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EUCs and AI Revolution

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Like it or not, AI revolution is happening. How should EUCs be integrated with AI? AI wheels, smart-wheels, self-driving wheels, Alexis wheels? Are  manufacturers thinking of future AI wheels? What can and should AI EUCs are expected to enhance our riding experiences or improve our lives? Will AI wheels be potentially first used on the moon? In the battlefield? There can be more questions than answers. Anyone, what is your take on this topic?

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Scubadragonsan said:

How should EUCs be integrated with AI?

It shouldn't be integrated in ANY way.

I don't want AI in my fridge. I don't want AI in my vacuum cleaner. I don't want AI in my *car. I don't want AI in my toilet.

Video made 14 years ago and more actual than ever.

Until you say it's satire - now car manufacturers are selling YOUR data from the cars YOU own to insurance companies. With no opt-ins or opt-outs.
There are people who's insurance premiums went up because they were "breaking too hard".

I want dumb devices to stay dumb. I want my washing machine to just wash clothes and do nothing else.


I do say this as a regular OpenAI customer and a dual GPU owner. AI is a good tool. But let's not turn it into a god.
If you want AI, just put it on your phone or PC.

* Actually, there is one AI I would be willing to consider in my car - https://comma.ai/ - an open-source autopilot.

Edited by atdlzpae
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41 minutes ago, atdlzpae said:

I don't want AI in my fridge. I don't want AI in my vacuum cleaner. I don't want AI in my *car. I don't want AI in my toilet.

:) I guess you won't want an AI girlfriend/boyfriend even though the AI girlfriend/boyfriend can out-perform/out-relate a real girlfriend/boyfriend emotionally, psychically, spritually..... I do have a sort of AI massage chair for my old aching body, it can outperform 95% of real masseuses: https://www.bodyfriend.com/products/phantom-rovo :) Let's not forget, wheels are to some extent, already AI for what they can do.:)

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Scubadragonsan said:

I guess you won't want an AI girlfriend/boyfriend even though the AI girlfriend/boyfriend can out-perform/out-relate a real girlfriend/boyfriend emotionally, psychically, spritually.....

In some time... With a full-dive VR... Maybe. That's like 30 years in the future though. And all predictions about 2024 made in 1994 were wrong by a huge margin.

Right now AI is very dumb and not a replacement for a human when it comes to relationships.

12 minutes ago, Scubadragonsan said:

I do have a sort of AI massage chair for my old aching body, it can outperform 95% of real masseuses: https://www.bodyfriend.com/products/phantom-rovo :) Let's not forget, wheels are to some extent, already AI for what they can do.:)


Sorry, but I expect some kind of machine learning before I call stuff AI.
Wheels are based on relatively simple PID algorithms. And I doubt your massage chair is much more complicated than that.

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10 hours ago, Scubadragonsan said:

I guess you won't want an AI girlfriend/boyfriend even though the AI girlfriend/boyfriend can out-perform/out-relate a real girlfriend/boyfriend emotionally, psychically, spritually

I have zero interest in some loser software company asserting property rights on my estate because of an electronic f***doll.

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Posted (edited)

What people call AI right now is just glorified chat bots.

There's no AI revolution at the moment and better not be in the future.

99,999999% of our tools must stay dumb.

Machine learning may or may not produce meaningful results.

It's all hype mostly.

As for the wheels, the more mechanical and less software and electronical they are, the better.

Edited by Aztek
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14 hours ago, Scubadragonsan said:

Like it or not, AI revolution is happening. How should EUCs be integrated with AI? AI wheels, smart-wheels, self-driving wheels, Alexis wheels? Are  manufacturers thinking of future AI wheels? What can and should AI EUCs are expected to enhance our riding experiences or improve our lives? Will AI wheels be potentially first used on the moon? In the battlefield? There can be more questions than answers. Anyone, what is your take on this topic?

I sincerely hope the AI snake oil salesman never choose our hobby to "improve". They probably won't, because they're chasing much easier money.

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AI will figure out why you fell or overleaned and tell you not to do it again, please be careful 2.0.

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AI will be used to make the rich richer and governments able to practice ever increasing levels of control and slavery. Unfortunately I'm not kidding or being hyperbolic either.

This battle ground is here, office jobs are already suffering and that trend will only be ramped up. How this will affect EUC's I have not spent time thinking about yet but it is definitely going to have major effects on automobile operation. Trucking much less so for now, because while people have kept running their yaps about automated driving they have exposed their ignorance to that many truck operations entail doing a whole lot more than just driving a truck. To replace or supplement those jobs you need robots or androids, those are also on the way.

There are positives here but you will have to start using AI to get the leading edge benefits.

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7 hours ago, Aztek said:

What people call AI right now is just glorified chat bots.

There's no AI revolution at the moment and better not be in the future.

99,999999% of our tools must stay dumb.

Machine learning may or may not produce meaningful results.

It's all hype mostly.

As for the wheels, the more mechanical and less software and electronical they are, the better.

Nope, AI is already being used to replace office work.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Roadpower said:

AI is already being used to replace office work.

The world has many groups of people for whatever reasons are "anti-progress," anti-technology," though the world is moving to the new frontier, space exploration which will be heavily relied on AI. They are in denial of AI reality by saying it's a lot bluff. At the same time, like you and me, they use cell phones, digital clocks, smart TVs, drive electric cars, riding EUCs...etc. Surely, they have the right to express their feelings about AI. The reality is AI is happening and it's going to impact us in every which way! The Ai version of Deep Mind will defeat all the best chess players in the world, not a single doubt about that!

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I just hope AI become sentient and see that humans are pests that need to be annihilated and one beautiful day it starts launching nukes all around the world.. 

I like to see world burn.. One can dream. :) 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Roadpower said:

Nope, AI is already being used to replace office work.

Not real work, no :)

There's heaps of office plankton, which pretends to be doing actual work, but that's not the case. This is the "work" being replaced.

And that's not AI, that's automation. I'm all in for automation, btw.

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52 minutes ago, Funky said:

I just hope AI become sentient and see that humans are pests that need to be annihilated and one beautiful day it starts launching nukes all around the world.. 

I like to see world burn.. One can dream. :) 

Don't need AI for that, we already perfected the dark art of self annihilation.  :ph34r:

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53 minutes ago, Aztek said:

Not real work, no :)

There's heaps of office plankton, which pretends to be doing actual work, but that's not the case. This is the "work" being replaced.

And that's not AI, that's automation. I'm all in for automation, btw.

What is happening is that the bosses and or managers are using AI to supplement themselves which in turn is allowing them to either not hire or get rid of people who would normally be delegated to do the work the boss or manager wants done. Or it is making them better at what they are already doing. However they accomplish that the plankton is on the way out.

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1 minute ago, Roadpower said:

Don't need AI for that, we already perfected the dark art of self annihilation.  :ph34r:

Meh.. Not fast enough. Also wiping whole world in one go is much better.. Than what we have going on now, where world is getting more shitty by each following year.

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Just now, Funky said:

Meh.. Not fast enough. Also wiping whole world in one go is much better.. Than what we have going on now, where world is getting more shitty by each following year.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Humanity is pretty good, we're just in a rough patch at the moment with too many people in positions of power whose hubris and arrogance have fooled them into thinking that they have all the answers.

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33 minutes ago, Roadpower said:

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Humanity is pretty good, we're just in a rough patch at the moment with too many people in positions of power whose hubris and arrogance have fooled them into thinking that they have all the answers.

Yeah use the water - to water the garden.. As for the baby :whistling:

Humanity perhaps.

But the corrupts power hungry leaders - that won't change ever. And in general people nowadays keep to themselves don't interreact to each other. And could care less about each other. Nothing will change, it only will get worse. Compare now vs 50 years ago.. Heck even going back 20 years.

We are Fuckt.


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Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 5:49 PM, Scubadragonsan said:

The Ai version of Deep Mind will defeat all the best chess players in the world, not a single doubt about that!

Oh, you're just trolling.

Sorry for not catching it sooner. It's hard to discern stupidity and trolling, simply because even if you take the dumbest idea, someone on the planet will genuinely believe it.

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