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LeaperKim bringing 2 more wheels in 2023?


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So Eevee's Bradley had a post on the fb group talking about the harsh influx of new (rushed) EUCs and also promptly mentioned Veteran "has more than one coming this year." Hmm, thoughts?

Edited by slippyfeet
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I read that post too.

There is still one more new wheel to be launched by both Inmotion and Leaper Kim sometimes in the remaining months of 2023.

Going by what Bob Yan said, supposedly a V13 with more battery will be launched in September. However, according to Mark You, Inmotion's product manager, release dates have been delayed. So it is still possible to see a V13 release. But it could also be something different altogether.

I am excited with Leaper Kim's next release. They don't do small wheels. So I hope it is something that breaks new ground again.

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Abrams-S is the logical next step (they will probably call it a different name after the lackluster reception and issues with the Abrams). That tire size (17 inch rim or even 18 inch like the Monster Pro) is missing.

And maybe a 126V Sherman-S upgrade?

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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A 126v Sherrman-S  seems like a no-brainer.

I'd like to see a 126v 24-inch wheel with massive battery as the next Leaperkim model, Fastace suspension and ultra-fast charging. Perfect long-distance and intercity wheel.

Although, I'd like to see them come out with a much lighter, truer 16" wheel in the Leaperkim aesthetic, this segment already has defined and well-received offerings by Inmotion and Kingsong.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really hope they bring out a 22”+ wheel with 3600wh+ and fork suspension. Supposedly InMotion is bringing out a new “Challenger” with those features.

Those are must have features for me, and the reason I’ve been holding off on a new wheel. I almost wanted to buy either the V13 or Sherman S, but the former doesn’t have fork suspension and the latter has a small 20” tire.

As a side note, I also hope Leaperkim fixes how their forks are connected. They need a metal clamp between the two fork legs, just like the Commander Pro.

Edited by InfiniteWheelie
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On 8/16/2023 at 6:22 PM, Scubadragonsan said:

How about an improvement on the Sherman S's trolley handle? A more comfortable seat? A bigger battery for longer distance? Over 100v? ... A perfect wheel for me!

Did you get and/or try the upgraded trolley handle that came with the early batch care package together with upgraded pedals? Manufacturers are not known for their stellar seats usually solved by 3rd parties, I have 2 different 3D printed options here:

There are also other commercial available options I believe.

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