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Enough is Enough


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On 10/13/2022 at 11:32 PM, Funky said:

The market as whole is just dumb. People aren't far of being dumb also. (Sorry - not sorry, i call how it is.) :D 

We keep pre-ordering, exspecting getting out of box working wheels. But we already know.. EVERY single new wheel has first/second batch problems. Same for subpar build quality and right out not working as intended wheels. Yet we keep buying them. And by buying we keep saying: "it's okay, keep selling us subpar wheels" - we are used to that now.. But it's not right at all!

Same for market.. It seems we have forgot what EUC was meant to be - Last mileage device. You can't call them that anymore. EUC's are now fully blown substitute for car/motorcycle for some. Don't get me wrong - i love that!!! But manufacturers going bigger and bigger are simply wrong.. Same time quality goes down. They should think how to increase speed/power, but same time make the wheels lighter. We are going over ~110lbs already. How far will we go? At what speed/weight we will say it's enough?

I can't be the only one who thinks like that? :huh:

I got a question for you all.. What speed/weight/range would your ideal wheel be? And how much $$$ would it cost? (Try to be as realistic as possible in these 4 stats. - Thanks.)


My ideal wheel: 40mph(65kph) ~55lbs(~25kg) 50miles(80km).

Extra specs: 18x3" tire. No suspension. Water rating. Real smart BMS. No LCD screen. Metal inner frame. 2500-3000$

I agree

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2 hours ago, Funky said:

But the thing is, all those transports haven't changed much - if at all. Car same 4 wheels still. Bike same 2 wheels still. So on..

Euc seems technologically speaking "done". Same as all other transports. At least till we get something "new" - technological breakthrough.

Euc itself is done. Only thing that still is "early" - said population. Adoption rate is pretty early/small.

Cars haven't changed much since their invention??? Bikes??? Planes??? So... the Wright Brothers to the Boeing 777, not much improvement? Or to wander back on topic... Solowheel vs. Master Pro?

If you mean the characteristics that define each category (number of wheels, etc.), then no. Changing those things would make them something else. But the Model S is very different from the Model T :D

Eh. It doesn't really matter. One thing we certainly can't do is predict the future.

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On 11/12/2022 at 6:48 AM, UPONIT said:

One thing we certainly can't do is predict the future.

I can. We all will die at one point.

There will be society collapse at some point.

There will be point where governments will be so in debt, that rising regular goods prices won't do jack shit anymore. And people will simply stop working, because there will be no point working anymore, as you could not afford living anymore.


We are headed in very dark future... (Just check what is happening in the world over past few years.) We have no future..

Ups - Sorry. My third eye was open for few seconds..


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53 minutes ago, LowFlyingSquirrel said:

Lol US TSY issued record breaking amounts USD in the last couple years and the USD is up 30%. Maybe you've got it backwards. Anyway you shouldn't be concerned about Gov debt issued in its own sovereign currency, it's not the same as household debt. MMT explains it well.

Personally don't know about USD. But overall it's the same for all currencies..


Same time it's real "value" goes down.. 100 years ago or so 1$ was A LOT!!! Nowadays - it's nothing. Heck even 10$ is nothing.

Think about that. Last couple of years goods have became almost 2x in price. But salaries stay almost the same.

If you think we are headed into bright future. You're living in La La land. In one way i'm jealous of people who don't see how terrifyingly bad it's getting. :cry2:

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Standard of living is improving for a lot of people world wide. US standard of living has been enabled by exploitation, this is not justifiable or ethical. Currency shouldn't be a long term store of value and you're living in la la land if you don't think paying $1 in tax but getting $1.20 back isn't a good deal.

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20 minutes ago, Funky said:

100 years ago or so 1$ was A LOT!!! Nowadays - it's nothing. Heck even 10$ is nothing.

Think about that. Last couple of years goods have became almost 2x in price. But salaries stay almost the same.

Yes capitalist class are outperforming working class, I agree it's a problem.

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On 11/12/2022 at 10:47 AM, Funky said:

Till we get something "new" game changing.


Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen introduced the concept of entanglement in 1935.

Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance".

It has been proven to exist in subsequent experiments.


Chinese scientists currently have the record for successfully transmitting entangled photons the longest distance.

1200km (750 miles) between a satellite and Earth.

Thus far, the research is in transmitting information.

Real world applications is better communication networks, unhackable, secure, etc.


A game changer for the entire world would be discovering how to use entanglement' in quantum mechanics, to transmit energy wirelessly.

If achieved, no need for even solid state batteries.


Article from journal 'Nature'.


Published: 28 July 2016

Energy transmission using recyclable quantum entanglement


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4 hours ago, LowFlyingSquirrel said:

Standard of living is improving for a lot of people world wide. US standard of living has been enabled by exploitation, this is not justifiable or ethical. Currency shouldn't be a long term store of value and you're living in la la land if you don't think paying $1 in tax but getting $1.20 back isn't a good deal.

Good for you. For my it's first time hearing. :D (I don't live in USA.)

I would not say so. More and more people are going homeless and such. More people are struggling to make enough money to live somewhat "good" life. More people are getting in debts. Even students are getting rip-off by "learning" debts. And worst case he finishes "learning" and doesn't use any of what he learned in real world.. But debt still is there. Great life... You said it the best - exploitation.

As saying goes - nothing is free. If you pay 1$ "tax" and get back 1.20$ - i can bet my whole life on line that somehow you are getting rip-off. (More expensive health care, bigger bills, or somehow..)

Getting free money - for nothing.. Where can i sign up. :D 

Edited by Funky
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4 hours ago, LowFlyingSquirrel said:

Yes capitalist class are outperforming working class, I agree it's a problem.

Indeed, and sooner or later, there are no more poor people left to take advantage of, and what then to do for the rich?

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Covid - the perfect "escape" goat.

Yet again retarded world and people in power.. Sad thing everything he said was right. And laws/rules, etc are made by the rich. At the end it will only go down the rabbit hole.

I already don't see point in continuing living..

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19 hours ago, Funky said:

I can. We all will die at one point.

There will be society collapse at some point.

There will be point where governments will be so in debt, that rising regular goods prices won't do jack shit anymore. And people will simply stop working, because there will be no point working anymore, as you could not afford living anymore.


We are headed in very dark future... (Just check what is happening in the world over past few years.) We have no future..

Ups - Sorry. My third eye was open for few seconds..


Only your second sentence is inarguably true. And  I don't know if stating scientific fact counts as predicting the future...:D

I like to steer clear of fear and pessimism. The world has been in very dire straits before (many times), and managed to turn things around.

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On 10/13/2022 at 5:32 PM, Funky said:

I got a question for you all.. What speed/weight/range would your ideal wheel be? And how much $$$ would it cost?

speed: 25km/h (that is the legal limit where I live and I am fine with it)
weight: 14kg (a feasibility compromise, I wouldn't mind lighter)
range: 45km (750Wh)
cost: $2222 (depending on build quality)

More constructive parameters:
peak motor thrust: ~500N @ 25km/h for 1-2 seconds (= 100kg x 0.5 g and 3400 W)
tire width: 2.5"-3.0", diameter: ≥16" (bicycle norm, that is, rim diameter ≥305mm=12")
tire easily changeable

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1 hour ago, Mono said:

speed: 25km/h (that is the legal limit where I live and I am fine with it)
weight: 14kg (a feasibility compromise, I wouldn't mind lighter)
range: 45km (750Wh)
cost: $2222 (depending on build quality)

More constructive parameters:
peak motor thrust: ~500N @ 25km/h for 1-2 seconds (= 100kg x 0.5 g and 3400 W)
tire width: 2.5"-3.0", diameter: ≥16" (bicycle norm, that is, rim diameter ≥305mm=12")
tire easily changeable

Even if speed limit is 25km/h - you would want something "faster" just for safety. 35km/h would be perfect. (If you like to follow laws and never, never speed up past said 25km/h.) :whistling:

Even cars do quit a bit over the "law" speeds. Only thing bad is - if cops catch you doing it. :D 

I can see those speeds "limits" coming in my country also, when rules/laws are made for euc. Because E-scooters already have that 25km/h speed limit. Easiest thing to do is simply add EUC in same category and be done..

But i would still ride the same as i have been.. No people around going 35-40km/h. People around go 10-20km/h. And so on..

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57 minutes ago, Funky said:

Even if speed limit is 25km/h - you would want something "faster" just for safety.

I do not really, no, actually the opposite. I personally do not want to be able to go faster than 25km/h for safety reasons (that's the only reason why we have speed limits in the first place). And this is also why I specified the peak motor thrust @ 25km/h. In other words, the free spinning speed of the motor should be close to 50km/h such that I get maximal thrust for this motor (and maximal safety) at 25km/h.

57 minutes ago, Funky said:

Even cars do quit a bit over the "law" speeds. Only thing bad is - if cops catch you doing it. :D 

Not quite, much worse than getting caught by the cops is getting seriously injured. Chances for the latter increase pretty quickly with increasing speed. Motorcyclist fatalities are 3-30 times higher than cyclist fatalities (depending on where and how we measure), even when the latter wear no safety gear at all.

57 minutes ago, Funky said:

I can see those speeds "limits" coming in my country also, when rules/laws are made for euc. Because E-scooters already have that 25km/h speed limit. Easiest thing to do is simply add EUC in same category and be done..


57 minutes ago, Funky said:

But i would still ride the same as i have been.. No people around going 35-40km/h. People around go 10-20km/h. And so on..

people have different mileages for sure, that's why you made this poll in the first place.

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Max 25 kmph for a EUC is fine for doing tricks and trolling around in the city.   But for those who use it for daily transport more than just 10 miles, it's simply not fast enough.  If i can't go at 40-50 kmph on my EUC , my daily travel will "cost" me extra 1,5 hours daily wasted time.  And that is to much - might as well use a Speed Pedelec (ebike allowed to go 45 kmph) or just a conventional gasoline scooter (45 kmph)  both solutions pollute more than twice as much as the EUC.

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On 11/11/2022 at 5:53 PM, UPONIT said:

1) Nope. 2) You do if it makes you happy.:D 3) It's easy to think of reasons not to enjoy what you enjoy. Five minutes a week shouldn't stop you.

Yeah... I just want to ride without the maintenance and down time. My Sherman had a cracked axle and it was down for over 2 months. I'm going to make my OG Sherman my backup wheel and just get the Sherman S as my main wheel.

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On 11/13/2022 at 5:18 AM, Funky said:

I can. We all will die at one point.

There will be society collapse at some point.

There will be point where governments will be so in debt, that rising regular goods prices won't do jack shit anymore. And people will simply stop working, because there will be no point working anymore, as you could not afford living anymore.


We are headed in very dark future... (Just check what is happening in the world over past few years.) We have no future..

Ups - Sorry. My third eye was open for few seconds..


Lies... no 3rd eye needed... the data and reports are available. My opinion, all the "collapse" stem from one main thing... Global Change/Warming.

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1 hour ago, Robse said:

I [...] might as well use a Speed Pedelec

True, there is nothing wrong with that at all.

Some people want to use EUCs similarly to bicycles and some similarly to speed pedelecs and some..., and that's all perfectly fine (given they abide by the law, otherwise I sense a minor imperfection :innocent1:). That's why it's such a good idea to ask different people how their ideal wheel looks like (and we expect to get different answers).

3 hours ago, Robse said:

Speed Pedelec (ebike allowed to go 45 kmph) [...] pollute more than twice as much as the EUC.

Nope, they don't.

30 minutes ago, DragonFZ said:

My Sherman had a cracked axle [...]

Ouups! Abused or quality issues?

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6 minutes ago, Mono said:

Nope, they don't.


Then how much energy consumed pr. km for a 28 kg EUC with 2500 watt motor, going 40 kmph verus a Speed Pedelec going 40 kmph, same rider? Could we agree that double energy consumption = double pollution? 


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Perhaps the Pedelec bike and the EUC are not producing pollution per se...........but rather the generation of the electricity used to charge them has produced the pollution.

Therefore, a PEV that travels faster, presumably uses more electricity, and has indirectly contributed more to pollution.....

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1 hour ago, Paul A said:

Perhaps the Pedelec bike and the EUC are not producing pollution per se...........but rather the generation of the electricity used to charge them has produced the pollution.

Nailed it. It's astounding to me how people think they are saving the environment because the use electric vehicles. If you aren't charging it with a solar array on your roof than the electricity has to come from somewhere.  We also won't get into the mining process for the batteries if people are worried about the earth and saving it.

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