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What are the ACM default speed limits?


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First beep (speed warning) = 30 km/h

Second beep = ?

Third beep = ?

Tiltback speed = ?

(I believe this is how it works, not sure)

I guess it is 30, 32, 34, and 36 km/h but I don't know. Can anybody confirm?

And is there a difference between the 67V and 84V models regarding these numbers?


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First level alarm:  25kph (2 bips) -> can be disabled

Second level alarm =  30kph (3bips) -> can be disabled

Third level alarm = 80% power, depends on rider weight, acceleration, climb, wind...  DANGER (5bips) -> can't be disabled

Tiltback speed = from 3kph to 48kph through the gotway app -> can be disabled

Be careful, the alarm beeps seem to be caculating the "gotway" speed which is higher than the real speed, however for tiltback it is the real speed (tested on bike computer).

The difference between 67V and 84V is the third level alarm, it seems that the 84V cuts off at 51-53kph real speed due to overspeed I can't say for the 67V version but it seems to be at 46kph real speed according someone who tested the limits on video, for safety I woudn't go above either the third level alarm, or 45kph for the 84V version and 40kph for the 67V version ;)

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Thanks! But... are you sure? Factory settings? Wheellog did once say 28 km/h max speed, I've been above 25 often enough, and I did not have any beeps.

I've heard a single beep once and I believe it could have been the 30 warning (or I'm imagining things).

Are your numbers maybe after using the new Gotway app (which has 25 km/h as max limit for tiltback, lol). This is why I don't touch that app with a 10 foot pole, don't want to accidentally disable my ACM irreversibly (or have to disable the warning because they are too low now).

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I am not using the new gotway app, because the new app limits my gotway at...24kph. If you connect the new app (what I did first) and then the old, it won't disable your ACM ;)

Have you closed the first or second alarm, or both ?

The first 2 alarms are speed alarms, it wouldn't make much sense to have them too high as it would encourage riders to go faster...I think you may have closed the first alarms, you should lift your wheel while on and test at what speed the first alarm actually kicks in ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And Do you have the old ver. of app? I don't want to make a new thread.. :) 
So, I don't have a ACM but MCM4 and I tried many many apps for settings but no one can unlock first alarm.
It is any possible way to unlock MCM4? For riding without first alarm on 24kph? Thx

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On ‎28‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 8:36 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

Thanks! But... are you sure? Factory settings? Wheellog did once say 28 km/h max speed, I've been above 25 often enough, and I did not have any beeps.

I've heard a single beep once and I believe it could have been the 30 warning (or I'm imagining things).

Are your numbers maybe after using the new Gotway app (which has 25 km/h as max limit for tiltback, lol). This is why I don't touch that app with a 10 foot pole, don't want to accidentally disable my ACM irreversibly (or have to disable the warning because they are too low now).

The numbers pingouin stated are correct:

First level alarm:  25kph (2 bips) -> can be disabled

Second level alarm =  30kph (3bips) -> can be disabled

Third level alarm = 80% power, depends on rider weight, acceleration, climb, wind...  DANGER (5bips) -> can't be disabled

Tiltback speed = from 3kph to 48kph through the gotway app -> can be disabled


But that's the first time i hear that the new app( or any GW app) Limits the Speed to 25kmh....

I have the old and the new app and on both i have the exact same functions...like mentioned above....what i can say is that on the new app my Settings are "forgotten", so i have to set them again after using the new app. So i would advise use the app once...and then never again.

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Totally forgot about this thread!

Just did the "lift the wheel up and see what happens" test, and the results are (speed is what wheellog shows):

  • 2 beeps at 30 km/h
  • 3 beeps at 34 km/h (could be 35)
  • 3 beeps until about 40 km/h (so no further alarm under 40 - I certainly don't care about higher speeds)
  • naturally, hardly possible to measure tiltback speed this way, so nothing about that

This is consistent with what the GW website says: http://www.kebye.com/about/?84.html it says 30 1st and 35 2nd (interestingly, I think when I started this thread only the 30 was mentioned, the 35 is new information).

I have never changed any alarm or tiltback settings willingly, so unless this is a result of fat fingers, this should be the ACM default behavior (at least of mine, 84V - production date 8th December 2016).


In my new GW app (2.11) the max tiltback speed selectable in the list is 25 so that's why I stay away from this app. I thought the app updates itself (happened once) but @Hansolo's comment makes clear this is another case of "lol Gotway";).

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  • 1 month later...

For those interested, I just reconfirmed this with my new 84V ACM board (wheel production date is April 2017).

30 km/h is default 1st alarm (2 beeps)

35 km/h is default 2nd alarm (3 beeps)

So this is a guide to what are safe speeds (<30), questionable (30-35) and unsafe (>35) speeds, according to Gotway.

The standard tiltback seems to be at 25 km/h now. I disabled it because I think it is safer to ride without tiltback, after experiencing the crazy wobbling it produces in the lift test. No need to kill yourself in fear of death:facepalm:

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