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Level calibration for EYU.CO may apply to other cheap imports


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I'm not sure if other cheap Chinese imports are the same but this is how to re-calibrate an EYU.CO.


First open the case.



Disconnect the battery side to make the handling more simple. This isn't always possible, it isn't on my IPS eu's.



Remove the control side of the case from the wheel. There is enough slack on the wire behind the electronics cover to pull it away slightly and swivel it around to work on it, be careful not to put any strain on the wire connections. You can then unscrew the cover plate to expose the control board.



The two lengths of white wire need to be threaded through the hole in the side of the casing to the outside. Then the wheel needs to be reassembled carefully easing the slack of the motor supply wire back behind the electronics cover.



To re-calibrate just stand the wheel upright, I found a workmate to be the perfect support to allow the wheel to spin freely. Strip the ends of the two protruding white wires and short them together whilst you turn on the wheel. The wheel spins about 3 revolutions in each direction then stops and beeps. Turn it off and the job is complete, check it works as expected. If all is well grip the stripped wire ends with a pair of pliers and ease the insulation back a little then snip off and pull the insulation forward again to protect the ends. You cah add a dab of glue or mastic to seal it if you like but it shouldn't be necessary. Poke the wires back in and you're done.


Whilst you have the unit apart you can check the torque on the wheel nuts with a torque wrench and  stilsons. 



This will probably be different for each manufacturer and you will need to contact them for the correct settings. The EYU are set to 20KGF and 1.0KGF for the one with the wire.

I know that on the IPS the torque is critical and should be set to 75-85nm, to loose and you get wheel wobble at speed and too tight and the peddle lift warning doesn't happen and you get sudden failure sometimes with as little as one beep warning.


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By the way, alternatively, you can embed larger photos inside posts with imgur.com if you wish.

Are images on the forum a problem? They do get big enough to see the detail if you click on them, I kept them small to lessen any storage issues.  I only ask as from previous experience I know that externally linked images have a tendency to go down over time or have problems with the links and therefore don't tend to last on older posts. :(

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Your images are fine.  I'm currently hosting the board with the same company as the forum software developer.  Check out their prices and storage plans.


The $120 USD per month plan only gives 10 GB total while the $20 per month plan gives only 2 GB TOTAL.  If this forum gets more active and more users I probably have to move everything out to a dedicated server eventually and throw in a 5 TB hard drive or something.  I think their storage capacity is unreasonable.  Meanwhile I think imgur is so big I don't think they will ever go down.  They'll probably get acquired by Google soon.  :D

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.......that externally linked images have a tendency to go down over time or have problems with the links and therefore don't tend to last on older posts

100% agree

this happen all the time in a lot of forums for post older then 1, 2 or 3 or more years and so many post are just getting worthless!

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  • 6 months later...

I have a different knock off Chinese model, but am having the same issue. No white wires anywhere to be found as far as I can tell.

There are two very small blue wires that come off of the control board and are stuck together with a small piece of black....something?

could this be the calibration wires?

I will take pictures when I get home, but this model is very clogged up inside (it has Bluetooth speaker and front and rear lights) so 3 boards are in the one little compartment.


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  • 3 months later...
On 1/12/2015, 11:34:54, Gimlet said:

I'm not sure if other cheap Chinese imports are the same but this is how to re-calibrate an EYU.CO.


I'm having a problem with this exact EUC. I removed the controller to try and reposition it in the case and now it will only move forward and jerks and bangs when I push it backwards, it doesn't seem to balance. I tried re-calibration but it just beeps and the wheel continuously spins, even after restoring the controller exactly where it was before. Any help @Gimlet would be amazing!

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5 hours ago, Tom said:

I'm having a problem with this exact EUC. I removed the controller to try and reposition it in the case and now it will only move forward and jerks and bangs when I push it backwards, it doesn't seem to balance. I tried re-calibration but it just beeps and the wheel continuously spins, even after restoring the controller exactly where it was before. Any help @Gimlet would be amazing!

Have you poked the two wires from your control board through the side padding?

If so you put it all back together and stand the base of the pedals on two blocks to hold it firmly upright. If it wobbles about during the three spins forward and back then it won't be able to calibrate. I used a workmate as a stand and allowed the wheel to spin between the open vice jaws.

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