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James Bond with EUC - Hollywood scenario


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How do you get world's attention on electric unicycle in a very short period of time? With the mass media like Hollywood flick ofcourse. I cooked up a scenario for upcoming bond movie. 

Bond is chasing SPECTRE member with his ultra modern automobile on a beautiful Italian hill country side ( day time). The chase is so intense one miss and you will be in a deep valley with no trace to found. After a few hairpin bending curves and screeching tire sounds, Bond's car hits a rock and lost control. After a few rollovers the car is totally destroyed. Bond ofcourse ejected from his seat moments before car hits the rock. He looks at the car which is crumpled like a tossed paper in smokes, upside down. He stands up, dusts off his coat and reaches for his smart watch and taps twice and turns the dial in anti clock wise direction. Presto! One of car's steaming wheel ejects what seems to be a hub cap and rolls towards Bond. But no it's a NineBot EUC! An electric wheel embedded within car wheel! Bonds steps on it's pedals and continues to chase in short cuts over the hills, rocks, water puddles...

You get the picture?

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That's funny.

Actually, I have been thinking about something like this as well, although I didn't come up with one of the car wheels being an EU as well.

Was thinking more in line of having a EU in a hidden compartment in the car. And not a Ninebot but something more flashy like the new Solowheel Xtreme but with the high (or higher) speeds of the Gotway 18. And of course also equiped with a onboard gadget compartment with an Walther PPS + Silencer and some spare ammo.



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