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Addicted to the wheel!

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I was thinking how much fun I have been having with all my Unicycles including a manual unicycle where you have to actually balance yourself without a motor, yea imagine that! It seems like anytime I have a free moment I jump on my wheel for a quick spin, its such a rush and relaxing at the same time! Is it just me or do you all think this is very addictive? Give me your thoughts.. and check out this video on some of my wheels.. 



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Reminds me of my first and second year, and once a week in summer. It's very nice. But 99% it's a tool for me now, like a car etc.

Respect the beep and max speed. Don't let your love for the machine overestimate its ability to throw you into the ground. A 30km/h cutout is enough to get an injury that you'll carry residual pain from, for the rest of your life (regardless of protective gear).

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Personally riding isn't a means of transportation per se mainly cos I live in the snow belt besides the extreme deep freeze. That said, I do know of some wheelers (ya talking about you Terry @winterwheel) that defies snow, rain, heat & gloom of night!!! 👍. However comparatively, I'm a wuss so 'nuff said🤫

Most I do is some light groceries round the hood. Mainly my wheels are my lockdown antidote. I need a fix almost daily to ensure whats left of my sanity remains. Its my one source of joie de vivre in these dark times. Can't wait til the weather allows some offroad expeditions so I can hone more of my skills.

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In getting interested with PEVs, I started with Scooters, then OneWheel, then EUCs.


My main reason was somewhat of a last mile commuting need, but has ended up being a device to just cruise around with and explore when I'm in a new area. It has also allowed me to spend more time with family as we explore new areas together. EUCs in general I love because it combined the portability of the Scooter with the hands free freedom of the OneWheel. The range and power (specifically uphill torque rather than speed) is amazing.


Respecting the speed is a must for me. I got into an accident on my scooter slipping on some fallen leaves that left me with some semi permeant facial scarring, so I'm always wearing full gear and watching speed and terrain. Getting too old to recover from even the smallest falls.

Edited by TheSlyGiraffEV
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Wheels changed everything for me, especially in COVID times. I love being able to order a coffee from a place three blocks away, grab it and be back at my desk in five minutes. I'd never take the car to do that and similar micro-errands. And on foot it would take closer to half an hour, more time than I can take out of the workday.

For similar reasons I know my neighborhood and the city much better than I used to. Driving around one only sees a few of the main streets. But when you wheel 50kms or so around town every week go you get get to see everything, up close and personal. 


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