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Commander Mini Review - Ride One


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We got our hands on a Commander Mini here at Ride One and wanted to push its limits and see how it compares to similar 16 inch suspension wheels on the market like the Veteran Patton. Spoiler Alert: It's fast. Like, stupid fast. Check it out to see just how quick we get this powerhouse to go!

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i have to give rideone credit on this video.  they didnt act like jerky-boyz in downtown traffic but chose to ride late nite.  at least EMS would have an easy time finding their limp bodies on the street should anything have happened out of the ordinary.  well done for a change...minus the dick-faced masterburtory maneuvers from the patton street vid...

footnote;  Seb, please stop blowing thru the red lights.... dont want to see you get hurt by some 3000lb+ vehicle(s)...i know its late nite but never say never...

Edited by bpong
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32 minutes ago, varamontelo said:

I ask the forum to delete this video and contact the member who insists in his behavior, this is contrary to the charter of the site, topic already reported in the past on other pages.


perhaps cutting rideone abit of slack would be nice, considering the 1st part of this video is showing abit of a teardown on the mini.  its not all about running red lights and over speeding which we all know as euc riders, is completely out of 'form'.  give and take, ... which btw,  did you see the video on riding the Patton on the street ???  its way worse than this video...

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This review has actually swayed me towards the Commander mini against the Patton. I need more make diversity in my current wheel lineup.

Got to see proper reviews of the Extreme before making my final purchasing decision.

Patton or Commander mini or Extreme

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6 minutes ago, Mango said:

This review has actually swayed me towards ,...

Got to see proper reviews of the Extreme before making my final purchasing decision,....

you going to wait out the end of 2023 into early 2024 to see what Inmotion has, or you set for end of 2023 ?  if you made it this far, im guessing you got the patience for 2024.  i know i do,  im not spending a cent yet - this year seems to be a pivotal year for new euc models as mentioned by other postings...

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31 minutes ago, bpong said:

perhaps cutting rideone abit of slack would be nice,

He's not really complaining about the video itself in this feed but the fact it has already been posted under videos's and this is a duplicate.

Because he is creating a link specific to Ride on (his shop) it's kind of advertising. This could be seen as slightly against the guidelines.

When Eevee's* post its never under an Eevee's*  header its always through the appropriate section.


*Other resellers are available.

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ok with bpong.

I agree for part of the video interesting in comparison with the other.

My opinion concerns the repetition of the behavior of the member with always the danger in the videos. We can't leave people on the street running towards a truck at night.

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I liked this video and the Patton video as well. 

Fucking badass driving.


Honestly a bit surprised at the amount of naysaying on this forum compared to for instance the youtube comments

Edited by Poker
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3 minutes ago, Poker said:

I liked this video and the Patton video as well. 

Fucking badass driving.


Honestly a bit surprised at the amount of naysaying on this forum compared to for instance the youtube comments

That's because all the comments on the youtube that are critical can be removed by the poster I'd imagine. Yes it's amazing riding, but EXACTLY the sort of thing that will elevate and prioritize excessive enforcement and punishment, which is exactly what has just happened in that very country !

Edited by Cerbera
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23 minutes ago, Poker said:

I liked this video and the Patton video as well. 

Fucking badass driving.,...

Its "badass driving" till we get either ticketed,  or get killed in oncoming traffic, or worse still, we have to begin paying for our hobby.  Stupid is as stupid does... and we all have takened risks riding our wheels at some point,... doesnt justify bravado,  and it hurts the pev community...

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9 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

Yes it's amazing riding, but EXACTLY the sort of thing that will elevate and prioritize excessive enforcement and punishment, which is exactly what has just happened in that very country !

It's definitely a valid point but I think regulation and enforcement is inevitable.

The same thing will happen in here in Norway to. We were the only country in the world to ban sale and usage of skateboards. The law lasted for 11 years. People still made skate ramps in the woods and skated elsewhere despite the law.

Just because something becomes illegal doesn't mean you have to stop doing it.

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2 hours ago, Cerbera said:

That's because all the comments on the youtube that are critical can be removed by the poster I'd imagine. Yes it's amazing riding, but EXACTLY the sort of thing that will elevate and prioritize excessive enforcement and punishment, which is exactly what has just happened in that very country !

I can guarantee that we do not delete comments on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok ( any platforms where we post )

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42 minutes ago, Jalious said:

I can guarantee that we do not delete comments on YouTube

Then in that case I am simply staggered that nobody there pointed out how reckless that was. I only didn't myself because I saw there weren't any other critical comments so assumed mine would be removed ! :)

Don't get me wrong - I bear you no ill will or hostility at all - I've already said what great riding skill it was, and I did enjoy the whole video and review, but it was also literally the perfect and only ammunition these controlling authorities need to 'justify' a nation-wide (public areas) ban and mega-harsh enforcement of it, an d the popularity / wide distribution of it and crazy moves within almost guarantee someone from the transport authority will be sent it or see it some other way... and I am genuinely surprised that this thought didn't occur to any of you while you were making it !

You're not even the worst - that'll be the NYC nutters who post this sort of behaviour and a lot worse time and time again - I appreciate their videos too, but they really are a bomb waiting to explode in our faces, and it's all of us, even the really careful considerate riders who will suffer as result..

Edited by Cerbera
added stuff...
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11 hours ago, The Brahan Seer said:


Mais Mais Mais il n'y a pas de charte sur ce site qui mentionne spécifiquement comment nous roulons. d'accord tu avais raison@bpong! haha



Dans l'intérêt de nos membres, si vous envisagez de faire de la publicité pour votre magasin, votre entreprise ou vos produits de monocycles électriques, cela devrait être quelque chose que la grande majorité de nos membres VEULENT très probablement voir. Ne le faites pas plus d'une fois par semaine et ne dépassez pas vos annonces inutilement. Assurez-vous également que l'annonce est très différente de la précédente.

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All ads must go in the corresponding ad section of the forum. In the interest of our members, if you are going to advertise your electric unicycle store, company, or products it should be something that the vast majority of our members are very likely WANTING to see.  Do not do this more than once a week and bumping your ads unnecessarily. Also make sure the ad is significantly different from your previous one.

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We have had this discussion come up before. Remember the NY bomb anyone?

Ultimately the footage always looks a lot worse than it is in real life.  We all know when you are there how different the experience and speed and distances are.

Also different parts of the world have totally different driving styles and norms.

In the UK we have very strong lane discipline for instance. Whilst living overseas one city I lived in it was the norm to run red lights.  You always held back a second when it went green.

Some countries driving looks totally random to the outsider but it works for the locals.

Whats normal for the spider is chaos to the fly.

This hobby is so dangerous at present. EUC's should be called BB's (bone breaker's).

But they are so much fun until they are not.


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