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Solowheel off-road


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Took my Solowheel Xtreme off-road today -- so fun! Bumpy gravel, roots, and steep terrain -- amazing how well these EUC's hold up :-)   Ah, not yet @‌vee73's level but super fun for me :D


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Wow youre moving fast - how fast?

As it's a Solowheel, my guess would be less than 20km/h. It always looks faster the closer to the ground the camera is. Riding fast in hiking and forest paths isn't exactly easy, I can do around 20km/h at best with the Firewheel on hiking paths, and probably couldn't even ride on "real" forest paths. If you want to see fast offroad-riding, check out this video from Vee73  (and others from his channel)  ;) :


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@esaj: lol after @vee73's video mine looks pretty slow :rolleyes: 

Wow youre moving fast - how fast?

At that track my average speed was 12km/hr and max speed 19km/hr (I think on the second gravel segment). That is plenty fast for me -- I am wearing a (skateboard) helmet and wrist protection when in the forest btw.  Any faster would be too dangerous for my taste -- vee73 wears a full motorcycle outfit with full helmet and body armor I think. Even then, he had a pretty serious crash recently; when you hit a tree at 30+ km/hr you can get hurt! :ph34r:  he is fine though as he has Finish super human powers :D

(You can read about his off-roading and crash here: http://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/111-i-plan-to-test/?do=findComment&comment=4790)


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