. Might be just the weight distribution or perhaps the firmware could affect how the launch happens when riding up the very steep box causing the wheel to tiltback (and rotate tire). Pedal dips on turns, pedal tilts on boxes E. The tilt back start to feel immediately on launch, not on landing. The wheel start to rotate itself backwards.
  6. I have absolutely no idea. If I have to quess, I would think it got something to do with the firmware and perhaps the weight distribution of the wheel.
  7. I 100% confirm this. Riding fast and jumping forward is fine, but jumping on high angle box will cause this. I have been training to jump with my Master, but every time I get any bigger air it cause a terrible tilt back. Amount of force to correct the angle is not doable. I wonder if it changes by firmware version, I have not dare to update mine yet on my V5 mobo. Have been using links + monarch rt3 + 5 volume spacers, 290-310psi. I like this setup, very nice rebound.
  8. Myynnissä Begode Master Joensuussa, lisäkyselyjä Discon, torin tai wap puolella. https://www.tori.fi/recommerce/forsale/item/8579270
  9. I can see market with this and would love to test it, a little strange release though. Would take this over S19 every day if I ever again want to go under 100V wheel
  10. I was looking for this especially, to me the KS system is a disastrous design for dirtbike. Is fine for city riding though. E. I wonder if this could fit in a Master motherboard and some funky battery setup
  11. Slider is using slider such as S22, clean the dirt and change the rolls. Cylinder is such as V13, Begode's etc. I was hoping for KS to ditch the sliders and swap them with Cylinders, but keep the linkage. Just like in the Begode Extreme.
  12. On the render I can see slider suspension instead of cylinder suspension
  13. Kutvis


    Awesome and thank you. I must look into this and definitely try the software! I'm using insta360 X2, I had it on 60fps and max detail. I did export it properly out of insta's software but I think I messed it up with windows for editing the audio, it exports it again as .mp4. Internet is not an issue nor is space. Perhaps I'll play around with it a bit, it might be possible to salvage it and make it easier for next time to edit all together.
  14. Kutvis


    .mp4, any tips? Much appreciated e. I had to slap the music on top of the video with windows editor, haven't figure out how to do it in insta's (lazy editor), but the quality is fine on hard disk.
  15. Kutvis


    Riding in the forest and roads around in my "backyard". Ps. I don't understand this quality, 2x bbs for insta x2 and this is what youtube gives.
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