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Looking for a Ninebot One E+ replacement handle.


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Hey everyone! 

I've had a Ninebot One E+ for over a year now, and when I girlfriend started working downtown with me I got an S1 and let her ride my E+. Unfortunately she broke the handle on it this week and I'm looking for a replacement. As far as I can find online most places in the US are out of stock. I was hoping to get it repaired quickly because she's carrying it around like a baby and it makes the Ninebot less useable. 

Does anyone know of anyone in the US that is still selling handles, hopefully someone in Texas? I purchased one from Hoodriderz, but I got a tire instead and now they're not listed on their website. I'm hoping they'll fix it and send me one, but I was really wanting to get this repaired this weekend. 


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Any luck finding it? I also bought it from Hoodriderz. Fortunately didn't break it yet.

I would call them first even though they don't list them anymore.

See if Bangood or Aliexpress sells them. Time consuming but worth a try.

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  • 2 months later...

For anyone else who finds this, you can order the handles directly from Ninebot US.

Also note that Ninebot have a limited 90 day warranty on the handle due to them knowing that it's a design failure and not wanting to replace hundreds of handles for their customers anymore.

I made a handle of sorts out of a belt rather than buying a new one that'll only break in a year or two.

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