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Global EUC production figures

Tech Nossomy

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Are there any reliable sources that quote global production figures of EUCs? 

I once heard that global production in 2015 was no higher than 100.000 units for all manufacturers combined and that's probably an overestimate.

This thread mentions 1600+ units per month for the KS16": http://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/4289-king-song-factory-visit-notes/

It would be interesting to see some statistics to understand how well this innovation is catching on world wide.


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I sure wish we had some. It seems that the sales are very strong only in some countries so it is hard to know from observing your own local market. If you are in Paris or Singapore I'm sure it looks like these things are taking over the world! 

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I would also very much like to know what the current trend is. Are the sales and production numbers picking up? Are they slowing down? What trend do different countries show? I'm pretty sure of one thing, though, and that is that our EUCs are here to stay. They are much too practical and a much too perfect solution for the ever growing problems of the urbanization trend for them to ever fade into oblivion again.

That is not something I'd say for the current "Hoverboard" fad (which already seems to be more or less over, after the the things have been declared "unsafe at any speed, and under any conditions")

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More numbers in this thread:

Also from the same thread a link to an article in the oregonlive news, stating:

To date (may-2013), about 500  Solowheels have been sold domestically at $1,795 a pop, and roughly 1,100  have been sold in Europe and Asia, where it's used primarily for transportation.

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