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About Daan

  • Birthday 06/07/1972

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    Seattle (Bellevue) WA

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  1. Daan


    Thanks for the nice post and photos! Please send more of the entire inside of the wheel if you can :-) But wow, it does make me appreciate the elegant inner design and cabling of the Solowheel Xtreme (http://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/801-solowheel-xtreme-partial-take-down-disassembly/)
  2. Daan


    You are a quick learner ‌@Paul Panait !! Please keep reporting your progress. Can you weigh your wheel -- very interested to see the real weight of the 130Wh version. You report it may be underpowered... perhaps, but for example, when you go from sidewalk to grass, it may also be that you are still learning too that you fell down? Also, a grinding noise seems not good -- other wheels I rode (Ninebot E+, Firewheel, Solowheel classic, Solowheel xtreme) were all basically silent (except for the 'humming' of the BLDC drive). I wonder what it is. Anyway, have fun and be careful in the beginning
  3. Daan


    Allright -- after all these cool videos, here is another one With the Solowheel Xtreme along quite a steep river canyon -- very fun!! love taking my wheel outdoors.
  4. Daan


    Please try to weigh it somewhere -- I am very interested to see how heavy it really is :-)
  5. Daan


    Great vids @Jag_Rip! Love commute videos since it shows how practical these eucs are!
  6. agree -- but then, it *is* much better if you would have used the car instead... I notice I often do groceries now with my wheel instead of the car; beside helping out the environment and congestion, it is also more fun for me, relaxing, and I surely work harder than sitting in the car
  7. Daan


    Don't know the answer here; however perhaps someone can shed a light on the big weight difference between the two: 9.3kg versus 12.8kg ! That is just strange: is the MCM4 perhaps of much more robust quality? Or is IPS just really good at shedding weight? Anyone?
  8. Daan


    Thanks -- I was pretty proud of that lol
  9. Daan


    Recently visited Holland and rode in the beautiful dunes around Schoorl (Solowheel Xtreme) -- met a group of Segway riders; those things are huge
  10. Daan


    Ah, that keeps being an awesome video!! Super fast -- I guess you practiced a few times
  11. Do you already have experience on a EUC? otherwise, I would suggest to take it easy at first -- buy a solid & safe wheel and do not go too fast in the beginning; I don't think EUC's are very safe on the road surrounded by cars -- I usually stay on sidewalks or bicycle lanes as much as I can. Just want to caution you a bit -- otherwise eWheels are super super fun and I love commuting on it when I can IMHO, on an eWheel, 22km/hr is already quite fast and most people would have a hard time to run off a fall at that speed... 30km/hr or faster is really only possible on either really nice track or when you are very well protected (or if you are super human, like @‌vee73 ) (of course, my wheel 'only' goes 24km/hr max, so perhaps I am just envious lol )
  12. Daan


    Awesome skills! Such stairs are hard!
  13. Daan


    Great idea to have a video thread I had a beautiful outdoors ride at the Colombia River gorge (N. Bonneville, WA) -- just great paths with packed earth and beautiful views. Great forest too but unfortunately my camera broke down (do not buy a contour-roam -- garbage). Anyway, here are some snippets:
  14. I think it is the opposite: bigger wheels are more safe! First of all, they usually have more power (=better balancing) and usually more battery (=no cut-off), and most important, a bigger wheel goes more easy over bumps etc. I learned on an 18" and it was no problem at all -- never took a serious fall (yet :-) ). Now, clearly, the faster you go, the more risk you take but that is irrespective of wheel size; just don't go too fast Perhaps, smaller wheels are a bit more easy to steer into tighter turns but I tried a 16" wheel and the difference seemed quite minimal in practice. Anyway, just my 2c.
  15. Daan


    ‌@esaj; Ah, you know your stuff I am wondering though about the brand of batter, i.e. high quality or not, and the max. current that can be drawn. For example, we figured that the Sony VC3 has 20A max current, which usually means you can actually safely draw 40A for a short time, and with a parallel pack that means 80A for spikes That gives a lot of room to prevent cut-off or balance issues. Since the IPS Zero 130Wh is probably in series and not parallel, it becomes quite important to know if these are high quality batteries or not... right?
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