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2024 New EUCs - V13Pro, V12Pro, E20S, V18, E25, P6

Merkyu Kyu Kyu

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18 minutes ago, Funky said:

So how heavy is it now?

40kg minus 3.5kg for each removed pack = 33kg, if you don't need any extra panels to make it rigid enough since you removed 2 structural elements

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14 minutes ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

Since batteries are the heaviest parts of EUC, removing half of them will significantly decrease the weight.

Motor is the heaviest part.. Followed by battery. If V14 has 2400wh battery. 600Wh should be around ~3kg. 2x packs so it's about ~6kg lighter? Instead of a 39kg wheel now we got around 33kg.

Good, but not good enough for me. Remove all packs = 26-27kg for rest of the wheel.. Very heavy motor.

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What's the problem with "heavy" wheels? In 99% of cases, you don't have to lift them. You can even easily roll them upstairs. Regarding maneuverability, everything depends on the rider's skills, which quickly come with experience.

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2 minutes ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

What's the problem with "heavy" wheels? In 99% of cases, you don't have to lift them. You can even easily roll them upstairs. Regarding maneuverability, everything depends on the rider's skills, which quickly come with experience.

I don't care about wheel weight while riding.. I have VERY MANY lifts required true daily ride.. Otherwise i would not cry about weight and would have bought Sherman Max as my first wheel..

People keep crying about me crying about why i want lightweight wheels without any knowledge about me and my needs.. And then they cry that i cry. :D 

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Just now, Funky said:

I don't care about wheel weight while riding.. I have VERY MANY lifts required true daily ride.. Otherwise i would not cry about weight and would have bought Sherman Max as my first wheel..

Small wheels are hard to roll upstairs. I can easily roll my V13 upstairs without any hassle, but doing the same thing with V11 is almost impossible. I'm forced to manually lift it up.

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7 minutes ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

Small wheels are hard to roll upstairs. I can easily roll my V13 upstairs without any hassle, but doing the same thing with V11 is almost impossible. I'm forced to manually lift it up.

Yup. Now take your V11 and do this: 2-4 times carry it up/down 3rd floor, in train, in work place, over high door ways many times, etc.. Would you still like your V11 doing this on daily bases? Or would you want something lighter?

It was just a little piece of my daily lifting/carrying example.

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1 minute ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

A portable version of the motorcycle garage should solve the problem :D

bikeBOX 24: The Portable Garage for Your Motorcycle

I live in apartment.. And i won't leave my wheel outside. Winter -20C, thieves, etc..

More portable wheels should solve my problem. :P

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35 minutes ago, PourUC said:

Because you cry on literally EVERY new wheel thread. All of them. Everytime I see your name in a new thread about a new EUC it's you typing paragraphs about how it's not for you.

Any brand could make a trailer about their next tourer, and you will be in the thread acting surprised that it doesn't weigh the equivalent of a feather.

If you spent all these years lifting weights you would both lose some weight and also be able to lift more. 

I don't talk in separate treads/post and don't even read about those ones. Like S22 post, V13 post, heavy wheel posts.. Maybe i make one/two post how there's another megalithic heavy wheel that is a copy of a copy, afterwards i exit that post. Only where a lightweight wheel is a possibility - like in here i post more, especially if people are wanting another heavy monster wheel. Not even entertaining a idea of smaller, lighter wheel as a possibility. (I'm like really? You want another monster wheel? Maybe don't be so selfish and think about people who want something smaller - which haven't been made past few years?)

Block me and have a nice day.. If you don't like me that much. Otherwise what the hell are you doing? People getting but-hurt over some random people talking about what she/he would like to see from future releases. I bet if you wanted a lightweight wheel and would hate every single release made past yew years - you also would cry the same as i. Or silently watch every new release and not buying a new wheel.

Bruh i can carry Sherman Max (I tried carrying it in store one handedly by the front bar.) It's doable, but i would not want to do that on daily bases! FYI - also want a wheel that you can carry one handedly, but as you love me so much and follow all my post and remember all of them - you already knew that. <3  Also why would i need big wheel, when i ride on sidewalks. I won't be going 60mph on sidewalks anyways.. I'm happy going top 26mph on sidewalks. Mostly around 20mph. It would be the same as me buying super-car, just to ride to corner shop down the road.. Completely unneeded. 

Hobbyist vs last mileage user fight. :D You love your wheels that market is full of now.. And i will keep looking/hoping/waiting when manufacturers gonna start making lightweight models.

Edited by Funky
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2 hours ago, Funky said:

Yup. Now take your V11 and do this:

I've carried my v11 up many many stairs trains etc. I'm actually surprised you don't like the v11 for your use case. I know you were exited about the Falcon and it's just 10lbs lighter and slower and shitty trolly handle with a suspension "worse" than the v11 from recent reviews. The v11 is easily carried one handed up stairs etc. and not that bulky if you don't put the seat on it. It has a great trolly handle.It's pretty stable at 30+mph and the suspension isn't bad IMO. I don't honestly think EUC company's will be making anything "lighter" that's not a complete toy like the m-10 series. I don't mind your rants and sometimes they are funny but i would like to see you finally get a new wheel and be happy with it. Maybe allow for a few extra carrying pounds...:D

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7 hours ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

Without innovation, EUC companies risk extinction. Developing faster, long-range, advanced EUCs is essential for drawing in new customers, including those who currently ride motorcycles and mopeds. Increased speed and larger batteries will drive technological advancements across the board, benefiting even smaller EUCs.

This is simply not true in all regions. So in the EU laws are going to limit how fast an EUC can go to be able to be used in traffic. It will mean limits to speed and weight. Once this is passed then the EU market is more or less dead for what you call performance wheels. 

So one could argue that EU market isn't that big, but I am sure that it will be felt and it will mean manufacturers could struggle to make profit once a region is legislated area. It matter not really what we think of this. 

And if riders in EU want to not hang the police taking expensive EUCs then something will need to change to what the trend has been the past few years.

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3 hours ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

I've carried my v11 up many many stairs trains etc. I'm actually surprised you don't like the v11 for your use case. I know you were exited about the Falcon and it's just 10lbs lighter and slower and shitty trolly handle with a suspension "worse" than the v11 from recent reviews. The v11 is easily carried one handed up stairs etc. and not that bulky if you don't put the seat on it. It has a great trolly handle.It's pretty stable at 30+mph and the suspension isn't bad IMO. I don't honestly think EUC company's will be making anything "lighter" that's not a complete toy like the m-10 series. I don't mind your rants and sometimes they are funny but i would like to see you finally get a new wheel and be happy with it. Maybe allow for a few extra carrying pounds...:D

V11y is nightmare to work on.. So many screws need to be removed to get the motor out, so plasticity build, those light gonna crack in first drop.. Also i have seen V11 in store - it's huge. V12 is more appealing to me. But both are around 30kg which i don't want. Yes it's only 3kg more heavy than my 18xl. I simply don't want/need it. When i will install real M/C tire - it will add another kg to the overall weight.

Hmm from all the videos i have watched about Falcon, people have said it's suspension is great. Better than S16, also has more power than S16, etc.. It's suspension is so basic and simple. Great wheel to be going 20-26mph. I wish it had V11/12 handle/lift button doh..

I will right-out stop using euc after my 18xl breaks down, if that's the case. Fuck it. (And no i will not leave the forum. Can't disappoint the hatters.. Aka the real cry babies.. As they cry about other people posts. :D I cry about wheels that aren't being made anymore..) :) 

Edited by Funky
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9 hours ago, Funky said:

I wish it had V11/12 handle/lift button doh..

This is what I thought also.

But someone told me that he rather lift and carry up and down an S22 for a couple of flight of stairs than a V12 because using two arms is easier to manage than using one.

I personally have not verify this.

But I have to say, lifting up the S22 with one hand on the front grab handle (bumper) and the other on the bottom of the linkage, feels comfortable and in a good position for balance.

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12 hours ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

I've carried my v11 up many many stairs trains etc. I'm actually surprised you don't like the v11 for your use case. I know you were exited about the Falcon and it's just 10lbs lighter and slower and shitty trolly handle with a suspension "worse" than the v11 from recent reviews. The v11 is easily carried one handed up stairs etc. and not that bulky if you don't put the seat on it. It has a great trolly handle.It's pretty stable at 30+mph and the suspension isn't bad IMO. I don't honestly think EUC company's will be making anything "lighter" that's not a complete toy like the m-10 series. I don't mind your rants and sometimes they are funny but i would like to see you finally get a new wheel and be happy with it. Maybe allow for a few extra carrying pounds...:D

V11-series is indeed the best option out there for this use case, but it's also the oldest suspension design on the market.  I have an old V11 myself and I love it; it's a great middle-ground wheel that can go most everywhere.  That said... it's tough to maintain, it has persistent electronics problems, light-duty air suspension that doesn't cushion the batteries & electronics, and a shell design that makes pad placement nearly impossible.  I'm looking for generally similar things as Funky in shopping for a new wheel to replace my old V11, although I'm willing to go with a somehat heavier wheel in a trade-off for more range.  The V11Y is just not enough of an upgrade to garner my hard-earned dollars; the electronics have been greatly improved but the other key issues remain.  

Edited by macgyvercanada
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9 hours ago, Funky said:

I will right-out stop using euc after my 18xl breaks down, if that's the case. Fuck it.

Ahahahah, so you will use it forever!

Did't know that 18xl is actually that heavy. My scale shows 21.5kg for msx. 

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1 hour ago, Chaky said:

Ahahahah, so you will use it forever!

Did't know that 18xl is actually that heavy. My scale shows 21.5kg for msx. 

It was 25,5kg originally.. I added honeycomb pedals and heavy  M/C tire. Now it sits around 26,8kg I won't lie, i could compromise and easily carry 30-35kg. I simply don't want that heavy wheel for 20mph speeds, 3 mile commutes.. (Those 3 miles are whole round trip.) I would be better off with Mten4 performance wheel. Doh i want bigger wheel than 10". Yeah MSX, RS19, etc.. Would be awesome if someone could re-build them.. A 18" wheel with 1000Wh pack. It's top speed easily could be 31mph. And weight around 20kg without suspension.

Maybe next year, or next year, or maybe perhaps next year, or another year later we will start to see at least 1 or 2 lightweight wheels.. They get released 1 per 4 years, or so i have noticed. :D So no - not forever, maybe another 3-5 years on same old wheel.. Or till it dies.

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1 hour ago, Funky said:

It was 25,5kg originally.. I added honeycomb pedals and heavy  M/C tire. Now it sits around 26,8kg I won't lie, i could compromise and easily carry 30-35kg. I simply don't want that heavy wheel for 20mph speeds, 3 mile commutes.. (Those 3 miles are whole round trip.) I would be better off with Mten4 performance wheel. Doh i want bigger wheel than 10". Yeah MSX, RS19, etc.. Would be awesome if someone could re-build them.. A 18" wheel with 1000Wh pack. It's top speed easily could be 31mph. And weight around 20kg without suspension.

Maybe next year, or next year, or maybe perhaps next year, or another year later we will start to see at least 1 or 2 lightweight wheels.. They get released 1 per 4 years, or so i have noticed. :D So no - not forever, maybe another 3-5 years on same old wheel.. Or till it dies.


You can try Begode A2 with custom suspension. Here is a video. You can order the suspension from China separately. the whole complete will be roughly 20 kg. 


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From what I'm hearing about the V18 and E25, conversations here are far from what these wheels are going to turn out to be. Look more in the direction of the existing ones... Oops nuff said

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Just now, Ronin Ryder said:

From what I'm hearing about the V18 and E25, conversations here are far from what these wheels are going to turn out to be. Look more in the direction of the existing ones... Oops nuff said

V18 will compete with the upcoming Leaperkim flagman wheel.

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13 minutes ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:

V18 will compete with the upcoming Leaperkim flagman wheel.


11 minutes ago, Ronin Ryder said:

I said what I said😊


15 minutes ago, Ronin Ryder said:

From what I'm hearing about the V18 and E25, conversations here are far from what these wheels are going to turn out to be.

If you are allow to say, can you confirm that the V18 will compete directly with the Lynx?

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20 minutes ago, Merkyu Kyu Kyu said:


You can try Begode A2 with custom suspension. Here is a video. You can order the suspension from China separately. the whole complete will be roughly 20 kg. 


I never wanted a suspension in first place.. But yes.. A2 was one of those "new" wheels that i also where looking at. (One of those.. It literally was the only new wheel under 25kg weight.) :D 

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