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Are there any 2022 news on Inmotion V13 Raptor ?

Finn Bjerke

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If I were Inmotion, I would make a new board with bigger (TO-247 or bigger) mosfets. Needed to "fix" the V12 anyways imho.

So maybe that's what they are doing, and the V13 is delayed due to that?

This is pure speculation. They sure could tell what is going on.

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17 hours ago, Nostris said:

TBH…I’m not actually convinced the problem is a…Defective Design.  If it was, surely all the V12’s would be cutting out…and obviously this is not the case.. Guys like the famous WrongWay Adam, Chooch and others, wring the necks of their V12’s….riding them far harder than 99% of people would…and they have suffered no problems. I am far more of the opinion that some wheels were assembled with weak mosfets, that then fail. 

A defective design doesn't necessarily mean all units will result in failure.

Let me give you an example. The Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards requires the speedometer accuracy to be +x%. The actual percentage is something like +10% let say. The actual value is not important here. Notice, it doesn't say plus or minus 5 %. Also, it doesn't mean that to be in compliance, all speedometers would have to indicate a speed above the actual vehicle speed; note that a very, very small percentage could theoretically still indicate below. Also, no manufacturing process is 100% accurate. There are always variabilities in manufacturing processes. The tolerance is to account for this. 

Let say a speedometer design with a tolerance of +4 or -1 was manufactured and installed in new cars. That would constitute a defective design. Although, only a small fraction more speedometers would indicate below the actual speed, that design will be deemed defective. 

Before I continue, I need to touch lightly on the concept of Quality Control. In mass production, not every unit is required to be tested in order to ensure quality This is where the science of Quality Control comes in. A large part of the science of QC is borrowed from the Probability and Statistics branches of mathematics. One facet of QC is to monitor operational range and check that it is within specs.  A sufficiently large sample size of units are tested to create QC charts for monitoring and control. These charts use statistical models to model the variations in the manufacturing processes. Furthermore, there is an inverse relationship between sample size and margins. And here lies the telltale in Inmotion driver board crisis. If the margin is smaller, the sample size has to be larger. They asked that every V12 from all batches to be spin-tested. This would indicate the margin was too small, and thus constitute a design defect. The level of confidence is so low that each unit has to be tested. In other words, if by chance a unit passes the spin test, that unit should be good.

To address your last question, if it was only a few under spec'ed mosfets, why do all units from all batches need to be tested?

Edited by techyiam
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  • 2 months later...

Madpack believes or hopes he will get a demo V13 juli 2022, I believe it's wishful thinking. Afeez says "80% chance we will see V13 in 2022." 

Source of info are YouTube videos and comments. 

The V12 ht is not here yet, so why should we get V13 so soon.? 

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1 hour ago, Finn Bjerke said:

Madpack believes or hopes he will get a demo V13 juli 2022, I believe it's wishful thinking. Afeez says "80% chance we will see V13 in 2022." 

Source of info are YouTube videos and comments. 

The V12 ht is not here yet, so why should we get V13 so soon.? 

Inmotion promised us information about V13 earlier this year, but we haven't received it yet. We will probably get information before someone gets a demo of the V13 and after that it will be a long time before the V13 is available to purchase.

We will probably see a demo of the V13 this year and given the V12 issues, the V13 will actually be on sale in the spring of 2023.

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9 hours ago, Wolverine said:

Inmotion promised us information about V13 earlier this year, but we haven't received it yet. We will probably get information before someone gets a demo of the V13 and after that it will be a long time before the V13 is available to purchase.

We will probably see a demo of the V13 this year and given the V12 issues, the V13 will actually be on sale in the spring of 2023.

The PR department had a mofset issue and bricked. Their control board will be replaced when supply chain catches up and then we will hear about it. 

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