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Julianjc84 last won the day on February 14

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    Western Australia
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    T4 v4, Master v4

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  1. Fantastic you found a solution. If you are keen to do more experiments take a look here
  2. Julianjc84


    it is truly amazing how perfectly aligned the 'frame' and 'sliders' are. Compared to the Begode range of T4/Masters/Blitz Those stanchion poles are looking impressive!. For how 'smooth' and easily the wheel and suspension rolls through the adjustments. side note: The adjustable light brightness modes seem cool and no silly 'flashing modes'
  3. Everyone has been throwing around 100 adjustable to 130 Maybe these are some of the origins.?
  4. With the help of some good internet friends here are some accurate Blitz linkage information and suspension movements. What you are sold on spec sheets and what you 'get' with the product seems to be very different. Measurements are for both the open and closed states. Depending on how much compression of the 9mm rubbers +- 5mm Top Hole 107mm Travel (spacer removed) open 211 mm closed 162 mm stroke 49 mm Top Hole 85mm Travel open 202 mm closed 162 mm stroke 40 mm Bottom Hole 107mm Travel (spacer removed) open 203 mm closed 163 mm stroke 40 mm Bottom Hole 85mm Travel open 195 mm closed 163 mm stroke 32 mm I would also like to be corrected if any of this information is incorrect. blitz210.mp4
  5. Julianjc84


    This new company NOSFET and wheel looks and sounds amazing. I will judge it when I get to see a unit in the wild and the community members get there dirty calipers all over it. I really hope NOSFET take the lead, and implement a spec sheet that is accurate to the actual data of the wheel. even if they are not the 'top' or 'highest' value specs. real specs speak honesty integrity and trust. I am very upset with the whole EUC manufactures of inflated spec deceptions. I believe would really set NOSFET apart from other manufactures. Some specifications I would like to see in no particular order. Battery Cell count / Manufacture / Brand. Inner Rim measurements Tyre space allowance Linkage Ratios 'factual - actual' useable suspension travel distance Motor / Controller efficiency wh/km etc. Wheel speed that is also 'user configurable/correctable' Breakdown of parts and weights. User accessible riding .log files for diagnostics. Deep grooved rim for tool,less tyre changes like the v14/groove. Change log of modifications and revisions. To know the difference between batches and revision changes. I'm sure the whole community have 100s of ideas and not everything can be implemented but I hope the rest of the community can somewhat agree with me.
  6. Looks like they have added a notched section between the H bar and the Stanchion sliders. might help with twisting and alignment.
  7. Its a BEGODE. there is no way there are wet bushing. its impossible to fit them. these stanchion sliders are just black anodized. They are 100% the same as past models. red marks indicate where the graphite, brass bushing sit. Just maybe they are using nylon teflon But the grub screw for the bushings makes this very very unlikely.
  8. ET MAX is just a Master V4 with increased suspension travel. and 'maybe better geometry' Master is too good $ value for the price with 3rd party upgrades.
  9. So what's different about a ET MAX to a MASTER V4 / EX30? here are my observations. from EUC UPGRADES video ETMAX: 90+mm wider to support stanchions to support 90/90 tyre T4 / MASTER /EX30 89mm max stanchion horizontal width ETMAX: Stanchions seem to be coated with some kind of material? appears to still be using brass n graphite bushings judging from the grub screw. Need to disassemble to inspect. T4 / MASTER /EX30 use a 2mm Stainless steel raw tube. that is lubricated from the brass and graphite dry lube bushing. ETMAX: has the motor cable running on the inside, this now sacrifices a motor bolt on the cable side. Only 3 bolts T4 / MASTER /EX30 motor cable runs on the outside of the stanchions and you get 4 motor blots on the motor cable side. ETMAX: what appears to allow for 4 bolts at the bottom top H bar mount. There was no camera angle to confirm but appears so with assumptions. T4 / MASTER /EX30 top of the stanchions to the H bar. only have 2 bolts on motor cable side and the motor cable support bracket acting as a half bolt. pretty weak and sus. ETMAX: Now appear to have Tapered motor bolts to prevent rubbing on stanchion slider. as well as use of lock washer and nylon washer? T4 / MASTER /EX30 use lock washer + SS washer + over tightened crushing the aluminum stanchion frame. ETMAX: New plate that is mounted to the batteries up the sides. that sits stranded off the stanchion frames. and mounted to the bottom of the stanchion pole. The Pedals also mount to this plate that allows higher pedal height and saves abot 20mm at the bottom of the pedal hanger bracket T4 / MASTER /EX30 Features 80-100 relative travel that is actual travel of ~70mm Master ~85mm T4 ~90mm EX30. With extension poles the master can be pushed to 110 travel however the bottom hanger collide with the rubber of the Tyre. I see how ETMax gets 130mm now. ETMAX: New top housing, that has rear section of the linage area cut open to allow better geometry and linkages to move up and into the top controller housing zone T4 / MASTER /EX30 handicapped geometry from the frame housing. ETMAX: Vertically aligned frame linkage mount points. T4 / MASTER /EX30 Same Linkage points vertically aligned. EXTREME: Offset vertically aligned linkage mount points. ETMAX: Single charge port under unit. makes for better waterproof top case. T4 / MASTER /EX30: Dual linked charge port on top of housing that potential for water and dirt bulidup. ETMAX: Side view T4 / MASTER /EX30: its uncanny similar to this breed. Can be seen how fast BEGODE releases.
  10. I'm wondering about the extreme linkages and the begode coil custom shocks everyone raving about 900lbs. Do we have Full specs on this beast? Got me working on the extreme linkages again and what the deal is. Looking for more accurate dimensions as I don't have access to a extreme. Wondering if my frame mounts are correct. extreme movement.mp4
  11. 100% agree, 71mm vertical travel on the master sucks. Its just enough for road use. 25% sag on 71mm is 71/100*25= 18mm 71-18 = 53mm vertical stanchion travel. Soon as you do a kerb or stairs and you will bottom out, and if you are not bottoming out with a high LBS coil or PSI its going to feel like a non Suspension wheel and that just sucks. Currently i'm running a custom X linkage at a ~1.35:1 ratio with a DNM rcp2s rockshox 400LBS coil for my weight. Its nice. I can bottom it out but its a compromise. RockShox make coils in 50lbs increments and are the cheapest. Can easy interchange to 300/350/400/450/500/550lbs for a 72kg naked rider. I have new linkages at the laser cutters for a 210mm DNM and the LocVo style 110mm vertical travel stanchions that are 3mm tube custom made. A video will be released when I get it done over the next 2 weeks. i have all the Movement data and ratios in CAD so its very easy to simulate. A big issues with the BEGODEs Frame issues is the linkage lengths that mount to the frame Top headder and lower H Bar. Should be Equal in length. but compromises have to be made else they collide with the seat, you can see in my above photo I have added risers. That's why everyone makes uneven length linkages to prevent collision with the seat & light and to keep the linkages tucked in closes to the tire. This in turn makes for a not so smooth linkage movement curve but does not seem to effect the movement ratios and ratio curve and it only really impacts the last 10mm of movement.
  12. Based on Begodes history and I hope I am wrong. Connector. can't find any details on them. GD HUAYUE HY110 2+4F maybe that's a 6 pin connector? Looks like the right size for a custom MOLEX.
  13. The seals are so loose. Any over packing just oozes out the seal lip. If the grease can ooze out no problem without popping off the seal. Its no wonder everyone I know, and myself have had bearing issues with the Begode wheels from water ingress. My v11 Suffered the same fate too. My preference is to have grease oozing out the seals than have water seeping in. Same boat brother and I like to hit water and puddles. I will see how this master goes. Wish I did it to my T4 day 1.
  14. This document is amazing and Russian! Thankyou. I customized and edited a bit and made more accessible in a google doc. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1df77qPoMnHwik-T-hHIqtEl9jAk_xfDVS4XdZOqhT9c/edit?usp=sharing NOTE: Something to consider the ratio graph does not reflect the actual motion and movement the linkages take. When link B and link D are different lengths the motion of geometry movement curve is not very clean and depending on what link is longer and by how much the curved movement motion will push the link up or downward.
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