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Swiss Meetup


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I'm not sure how many Swiss are here - but since I get my wheel tomorrow, I thought it would be cool to meet some people and get some tips and hints. Most importantly - have some fun together.

I would suggest a meeting in the Zürich area (I'm from St. Gallen, but I guess Zürich would be more central)

Anyone interested?

As an alternative we could also meet around Konstanz - maybe some South Germans or Austrians can make the trip as well?

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In Luzern the path around the lake could work well although it is pretty crowded and probably not the best for training.

I live in Sursee and there is a generally paved and quiet path around the lake here that might work.  I haven't been riding long either, so I'm far from an expert in crowded situations.

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Another 9botter here, while Zurich would be optimal to come together easily (I dont have a car at the moment), but as stated the Police is indeed keen on pulling EUC and segways over, since the new law is in place that treats EUCs as bicycles and bans them from the sidewalks.

A good location should have large bikelanes and little traffic I guess, to have some fun and not scare the less experienced by driving on the side of a road.

The old military trainingarea in Frauenfeld (where the Openair took place usually) could be such a candidate:

Allmend Frauenfeld


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so they "killed" EU's for tourists in Switzerland ? what a shame ... thought about bringing my ninebot1 with me during my holiday in early august (Pfäffikon SZ region) ...

but after looking around on the internet it seems to be quite an expensive fun ... 40 chf for driving on the sidewalk, xx chf for driving without insurace/plate ... plus the risk of a confiscation ? ...

already enjoyed the thought of riding along the lake path to the Pizzeria in Rapperswil ... looks like i need to go there with a car ...

is this (http://www.db-legal.ch/electric-unicycles/) the actual ruling ? or do you have more up-to-date infos on EU's or bikes ? e.g. what do dutch campers with their own bikes do in switzerland ? are there holiday bike plates ? or weekly permits ?


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Bike plates are gone in CH now, they are now part of your house insurance I think.

Now EUC's up to 20kph are treated the same way as bicycles are. Active from 1st of June, so no insurance, no helmet obligation, BUT you gotta ride it on the side of the road and on bikelanes, not sidewalks. I have no issue riding at the same speed as bikes on a bike lane, and Switzerland has heaps of dedicated bikelanes everywhere.

And since we are among friends here ;) how often do you see bikes use the sidewalk for their quick getting around things, how often are they caught?
In the countryside I figure police wont even care if those sidewalks used are deserted most of the time, but cruising in a group of 20 with 20kph along the pedestrian area of a crowded lake park, well, not the best idea anyway.

So its not really "killed" its rather tightly regulated, like we do stuff here in switzerland... ehehe

Official legalese in german for the big engines:

and up to 500w EUCs this applies:

And as a foreigner you can bring a Vehicle up to 125ccm (*ggg) without license plates and stuff, if your country doesnt require them.


Edit with more legalese in german..

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So its not really "killed" its rather tightly regulated, like we do stuff here in switzerland... ehehe


It might be tightly regulated, but I would not say that this is unreasonable. On the contrary, I hope that the German government will follow the lead.

Thanks for the link!

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Bike plates are gone in CH now, they are now part of your house insurance I think.

Bike plates are - but you are supposed to get a "Mofa" plate for your EUC. I'll try to see if I can pass by my Strassenverkehrsamt tomorrow to ask about it (although I have the problem that my Kingsong has a max speed of 25kmh...)

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@manuelz please let us know what you learn!

And that aside, are people still interested in getting together and going for a group ride?  Sounds like it should be somewhere not so crowded and not so policed.  A long walking or unpopular bike path.  Anyone have any thoughts?  How about the path between Aarburg-Oftringen and Olten?  I'm pretty sure it is a paved path.  We could go from one SBB to the other?  It's about 5km one way, pretty flat.


New Picture (49).bmp

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Doesn't look good.. K first I have to admit that I didnt go there, but called :) And I was driving, so not everything sticked...

To get a Licence Plate for your EUC in Switzerland you need a Prüfungsbericht "Formular 13.20A"  filled out. You can do that at a Prüfungsstelle of the Strassenverkehrsamt - the guy did tell me though that you need more documents from the manufacturer, stating the never changing details of the product.

The way he told me this has to be done either by the manufacturer or by the importing party (there he told me it should be a Velofachgeschäft or something similar)

Too complicated for me - I'll drive it without anything until i get a bill :D

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@manuelz You'll need Mofa-Plates only with engines over 500w, my Ninebot has exactly that so I am fine. Looks really sexy putting those yellow Mofa Plates on a EUC. :blink:

Form. 13.20A you'll need if you import a vehicle yourself.
If you got your Wheel from a CH-Importeur they usually did that already for those models they sell in CH (Typenschein). If they didnt, I would not buy anything from such a company. Its irresponsible to sell illegal products to unsuspecting customers IMHO.

But for now I am sure you'll get away with just telling "them": The engine inside is below 500w and its limited by the manufacturer to 20kmh otherwise you surely would not have bought it. -_- But at some point in the future they'll know where and how to check..


@EDL that path looks nice, it would be best if at least someone of the participants has been on the suggested road before I guess.

I made a GMaps link of it:
Olten to Aarburg

Have you seen the Allmend in Frauenfeld I posted? I've been there with rollerblades several times, people with Cars can drive up to a parking lot next to it, a bus station for people riding public is close as well and I think a restaurant is there since there is a horse-racetrack right next to it (not 100% sure on that though).


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I did see the Allmend.  The only thing I don't like about it is that it is really far from me - 2 hours by train (I don't have a car).  I picked Olten because I think us CH-wheelers seem to be in Zurich and south.  Olten is sort of in the middle.  I think @^tom^ is near Olten too.  But I don't know, so Olten being in the middle is just guess work.

I'm going to try to ride the Olten path in the next 2 weeks.

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Maybe somewhere around Zug, or the south side of Lake Zurich?  If there are more of you up near Frauenfeld I could probably pull that off, but I'd need enough advance notice to plan (kids, wife, etc...).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Important points - Sorry for the German:

Rund um das Leicht-Motorfahrrad 
Das braucht man beim Leicht-Motorfahrrad nicht 
 Typengenehmigung
 Zulassung
 Kontrollschild und Ausweis
 Für Lenker die 16 Jahre und älter sind: Führerausweis
 Helm

Das braucht man:

Fest angebrachtes Licht und Rückstrahler (nicht typengenehmigt)

Im Gegensatz zum Elektrostehroller:

«Elektro-Stehroller», das heisst einplätzige, selbstbalancierende Fahrzeuge mit elektrischem Antrieb von höchstens 2,00 kW Leistung, bei denen ein wesentlicher Teil der Motorleistung für das Halten der Balance des Fahrzeugs eingesetzt wird, mit einer bauartbedingten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von höchstens 20 km/h und einer allfälligen Tretunterstützung, die bis höchstens 25 km/h wirkt.

Welcher als Motorfahrrad gilt und eine Typengenehmigung braucht.


Frage: Wie weiss die Polizei, was sie vor sich hat, wenn keine Typengenehmigung vorliegt? Weise ich einfach dieses Dokument vor? :)





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I think for now they will check "segway-style" vehicles for their license plate and leave our unicycles to the side. Unless you havent mounted any lighting or "illegal street-EUC racing" turns their focus.

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I wrote another mail thanking them for ignoring me ;-) then they answered that my question was passed on to the Zurich organizers and should be answered by them. So I will send another mail soon thanking the Zurich Org.Team for ignoring this... :lol::lol:

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