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EUC in Doc: Take Your Pills, Netflix — the highs and lows of ‘brain-hacking’

Jason McNeil

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Anyone seen this documentary on NetFlix? 


"Dr Anjan Chatterjee, chair of neurology at the University of Pennsylvania, says ruefully: “When I was in college, people did drugs to check out; now people do drugs to check in.” We meet software engineer Nathanael, zooming around on his electric unicycle, who finds they help him attain a “Zen-like flow”.


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9 minutes ago, fryman said:

Could not get link to work, unless you subscribe.

That was the only EUC part of the article. Forget the article though, here's the YT Trailer:

"I got everything I wanted & there's no way it what have been possible without the medication". Really?! A Ninebot E+ is everything you wanted? Come on buddy, raise your aspirations a bit, to at least a Tesla. :D


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