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Gotway McM5 V2 EUC Won't Power On After Crash


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My brand new Electric Unicycle(EUC) Gotway McM5 V2 won't start again after a cutout/crash going down a steep hill while fully charged on way to work. The tire will not free spin and feels like the brakes are still somewhat applied when it cutoff. It spins slowly and does not feel like there is rubbing but just motor working against me. I've tried to plug it back in, I thought the pedals were stuck leaning backwards but don't know what to do. Is there any way to reset it or anyone know how to repair?

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3 hours ago, Rramada said:

The tire will not free spin and feels like the brakes are still somewhat applied

Sounds like fried board.

Fully charged wheel going down hill....... I bet it got fried. Now you know - what not to do. :D Nvm, i learned something new?

Edited by Funky
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2 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Yes the blocked tire means your board is fried (or there is any other short, like melted cables). As it's new, contact your seller! This should be a warranty thing. First I ever heard of something frying when going down a hill, so maybe the board was not too good from the start.

You can also open it up to see where the damage lies (board or some cables).

This has nothing to do with overcharging, then it would just have beeped and shut off.

Thanks, that is very helpful. The wheel was purchased from EWheels. I'm waiting to be contacted by them to see if it's covered by the warranty. I Appreciate your help and will post results on what the issue is.

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It should be covered by warranty. Going down a steep hill, even slowly, isn't that much of an uncommon strain, and the MCM5 is a great hill climber, so the board could have been compromised. And ewheels are good with their support.

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Riding on hills is indented/regular euc use. So it should be covered by warranty 100%. Because the device was faulty.. Otherwise every euc would die - if they tried riding hills. :D 

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Update on what is happening.. Turns out E wheels support has suspected the same problem as you guys do. They immediately express shipped me a new board. Support also suggested that I purchase some inline fuses type 30s. I changed the new motherboard and when I went to swap the fuses I found 1 of the 2 we're charred black and burned out completely. One of the fuse prongs broke off inside of port so be careful if you are Swapping out a burnt fuse. Swapping both of fuses, Scooter works great as new again. Thanks for the support and information 

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