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ACM ride question - coming from a Ninebot...


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Hi all,


Well I received my ACM 16 today and it looks fantastic! I much prefer the black casing to the white I had for the Ninebot One E+ and the built in lights rather than having to add attachment brackets but.....

Please can someone confirm if what I am about to write is how Gotways work/ride and that I am safe to push forward for more acceleration even up hills?

I'll start with my Ninebot ride - I get on and set off as slow/fast as I like and the peddles feel sturdy.I hardly notice that they may be leaning forward as I accelerate. The only times I feel movement in the peddles is - sometimes going up hills they dip for a split second then return and once I get to top speed/low power the peddles tilt back. While riding I can feel most bumps and my feet can hurt with a long ride (still). I have the Ninebot set on it's default of 3 (out of 9?)

The ACM... I got on and the peddles seem to softly swing forward and backwards. As I accelerate the peddles dip and return very softly and going up a hill to my daughters school I am scared to push the peddles to go faster whereas my Ninebot would speed up the hill no problem.

I'm not sure what the default ride setting is but I ended up switching to Sport and the peddles still feel soft and spongy and acceleration seems slow and smooth compared to how quick the Ninebot accelerates. 

Curbs and bumps feel nicer on the ACM (possibly due to the softer ride) but I think the rest is going to take some getting used to?

Watching other videos you can't really see what the peddles are doing and how fast people are accelerating. Is this perfectly normal for a Gotway? Am I safe to keep pushing forward to accelerate until I hear beeps or the tilt back kicks in (I have changed the tilt back to 33kmh I think it is) 

I didn't know what to expect after coming from the Ninebot but I don't think it was this lol The ACM is a lot faster and more powerful than the Ninebot but at the moment I am weary to push it to even as fast as I went on the Ninebot let alone faster. The ride just seems too soft and it's slower accelerating, unless it's because I am not pushing it hard/fast enough.


Cheers :) 

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35 minutes ago, TremF said:



Watching other videos you can't really see what the peddles are doing and how fast people are accelerating. Is this perfectly normal for a Gotway? Am I safe to keep pushing forward to accelerate until I hear beeps or the tilt back kicks in (I have changed the tilt back to 33kmh I think it is) 


I assume so - also had to get used to this changing from a ninebot to KS. Just beware that you can "outaccelerate" the tiltback/max speed - with ninebot,KS and presumably also/?especially? with an ACM. Either you get no tiltback (just ninebot?) and go directly into a shut-off (with gotway more a max speed no torque situation?) , or you can get kicked off by the than very violent tiltback or you have good luck and get just a very uncomfortable tiltback...

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56 minutes ago, Chriull said:

I assume so - also had to get used to this changing from a ninebot to KS. Just beware that you can "outaccelerate" the tiltback/max speed - with ninebot,KS and presumably also/?especially? with an ACM. Either you get no tiltback (just ninebot?) and go directly into a shut-off (with gotway more a max speed no torque situation?) , or you can get kicked off by the than very violent tiltback or you have good luck and get just a very uncomfortable tiltback...

Cheers for your input.

With my Ninebot I got used to it's limits and didn't out-accelerate the tiltback. I mostly rode on the limit just before tilt back and when I hit a fairly flat and quiet spot often rode just on the tilt. I haven't had a top speed/acceleration cut out with the Ninebot.

I'm finding the ACM very soft and not as responsive as I would like even when set to Sport. Turning doesn't feel as responsive as my Ninebot due to the softness of the ride either. Once it gets going it is very fast and smooth but the issue is getting going. 

I may just need more time to get used to it and I am really liking it at the moment. Once it get's going it's better than my Ninebot it's just getting used to getting going differently.

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It is better to set it as soft mode when you climb the hills. Soft mode is more fit to climb hills. And my suggestion to set tilt back speed is not 33km/h, that is already the max speed for ACM, it is more likely to suffer cut off before tilt back make sense, especially that you always climb hills and take your daughter when riding. It is not safe to set such a tilt back speed. 

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3 hours ago, Linnea Lin Gotway said:

It is better to set it as soft mode when you climb the hills. Soft mode is more fit to climb hills. And my suggestion to set tilt back speed is not 33km/h, that is already the max speed for ACM, it is more likely to suffer cut off before tilt back make sense, especially that you always climb hills and take your daughter when riding. It is not safe to set such a tilt back speed. 

Thanks for the advice,

Firstly I am already finding the ACM ride quite soft compared to my Ninebot but I have set it to medium instead of Sport to see how it goes because I only have that one, fairly short, hill so I don't fancy changing ride modes just for that. 

I am confused at the ACM speed... it seems to be dropping and dropping? Firstly the max was 45km/h, then 40km/h now 33km/h? Even though I set it to that I haven't got to that speed yet. I haven't heard the 3rd set of beeps (I turned the first two off)

When I fetch my daughter from school she walks along side me. I would never carry anyone on my EUC with me :)


I rode into work this morning with the ride set at medium and it seemed ok but I still need to get used to turning/cornering as it feels quite different to my Ninebot. Due to the pavements around here I wasn't much quicker than I was on my Ninebot but I still need to get used to the ACM yet :) I like the ride height and the pedals seem an ok size for comfort but the rubber grips are already wearing after such a short time so grip could become an issue.

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@TremF, The ACM is more then ever capable of climbing steep hills. We ride in San Francisco. If you ask anyone that lives or been to San Francisco, it's a hilly city. I does ride softer then the Msuper Ver.2, MCM2s, even the MCM4 Ver.1. But out of all the wheels GotWay currently offers, the ACM has the most torque. It will get some use getting use to it since it does act differently from all other GotWay's. Took myself a good two weeks of messing around with it. The wheel tilts back more then normal going down hill. That alone took some getting use to. But as far as answering your question, going up hill should be no problem with the ACM as the 1500Watts at base is more then enough.

I set all my wheels to set Powerful Mode, turn off alarms one and two, and disable tilt back.

As far as getting to max speed, I'm not even going to attempt it. I'm averaging about 29kmh. That's more than fast enough for me. 

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12 hours ago, NevNutz said:

@TremF, The ACM is more then ever capable of climbing steep hills. We ride in San Francisco. If you ask anyone that lives or been to San Francisco, it's a hilly city. I does ride softer then the Msuper Ver.2, MCM2s, even the MCM4 Ver.1. But out of all the wheels GotWay currently offers, the ACM has the most torque. It will get some use getting use to it since it does act differently from all other GotWay's. Took myself a good two weeks of messing around with it. The wheel tilts back more then normal going down hill. That alone took some getting use to. But as far as answering your question, going up hill should be no problem with the ACM as the 1500Watts at base is more then enough.

I set all my wheels to set Powerful Mode, turn off alarms one and two, and disable tilt back.

As far as getting to max speed, I'm not even going to attempt it. I'm averaging about 29kmh. That's more than fast enough for me. 

Wow. If it can manage the hills in San Francisco then my mind is at ease. Thanks for the clarification.

I am on day 3 and I have gotten a little more used to it but yesterday and today I wore my big sturdy Lowa Combat boots. I'm getting better with the acceleration but I am still coming out of corners a little slow :)

I am currently set to medium (I wasn't comfortable with the vibration when stopped on a slope), turned of the first two alarms and set the tilt back to 33kmh (20.5mph) just in case I get that far then I know to back off. 

According to Endomondo the fastest I've done is 19.5mph when I found a fairly flat long run along the canal.

Apart form the fast wearing rubber grip on the pedals and it flipping on me today when I went to set off after getting on outside a shop I am definitely loving the ACM. The extra speed and mileage have already made for some better rides out. :)  

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I don't recommend pushing it past 20 mph. I do recommend you wearing protective gear. A good Helmet and closed finger wrist guards shouldn't be an option. My helmet already saved my ass at a 23mph cut out. Lucky I only sustained cuts all over my body. No broken bones. Some people on the forums were less fortunate. I wouldn't want anyone else to be part of the statistics. Ride smart and stay safe!

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