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KS16 Impression - mini review


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Just wanted to share a brief impression of the ks16 840wh wheel that @vido kindly let me try out. 

Im going to lead with my conclusion - overall the wheel exceeded my expectations.


Handling/ comfort/ agility / power

To be perfectly honest i did not expect much from the wheel. I was concerned that its substantial weight will turn into a slumbering behemoth, sort of like the ks18, especially in comparison with the ks14 that i am used to riding. This was not the case - i found to my great satisfaction that while the wheel does behave like a 16" wheel and of course not as swift as its 14" sibling, i was able to basically manouver it the same way with sufficient dexterity. Pretty much anything i do on 14, i was able to do on the 16" and it felt quite responsive to change of direction/ speed. My conclusion is that the wheel has a great form factor and weight distribution - despite the inspcreased weight comoared say to ninebot, the handling felt about as easy. If the same weight was distributed over a larger object ( say ks18) the wheel would become much slower and less swift.

at the same time the wheel felt solid, sort of like now i had a 16 inch " beast" rather than a little 14 inch "pug " getting caught between my feet. 

The riding mode was set to play mode and i loved it how it still has the kingsong's trademark softness of response ( it gives into the lean a bit before stabilizing vertically) , however the response is more stiff than the 14", which i believe has a bit too mych of it. I felt this was just the right amount of softness and i was very pleased. A stiffer wheel allows for a feeling of better reliance on what you are riding - you feel you can "lean on it", both figuratively and literally, it feels more substantial.

the wheel felt powerful, and i pushed its limits a bit ( and i am 100kg) and the wheel passed eith flying colors. I basically took it to the limit of what my ks14 can do, and the wheel gracefully managed not to disappoint.

the side cushons felt fine, and while i was starting to get a bit of a pain on my shins, it was so minor that must go away when one is used to particular set up.

it was interesting that while the pedals were different from the ones as on my ks14, and wider at the outer edge, they were about the same size at the side closer to the wheel. I had a different sensation after riding a while. On the 14" my feet start getting dull and sometimes sharper pain after riding a coupke of miles, while on the 16, there was virtually  no pain however i felt the overpowering numness in my feet, still not sure why a different sensation from when riding the 14 inch.

the wheel handles little obstacles and provides for a smoother ride compared to the 14", just as a 16" wheel should - so it met my expectations there.

on a neutral note, as i rode alongside a ks14, and inmotion v5+, the black inmotion looked gorgeous and stylish during the day which the white ks16 really stood out during the twilight hours and in the dark. The only way the 14" looked almost ok against these two beauties is because i have led lights on it plus the under pedal lights, that was the only way it kept up :) 


the speaker volume was disappointing. It is much quieter than that of the 14 incher, and understandinly so - there is only 2 speakers in16" vs 4 in 14". Some tracks which were recorded loud are ok, but the quieter ones were way too quiet. On e you know better its hard to go back...

In the 1.20 firmware the Max. speed get limited after the battery level reaches 50%, and continues to decrease as the battery goes down. This one thing would be enough to discourage me from buying the wheel unless there is a way to override the 1.20 firmware, which i understand may be possible. For a heavier guy like me, every kilometer counts, and i while i had faceplanted a coupke of times due to being oblivious to the lower battery levels, i feel that limiting it at 50% is way too early.

the trolley handle worked ok, and while this is subjective, appeared too flimsy to me - not sure how it will hold up after using the wheel for a long time. Perhaps, its not such a big deal to take the wheel apart and replace when needed. Rolling the wheel by the handle is very comfortable ( unless of course you are left handed, in which case, you are basically screwed:) 


i would say that overall, i expected the wheel to be a slight disappointment after being used to the swift 14", and i was not disappointed at all. On the contrary, i felt that it would take me a really short time to get used to riding one to the point that i would prefer it to the 14"




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26 minutes ago, Cloud said:

... at the same time the wheel felt solid, sort of like now i had a 16 inch " beast between my legs" rather than a little 14 inch "pug " getting caught between my feet. 

Why do I feel like this will be a "famous quote" that will forever be associated with Cloud?  ^_^  Take home message folks... size DOES matter.  Actually, reading further, if one were to remove a few selective words I think we would have a good candidate for the next "50 Shades of Grey" book release... ;)  I think you might have a new calling with a side job of writing steamy romance novels!

Sorry - I think I've been staring at that bouncing Kate Upton gif a little too long... :wacko: brain's not in EUC mode...

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10 minutes ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

Why do I feel like this will be a "famous quote" that will forever be associated with Cloud?  ^_^  Take home message folks... size DOES matter.  Actually, reading further, if one were to remove a few selective words I think we would have a good candidate for the next "50 Shades of Grey" book release... ;)  I think you might have a new calling with a side job of writing steamy romance novels!

Sorry - I think I've been staring at that bouncing Kate Upton gif a little too long... :wacko: brain's not in EUC mode...

Hehe, i knew you'd be the first to catch this :)  what can i say? It takes one to know one :) 

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:lol:  Aw... I'm so predictable.  :lol:  As your future book editor and consultant, let me offer a revision....

EDIT:  Oooh that other part of my brain stopped me from posting a "revised" non-PG-13 edition of your review (which was great by the way).  I was part way into it, and well I just thought better not get a warning as I'm probably pushing the decency boundaries already.  I was like should I?  Shouldn't I?  Should I?  The small decency centre of my brain told me no - stay classy, so there you go.

But you know, just changing a few words around alters the whole meaning.  You've got some natural talent there, Cloud.  I say you're missing your true calling!  Actually I did see someone mention that a friend dared him to write steamy romance novels, and sure enough his first book did so well he's on his third release now...


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I know right? The toughest battle is with yourself. So many sides to the brain, and they never agree! Well lol, if anyone is getting a warning here its me. Maybe i shoukd revise, i just thought, well, anyone who will notice is already perverted enough so no harm done there, but now that youve exposed my true nature, i am having second thought! Lol

ok just edited that sentence but now my review is dry and boring .. Sigh :( 

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