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jimjam.nyc last won the day on August 6

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About jimjam.nyc

  • Birthday 12/18/1975

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    InMotion V12, Veteran Patton

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  1. I dont have a v14. But I have owned a few inmotion wheels. Including a batch 1 V12 which may have been one of the more botched launches of wheels to date. I hate starting with that, because I have had zero issues with my V12 and enjoyed all of my inmotion wheels so far. I think buying a wheel in general comes with a certain amount of anxiety because you kind of hear either horror stories or just how awesome everything is. I think it comes down to the inherent danger of getting a lemon on any of these wheels. Anyway.. Long story short. I dont think the v14 is a bad choice. I think there may be better options in all the categories the V14 falls into, but if the V14 hits all the marks for someone it would probably be a fine choice of a wheel. I have seen quite a few around NYC riding..
  2. Interesting looking wheel. No specs on size of tire or motor, battery, etc.. Wonder if the suspension is adjustable at all.. Or if its just setup in one way. Some decent "smart" type features.. Wonder how they work. Worth a watch for that alone. Hopefully some stuff makes it to other higher end wheels in the future if they work well on this wheel.
  3. I just checked. So far no firmware update. I will check again later.
  4. You make a good point. It is kind of a goto thing to say. But I guess my interpretation would be in this situation: a solution for a problem that may not really be a problem. So adding the extra moving parts for no real reason. Either way I am interested to see how this wheel turns out, and if there really is a benefit to suspension design vs the other suspension wheels out there.
  5. Looking fwd to hearing some actual riding impressions of this wheel. Personally not interested in it as it's a bit much for my needs. but coming in at same price range as the Lynx and some others it will be great to see what it has to offer if anything. Impressions don't always have to be super technical. If the wheel is fun to ride and offers similar or better performance in any areas its worth a look at the very least. At first glance it looks a bit over engineered, but will wait for actual impressions before judging.
  6. I don't think it's controversial at all. Just because these wheels are already great and very popular, doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss ways to make them better in future models. LK has no history of battery issues, it doesn't mean they should never implement better BMS features. They are on their 4th iteration of their suspension wheels, it's only natural people will start to find ways it can be improved.
  7. The F22 releases soon. Which may potentially (or not) improve on this already great suspension design. I find the topic pretty relevant and not entirely fading out. Especially since this has been ongoing since the sherman S. Leaper Kim has released now 4 wheels with the same format and arguably changed very little between the lynx and the L. I find the topic continually relevant because it may lead to even better wheels in the future. It also may be valuable info for someone looking to purchase one of the LK models to properly evaluate their decision on what model to buy, or wait for the next one. I never invalidated your opinion. You offer a lot of knowledge to this forum. But no need to jump on everyone who may not agree. I think with wheels like the F22 and even the V14, s22.. Dare I mention the dreaded commander wheels which are blatant rip offs of LK wheels.. It is just good practice on this forum to let people know who are in the market the pros and cons of each design.. Weather we like those wheels or not. Hell I would never buy a commander. They are not for me.. But if they do something better that will make my next wheel purchase a better one. I am all for talking about it.
  8. I am pretty active on this forum. I try to be honest and respectful. I am not an expert and all I suggested was for people to also talk to their distributors if they have questions, and this topic should be well within the rules here to discuss. Because I find blaming people for not knowing how to tighten bolts to end a discussion may not be sufficient for people possibly getting ready to dump a few K on a new wheel. If that is stirring things up too much I apologize. Mods can feel free to remove my messages to keep the discussion clean and on topic.
  9. I wasn't insinuating you were a fan boy. Sorry if I portrayed that. Truth is people have been discussing play and flex in the LK suspension wheels since the Sherman S and Patton. I am an owner of a batch 1 Patton and had many of discussions on this topic now for a while. Even on the Patton thread. I barely see it as anything of an issue for me. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about it and we should tell others it's their fault for not knowing how to tighten some bolts and screws. Which may or may not be insulting to some. (Not to me) Edit: I would like to Add Leaper Kim is excellent at addressing issues on their wheels. So if there is an issue that can be fixed, its important to talk about them. it benefits all of us current owners and future owners of their wheels.
  10. It's just a discussion. The only people honestly making a fuss are the ones who don't want to hear about a possible negative point on a LK wheel. Most are not claiming it's a major issue or a point of failure. It's just a mention that it happens and discussing it. I'm not sure why the hostility over the discussion on a discussion board.
  11. Except for the fact that literally every other wheel does not need everything torqued exactly to spec to avoid having the kind of flex play these wheels seem to have. While I don't necessarily disagree with you, people should assemble their wheels to spec as much as possible, then compare and test. It is also fair to say that there should be a bit more tolerance or margin for error. (if the issue is actually due to torque specs). It is a legitimate question for those looking at a product costing as much as Sherman L and Lynx. I am not a big believer in follow everything you hear on Youtube or forums, which is why I always say call and talk to someone who is kind of on the hook for supporting your purchase when you have these questions. Edit: I also want to add. if the torque specs of certain bolts are vital to the performance of the wheel. LK should be publishing those specs in their manuals, etc. Not spreading the info by way of word of mouth. If these specs are now in the manuals, then I stand corrected, but on my patton I needed to go to telegram groups to get that info...
  12. The amount people who get upset when someone has a negative experience with the brand they like is pretty hysterical. I still for the life of me cant understand the need to defend, and even swear up and down the negative experience is the users fault. Not everyone is going to have the same experience on every product. This goes for literally everything. If anything about a wheel concerns you, don't let anyone convince you its not an issue for you. At the price these wheels cost, don't let any fan of a brand tell you what is acceptable and not to your experience. If you have any questions, call your distributor, etc. I really feel like this is the best way to get information. Even the most knowledgeable people on YouTube and these boards often make mistakes and have wrong info.
  13. If the acceleration assist is anything like what InMotion did on v12. It probably will be a welcome feature. I know people are quick to say its not the same, but it seems very similar to split ride modes. I feel like that would be a good thing not a bad thing. Plus, you can turn it off. As long as it doesn't introduce any other "bugs" to the firmware, I think it's pretty awesome to see Leaper Kim adding features to updates like this. Makes you feel at least a little better about spending your money and possibly keeping a wheel a bit longer than until when then next one comes out.
  14. This is probably what will happen. You will have certain people saying they feel a difference, certain people will claim the opposite or worse. In the end the 2 wheels are shaped differently, weigh different, have weight distributed differently, etc. Even if there is a prove able difference in either direction it will probably be mostly subjective or a moot point for most riders interested in either of these wheels.
  15. Can we get this topic back on track please... No offense to anyone here, but take your beef to private message. Not singling anyone out here. But I think we have enough comments about this now.
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