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Suggestion: avoid ultra long threads

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The King Song s18 thread is 176 pages long. I don’t think people can be expected to wade through all that to find the info they need. 

suggestion: let every topic be a new topic but add a link to a “master thread”. This will help topics remain fresh while also making related threads easier to find. 

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2 hours ago, 360rumors said:

suggestion: let every topic be a new topic but add a link to a “master thread”. This will help topics remain fresh while also making related threads easier to find. 

Imho starting more topics could help. But this could get messy too if topic titles are not perfectly descriptive again.

Personally i realized that searching this forum with google using the site search descriptor like:

site:forum.electricunicycle.org add here whatever you'd like to search for

leads to amazingly great matches - no matter if something is "hidden" in megathreads or in specific topics.

Maybe one has to try two three variations of ones search words to find specific posts...

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  • 7 months later...

 (From V13)

18 hours ago, Finn Bjerke said:

I hate the disorderly way the threads here are "organised"   WHy dont we debate relevant topics in new threads ... tis a bloody laff ... admijn ???

You're not alone...

On 8/27/2020 at 8:30 AM, Elliott Reitz said:
On 8/27/2020 at 4:58 AM, Chriull said:

Hi @All!

Please take a look at our following suggestion regarding this megatopic:

Here are many important informations and suggestions gathered - but hard (to impossible) to get them all/find relevant stuff!

Hopefully this can be improved so members interested can more easily get posts relevant for them and specific issues can be discussed/solved more efficient?!

I'm fine with there being an S18 megatopic.  Note that finding things isn't that hard here either.  For example, for this post I would search for:

S18 elbow


S18 shock psi

{+}ALSO note, without further sub-forum decomposition of the Kingsong forum into specific models, WTF do you expect?  That would be harder to find and there are other more general forums for things like the tire (with a little bit of appropriate cross posting).

Megatheads are a natural result of this forum software, where it is not practical for us to create EUC-model-specific subforums. Sorry. 

We encourage users to make new topics for specific discussion points. In this case (V13), especially when the discussion is not directly about the product launch itself. This megatopic is best for the day-by-day news of the new model; but will be a poor technical reference for future owners. For example: if you own a V13 and had a problem with it, better to search the Inmotion subforum for your problem, and if you don't find a topic for it already, start one.

Moderators can also help on a case-by-case basis, by moving posts from the megathread, to other new or existing topics. 


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  • 2 months later...

Please accept my apology for my future sarcasim.

These past few weeks of reading about the veteran patton have been rather confusing and sometimes, a complete waste of time.  If one has been reluctantly following (out of mild curiousity) any postings on the patton,  i hope yu are getting some important info from it.

I for one, am very strongly attracted to this compelling release from the people at veteran.  I was considering either a v11 or the ex30 (with some reservations) but both are a compromise in some form and those choices really did not give me a wheel that would represent me getting value for my lonely dollar.

Now, we have the veteran patton.  If i strip away all the f'ing hype, the numerous accolades and admirations,  this wheel seems to fit my requirements for my next wheel.

All i want to read about are relevant information regarding the riding performance (minus the f'ing never ending objective versus subjective opinions) and regular maintenance of the device.  Thats all i want.

Please  please dont missunderstand this posting as a rant....i do enjoy the ongoing patton threads.  But at the same time, dont over post over moot points and observations.  Thats all im concerned with.

Wish you all the best for the coming riding season for 2023.  And perhaps, may be, i may be enjoying it on my patton as well !!!


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