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gotway mcm4 battery installation


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hello guys. i have gotway mcm4 680wh. due to problem in customs, the unicycle and the batteries were delivered separately. the thing is im new on this unicycle and i need help on how to install the battery. my unicycle and battery is described here: https://youtu.be/3OplodLk4L8

basically every battery has 3 wires, yellow, small square black, and flat black as described in the video. if you take a look on pcb board, it only has yellow and small square black, nothing for the flat black. since i have 2 batteries and the pcb board has only one yellow and one small square wires, i need to connect the batteries in parallel, am i right? now how about the flat wire? where do i have to connect it?



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Welcome @jerry !

 you did not get any extra cables for connecting the batteries together? Imho they are missing. (Or i missed this part of your video?)

there are two ways normaly used to connect batteries in parallel - one is to connect the charge and discharge side by y-cables and the other one to cascade the batteries (go from one discharge side to the next charge side) . Imho also for one gw a mixture of both ways was reported once?

i can't remember of a battery pack beeing described here with 3 connectors!?

if one of the forum members has the same wheel version with the same battery configuration version he could report you his connections...

But your best chance should be to get in contact with your reseller! Since every reseller could use/could have used his own battery packs and configurations? Imho also gw could use different battery configuration versions (ie newer BMS versions...) for the same wheel (even with the same capacity)!

ps.: you have choosen a nice relaxing music for your youtube video, but it's quite long to watch!  Since i am not really familiar with gw battery configurations in general nor with the one of your specific wheel i just scanned through it, but hopefully did not miss some major part?

a foto documentation imho should be easier and faster to "analyze" and so increase the chance for someone to help you?

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Hi Chriull, thank you for answering. thanks for the compliment about the background music eventhough i can also hear my daughter so loud in the background :D  and yes, those are all i have received from the seller, no other cable for parallel connections given, and yes, this is the first time i have seen a battery with 3 cables, im thinking this could be for another model or could be a latest one, and sadly, no support  yet received on how to install the battery. I recorded this on purpose of showing to the seller what he/she (got this from china thru ebay) has given to me and it is on purpose as well that i recorded it in very detailed, even doing the same thing more than once just in case i missed something. i even sent him/her pictures eventhough my guess is that the video is more than enough. it is obvious that i am pissed, i truly am. even the battery compartment has no cover at all, and i am in Dubai and it will be a hassle for me to return this to the seller eventhough I really am considering. Anyways, i need help from someone out there regarding my problem, I dont want this wheel to go to waste, I paid the high price for this and i want to make this work. i am not familiar with this but if there is a guide am sure I can follow. i even assembled a personal computer from scratch by just using a manual, i suppose this is not as complicated as a personal computer, its just that i dont have any references, i am not into electronics, nor my job is related to electronics.

thank you again Chriull, i just confirmed my understanding that i can connect the two batteries in parallel so i can get 680wh since i have two 340wh batteries.


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7 minutes ago, jerry said:

...  and yes, those are all i have received from the seller, no other cable for parallel connections given, and yes, this is the first time i have seen a battery with 3 cables, im thinking this could be for another model or could be a latest one, and sadly, no support  yet received on how to install the battery.

The third could be for some "sonsoring" by the main pcb? Or really just meant for some other modell?

7 minutes ago, jerry said:

... Anyways, i need help from someone out there regarding my problem, I dont want this wheel to go to waste, I paid the high price for this and i want to make this work. i am not familiar with this but if there is a guide am sure I can follow. 

Maybe @Jane Mo can help you?

7 minutes ago, jerry said:

thank again Chriull, i just confirmed my understanding that i can connect the two batteries in parallel so i can get 680wh.

Could be - that just the y-cables are missing... but it could be that there exist two battery pack versions - one with different connectors, so one could cascade them and your reseller sent you a wrong battery?

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thank you very much Pasi, now i have an idea what kind of cable i should buy. now the remaining mystery: what is the usage of the flat cable? by the way Pasi, my pcb board has 3 slots for that black connector, any idea which one i should be using? if i insert it to wrong one, my pcb board might smoke.


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10 minutes ago, jerry said:

thank you very much Pasi, now i have an idea what kind of cable i should buy. now the remaining mystery: what is the usage of the flat cable? by the way Pasi, my pcb board has 3 slots for that black connector, any idea which one i should be using? if i insert it to wrong one, my pcb board might smoke.


Sorry I can not help you with "pcb board 3 slots". I just took out the old connector-cables and connect the new ones with Y-cables. But what are connectors in yours 6. and 7. photos? Aren`t they the right connectors coming from pcb board? If so, you can use only one 340Wh battery before you get y-cables:ph34r:. But I hope somebody can give you correct information.

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5 hours ago, jerry said:

thank you Chriull for mentioning Jane Mo. I sent her private message and public message and cross fingers she can help me with this.

You are welcome. But as you have bought not directly from gotway but by some ebay reseller, it is _his_ duty and not gotways... And she is around here only quite sporadic - but maybe you have good luck.

Since when do you have a correspondence with your reseller regarding battery installation?

4 hours ago, jerry said:

thank you very much Pasi, now i have an idea what kind of cable i should buy. now the remaining mystery: what is the usage of the flat cable? by the way Pasi, my pcb board has 3 slots for that black connector, any idea which one i should be using? if i insert it to wrong one, my pcb board might smoke.

I also would not attach the additional cable to the pcb without a proper guide! As you write the risk of burning down the pcb is given.

And as it seems in @Pasi's foto of his battery he does not have such a third connector?!

ps.: To get another member notified of a post, type a @ and then choose the corresponding name from the dropbox (you can also type some of the first letters to limit the search...)

edit: pps: be sure that both batteries have the same charge level (voltage) before paralleling them! Also parallel first the yellow connectors (discharge side) before the black connectors (charge side)

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@Chriull @Pasi sorry guys i was offgrid for how many days, my router is yet to be transferred and until now they have not transferred it yet. to those who might encounter the same situation with mine, this is the photo sent by the reseller (am glad he replied, i was sending him messages for how many days already)

WhatsApp Image 2016-11-10 at 2.31.17 PM.jpeg

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There is Jane mo : "gotway series battery connection" have a picture.  So I think you must have those Y-cables from place you bought your euc. Looks like flat cables go just together and no connection to pcb board.

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  • 2 years later...
On 11/10/2016 at 3:05 AM, Pasi said:

...and connectors. (sorry too much MB in 1 post)..

I bought connectors from Aliexpress.


What are these black charging connectors called? I am trying to locate them....

Never mind, I found them after some heavy googling: SM2P

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